Vic Vaughn is Vicious by J.A. Huss


The phone rings on Friday morning and I tap accept in a state of half-slumber. “Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?” I ask.


Oh, shit. I open my eyes and blink. “Uh. Hey there, sis. Don’t tell your mom I said the F-word. I’m just really fucking tired and it’s really fucking early.”

“No problem.”

I yawn. Loudly. “So. What’s up?”

“Can I stay the whole weekend at the farm? They’re picking up goats today. Baby goats, Vicious. I need these in my life.”

Fucking kid. She’s so damn cute. But she’s been doing this daily since we dropped her off on Tuesday. Every afternoon Daisy calls to ask if she wants to get picked up and Vivi puts it off another day. “What did your mom say?”

“She doesn’t know yet. I don’t think she’ll want me to. She probably misses me. But the pool party, Vicious. I really want to go to the pool party on Sunday.”

“Ya know what? I want to go to the pool party too. So you could always come home, then—hear me out—we could all go up to Ronnie’s farm on Sunday together.”

“What part of baby goats didn’t you understand?” She gets a little attitude in her voice and I can just see her planting a hand on her hip. “Vicious, I’m desperate for baby goats. I will die a horrible death today if I do not get to play with baby goats before lunch.”

God, I love her. But her logic is lacking. “Won’t they still be babies on Sunday?”

“Why are you so mean?”

I actually laugh as I rub my eyes. “I’ll talk to your mom. I’m gonna see her after her last final. She’ll call you and let you know. But we’ll be there on Sunday for the party.”

“Cool. You’re a pretty nice dad, you know that?”

“You just said I was mean.”

“That’s a tactic, Vicious. That’s what kids say when they want to get their way. Weren’t you ever a kid?”

“Nope. I was born with boots on.”

She giggles. “You’re a liar. I think I saw pictures of you as a kid in the hallway.”

“Maybe. But it’s just as likely you saw pictures of Pops or Gramps.”

Now she sighs. “I like your house.”

“I like my house too. It’s mostly a disaster, but it’s our disaster, right?”

“Am I gonna live there?”

“I dunno. I would love it if you did, but your mom has an independent streak.”

“What’s that mean?”

“You know. She’s…”


“Mmm. Not the word I was going for. She’s just self-sufficient. That means she can take care of herself.”

“And me.”

“And you.”

“She can take care of you too.”

“I think you’re right.”

“So we should all live together.”

“I would actually love that. But you gotta be patient. I just met you six days ago.”

“That was the best day of my life. Oh, my gosh. Are you feeding my fish?”

“Yep,” I say, jumping out of bed, running down the hall, and skidding to a stop in the princess room to make sure the damn fish are still alive.

They are. I sprinkle some flakes in there as I talk. “They’re doing just fine.”

“You just fed them, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, you caught me.”

“I can hear the bubbling of the pump. Next time, put me on mute.”

She’s so amazing. “But they really are fine. So. Let me talk to your mom after her test and then, you know, just have fun with the goats.”

“Thank you, Vicious. Bye.”

“Later, kid.”

The call drops and I just stare at my phone for a moment. I really do love her. And I know she’s not supposed to be cool because she’s my kid, but she’s so fucking cool.

I find Daisy’s contact in my phone and press send.

She answers, half asleep. “Hello?”

“It’s me. You awake?”

“Mmmhmm.” She’s not.

“What time is your final?”

“Oh, my God. What time is it?”


“Why are you calling me at six-thirty?” Then I can actually hear her come to attention. “What’s wrong? Is it Vivi? Did she get hurt?”

“No. Relax. She’s fine. She just called me and asked to stay the weekend so she can play with baby goats.”

Daisy sighs and again, I can hear it when she relaxes and begins to drift back to sleep. “Can we talk about this later?”

“Wait, what time is your final? I’m gonna pick you up after, so take the bus to school today.” She’s silent, and for a moment I think she really did go back to sleep. “Daisy?”

“I’m thinking.”

“About what?”

“Goats and trucks. Why do I have to take the bus?”

“We’re going on a date.”

“Oh.” Now I can hear her smile. “Don’t we need a truck to do that?”



I wait for her to add to that, but she doesn’t. “Daisy. Goats?”






“Eleven-fifteen. Got it. What building are you in?”

She pauses. This girl likes her shut-eye. “Um.”

“This little sleepy routine? It’s hot.”

She laughs.

“If I was there with you right now, I’d find a way to wake you up slowly.”


“You bet. We got it.”

“No.” She laughs again. “I mean, yes. But I’m in the chemistry building for this final.”

“OK. Wait for me out front. Promise?”


“Go back to sleep then.”


She ends the call and I just stand there in the princess room thinking, Damn, I got lucky.