Becoming Mila by Estelle Maskame

Thank You

Thank you a million times over to my readers for being such amazing champions of Mila and Blake even before ever reading their story, and for supporting every step forward I take in my writing journey.

Thank you so, so, so much to all of the team at Black & White Publishing for being the greatest publishing team I could ever wish to have behind me since the very beginning. Thank you to my editors, Emma Hargrave, Janne Moller and Alice Latchford, for your guidance and expertise. Special thanks to Campbell Brown and Alison McBride for continuing to make possible my dream of having my name on bookshelves.

So much love for my closest friends for keeping me sane. Rachael Lamb, Heather Allen, Rhea Forman and Bethany Stapley: thanks for the road trips for ice cream, endless cups of tea, and true friendships that I cherish.

But most importantly, thank you to those who make my world shine brighter:

My mum, Fenella, for all of the amazing memories we continue to make together.

My dad, Stuart, for always reminding me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

My sidekick, Bear, for filling me with joy whenever you look at me with your little puppy eyes.

My best friend, Rachael, for being the person I laugh the hardest with.

My granda, George, for being equally as stubborn as me, but who I wouldn’t change for the world.

My grandma, Fenella, for always being so full of warmth and love.

My sister, Sherilyn, for being the strongest person I’ve ever known.

And my nephew, Anders, for always being the shining light at the end of every tunnel.