The Enemy Trap by Maren Moore


Maren’s first book was more of a success than I could’ve ever hoped for! Thank you so much.

When I decided to create my Maren pen name, I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if there was a market for it, I wasn’t sure if any of my other readers would come over to the light side with me. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to write Romcom the way that I do my dark stuff.

But, I decided to do it anyway.

And I am so glad that I didn’t let fear stop me.

As always, I want to thank my team for going above and beyond. I truly believe that without them, I wouldn’t be able to function.

Jac,you are a ray of light in my life, and quite honestly the best PA on the planet, even if I am a bit bias. You run my life seamlessly, and make everything so easy. Thank you for all of your hard work, and dedication to making my books what they are. I love you!

Katie,my plot fairy. You know how dire you are to my process. I can’t live without you. Love you!

Haley, my beta and the sweetest friend on the planet. I appreciate you so very much. Thank you for helping me make this book what it is!

Alexandria, my spicy little Canadian. I just adore you. Your feedback is so vital to making sure my books are what they are and I can’t imagine my team without you on it. ILY!

Jos,my hype girl, so much love to you babe! For inspiring me for a future book you have no idea about yet ;)

Elijah,my best babe, for inspiring me ENDLESSLY with your graphics, even when I tell you literally nothing about an idea, and you help me bring it to life. You are my sounding board, and I love you!

Karen & Mia, my girls forever. I’m not sure what I would do without either of you. I love you both so much.

Rach, Britt, Shawna, Jes, Kristina- I found my tribe with you, and I’m keeping you.

To my street team, and to my Facebook group Give Me Moore. Thank you for all of the hard work that you do. You share, repost, comment and hype my books and it is so very much appreciated.

And as always, thank you to the readers who pick this up and take a chance on me. Whether you loved or hated it, the fact that you took the chance means everything. Without you, our world wouldn’t turn.