Vic Vaughn is Vicious by J.A. Huss


I am booked.


Only this time, they are not fucking around and I’m put in solitary confinement for my own protection. Apparently, I’m a terrorist.

“This is bullshit!” I yell.

But no one comes to the door. No one fucking cares.

And why should they? I’m just the local lowlife who got caught with a cache of weapons in the back of his fully-functional cyber-command-center van after spending five days doing black ops training with a bunch of dudes who are a hundred times scarier than I’ve ever been.

I didn’t say shit when they booked me. I know better.

But here’s something else I know: This was all Lucille. Somehow, some way, she heard about what Bobby and I were doing in the mountains.

She did this.

She hates me. Just like everyone else. Only her hate has been lingering. Festering. Building to a crescendo until she finally found herself in the right place at the right time to get her revenge.

Professor Lucille Lancaster, the mayor’s wife, is an imposter. She is not some high-cultured rich lady with polite manners and a huge mansion. She’s just. Like. Me.

I have no idea what Jeeves was talking about with that whole Moran phone call, or why the fuck he was tracking me with a drone that day, but it probably doesn’t matter. Because it’s been four days and I haven’t even heard from my lawyer.

Maybe I don’t even have a lawyer?

I got one phone call that first night. I called home. But Gramps answered and my five minutes were up before I could even convince him to go wake up Pops.

Family isn’t coming to rescue me. Not that they could. No bail. Jeeves was right. And no visitation, either.

So. Yeah. That’s where I’m at.

I am so going to prison for this.

Not the terrorist thing. I’m not a fucking terrorist.

It’s gonna be way worse than that if this makes it all the way to a jury. Because Bobby and I were up to some pretty secret shit up in those mountains. But it’s not me these people need to be afraid of.

It’s the man running the operation who will unleash a shitstorm if this ever goes to trial.