Tempted Hero by Ella Miles



Standingin the center of the stage with all eyes on me, I get an ominous feeling. Applause breaks out as Stan, one of the elders, speaks next to me, continuing the ceremony. Not just polite applause, but genuine, enthusiastic applause. Not days before, this crowd was cheering on Caius and booing me.

Something’s not right. I just can’t figure out what.

It doesn’t matter. Soon I’ll have the power to do what I want, to find out the exact lengths people in the Retribution Kings went to betray me and to decide what I will do to extract retribution.

The ceremony so far has been fancier than the queen of England’s coronation. I wasn’t expecting the elegance since there was such short notice. But there are flowers, music, and a damn crown sitting on my head like they truly believe I’m their king. It’s all ridiculous if you ask me.

“And now for the vows,” Stan says.

I’ve already said vows, but I’m expected to say more now? He hands me a card with the words I’m supposed to say.

The words speak of loyalty, honor, and retribution. These are the same words I’ve already spoken.

I speak them again, but this time when I get to the part about getting retribution for Odette, there is a time limit on it.

One month.

I have one month to get retribution to keep my power.

I finish my vows with as much conviction as I can muster.

And then Stan says, “If you break any of your vows, you will die. We will all be forced to take retribution against you.” He turns to the crowd. “Do you vow to ensure Beckett Monroe upholds his vows? And if he doesn’t, do you vow to seek retribution against him in the ultimate form—death?”

The crowd chants back, “We do.”

Chills creep down my spine when he attaches Monroe to my name. Monroe is Odette’s name, not mine. I would have gladly taken it if she were alive, but now, it feels wrong.

I don’t know why I’m focusing on the new name they call me when I should be focusing on the vow just taken by this crowd. This entire room of over a hundred people will turn against me if I break my vow. A vow that ensures I kill Ri. I don’t have a choice if I want to live.

Ri killed Odette, so of course, I want to kill her for what she’s done.

But why don’t I tell them I already know who killed her? I can do something about it right here, right now. I could extract vengeance tonight, not in a month.

I want to know why. I want to hear from Ri’s lips why she took Odette from me. Then, I’ll kill her without a second thought.

Yes, that’s the only reason for my hesitation.

“And now for the tattoo. It is tradition for our leader to have his placed over his heart,” Stan says.

Of course. A life or death vow isn’t enough; I should have it marked on my skin forever.

But I’m not going to argue about a damn tattoo. I grab the back of my shirt and pull it over my head. I feel the watchful eyes of the crowd staring at my bare chest and my residual limb. They can see every scar, every broken piece of me, every demon I battle. They can see it all marked on my body.

A low female whistle cuts through the crowd.

“Someone likes what they see,” Stan jokes and everyone chuckles. “I’m sure Beckett will be looking for a new wife soon enough, but let him get settled into the new role first.”

New wife.

Of course, they would want me to marry again. I try to keep disgust off my face. I don’t care what they want. I don’t care what anyone wants. I won’t be marrying ever again. I won’t let myself fall in love again. I’ve been burned too many times.

A table is brought to the stage, and I lie down on it while a middle-aged woman pulls up a small rolling stool next to me, tattoo gun in her hand.

I don’t notice a template of the tattoo. “Are you going to do this freestyle?”

She smiles at me. “I’ve done dozens of these tattoos. Don’t worry, I won’t ruin your beautiful chest. I could do this tattoo in my sleep.”

I look up at the ceiling—beams and ducts and darkness so far away I can barely make them out. I focus on the nothingness as her tattoo gun marks my skin. I can barely feel the pain, even as she injects ink over my sternum and heart. I feel nothing.

I have to kill Ri or they’ll kill me.

What have I gotten myself into?

Why do I hesitate at all? She should already be dead.

What am I missing?

The questions pour out of me over and over. Each piercing stab of the tattoo gun elicits more questions from me.

It’s just because you’ve fucked her. It’s not real emotion, it’s just lust. Maybe if I fuck her again, I’ll get her completely out of my system?

Or maybe she’ll dig her claws deeper into my heart.

“Finished,” the woman says, holding out a mirror to me.

I look down at my chest.

There’s a black crown in the center of my chest, an exact replica of the ones I’ve seen on the rest of the guys. Somehow with the shadowing work, the crown looks scary and menacing, like it has a life of its own.

“Do you like it? Anything you want me to change?”

My entire life, but I shake my head no.

She quickly gives me a sheet of instructions about how to care for the tattoo, and then I put my shirt back on.

The crowd once again cheers as Stan concludes the ceremony. Quickly, I walk off stage.

Gage quickly finds me the second I’m off stage, walking toward me with intent.

I frown. Is he going to disobey my orders now that I’m in charge? It would be foolish, when I have the entire Retribution Kings at my disposal.

“This better not be about what I think it is,” I growl.

“It’s about Ri.”

No one is close enough to hear us, although I see the rest of the guys approaching.

“Not here,” I command and shoulder past him.

But he doesn’t follow me. He grabs my arm, determined to tell me whatever it is that will most likely get him killed.

“She’s in trouble.”