Lucky Baby by Taryn Quinn


I wasn’tsure what to do with a trembling Tish Burns in my arms. She was usually all crackle and movement. In a rush to be somewhere else as if her body was too tuned up to stay stationary.

For the first time, she felt small and fragile.

Part of me wanted to roar and slash at anyone coming at her and then there was the other half of me who wanted to run. To scrape off the feelings clinging to me like mud off a boot.

But they were here to stay.

There was no doubt in my mind that her initials were carved into my chest like an old oak. I could say with complete certainty no one had ever been important enough to scratch the surface let alone scoop out bone. Especially a persnickety female who would probably skin me alive for these hugs when she got herself straight.

For now, I’d enjoy her cinnamon and coffee scent. I also appreciated that I didn’t have to bend myself in half to hug her, a true pleasure for a man nearly six and a half feet tall in work boots. But my Valkyrie, with braid included today, was perfect for me. I could barely tuck her under my chin.

Before she could get prickly on me, I took her hand again and drew her back toward the road so we could get the hell out of here. I glanced back to make sure she was with me. The silvery tracks of her tears through her makeup shredded me in ways I couldn’t fathom right now.

“I’m wearing heels, pal.”

I slowed a bit, but we still hurried across the street to the diner. I bustled her into the truck and slammed the door, then ran around to my side.

She gave me that almost smile. “When I said get me out of here, I didn’t really mean Avengers-style, Thor.”

I flushed. “Yeah, well, I don’t do well with female tears.”

She rolled her eyes. “It was a memorial.”

“For a dude you hated.”

Maybe. Jury was on the fence on that one.

She scrunched down in her seat and crossed her arms. “I don’t hate my brother.”

I chirped the wheels as I bounced over the curb to head off the traffic that was starting to come out of the firehouse. She might not hate her brother, but I’d witnessed the quick slice of pain from his indifference. I knew there was more to the story.

Guilt and sorrow what been stacked as high as my Viking princess in that room.

At least the tears had faded. I was much more comfortable with the surprise lighting her features as she grabbed her seatbelt and clipped it in place.

I gunned the engine to get out of the city traffic, turning off one of the back roads. I’d looked at maps on my phone while she got ready. It had been awhile since I’d been in Connecticut, but I’d hoped to lure her into taking a nice drive after the memorial.

Now it looked like we were going for a full-fledged escape. And I was here for it.

“Where are you taking me?”

“A little spot I know.”

“We’re in the middle of Connecticut.”

“Remember that whole roadie thing?”

She sighed. “Is that going to be a name drop all the time now?”

“I’ll ignore the catty comments since you’re having a bad day.”

“Big of you.” She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I remember your time with the famous Flynn Sheppard.”

I shook my head. “Well, he didn’t like to be boxed in. We knew where to find open spaces in damn near every state.”

She grabbed her sweater out of the backseat. “I don’t care where you take me, just as long as it’s far from here.” She bunched up her sweater and shoved it against the window as a pillow then turned away from me.

That damn dress was going to end me. It stretched across her bitable ass and clung to her hips. She kicked off her shoes and curled her knees up under the skirt of the dress. A soft black cocoon created for her to totally withdraw into herself.

I’d hoped to have a little longer before she shut down, but I’d just have to rely on the views from the road.

I headed toward the water and left the music on low. Sure enough, she hadn’t been lying on the soundless sleep. I kept looking over to see if she was awake or not.

But the steady rise of her shoulders told me she was sleeping off the heavy day. I couldn’t blame her. The blank look in her brother’s eyes had cut at me, and I didn’t even know him.

The other men in her life had stared me down like I was a tick on their beloved dog. The older man with the gray hair who looked like he led a motorcycle gang scared me the most. Second only to the brother who bore the same features and temperament. The one in the suit, Rhett, was the only one who hadn’t made me feel immediately unwelcome.

I didn’t have all the details on her family situation, but there had definitely been shock on their faces to see me with Ruby. Was it because I was a lumberjack-looking dude or because I was simply a male? Maybe she was as solitary as she seemed.

As I drove, my gaze returned to her again and again.

I should’ve encouraged her to check in with them, make sure they knew she was okay, but letting her rest seemed more important than giving her family the 411 on her whereabouts.

Since she’d passed out so thoroughly, I opted for a place a bit closer to Crescent Cove. If I pushed it, I could probably get us back home, but I was pretty sure she needed the quiet time. Knowing my Ruby, she’d disappear into her workshop instead of letting herself mend. And I was pretty sure the healing view was worth it.

We were driving into the sun, my belly reminding me I hadn’t had lunch. I’d already raided the club sandwiches I’d ordered from the diner. Ruby barely moved.

Then again, she probably hadn’t slept well last night after that phone call with her brother.

Twice in two days, I’d seen behind the curtain. Her tough girl side was definitely her default setting. It was sexy as hell—especially when she was grouchy—but the clawing pain in those doe eyes had about done me in.

Rest and more rest was on the menu tonight, whether she liked it or not.

I rolled down the window as I sailed through the mouth of the park. It was the off-season, but there were enough people around to take in the seasonal changes that I had to check in for a campsite.

I asked for one off the beaten path. It was too late to hike up into the area with waterfall views, but we’d be able to hear the water from where we were parked.

Driving over the uneven roads should have jostled her awake, but she was seriously deep under.

I parked in the middle of an open field. Trees surrounded us in red, gold, and perpetual pine green. Leaves dusted the grass, attesting to the lateness of the season. The air had the tang of fall laced with the nearby waterfall. An achingly blue sky was already starting to darken in deference to the shorter days.

Shrugging out of my dress shirt, I tossed it into the backseat before I got out and leaped into the truck bed. I always kept my camping gear stashed in my truck. I never knew when I’d have the urge to disappear for a few days. With Caleb becoming more and more unavailable, there wasn’t much to keep me around unless I was working.

I pulled out my gear from my waterproof locker. I was a big guy, so I’d had to special order an air mattress that could handle me. I rolled it out, but held off on blowing it up since that would definitely wake up Ruby.

I skipped the tent cap. A clear night was in the forecast, and the subzero sleeping bags would keep us cozy. Maybe we’d even get to share a little body heat if I was lucky.

The real star of the show would be sleeping under the stars, and maybe, just maybe, it would help get her out of her thoughts.

I glanced through the back window and saw her head suddenly pop up.

She looked out the front then the window on her side of the truck before turning around. Sleep creases marred her smooth skin, her makeup had smudged under her eyes, and her braid was coming loose.

My Ruby was too goddamn beautiful for words.

She stumbled out of the cab of the truck with a litany of suggestive ways to fuck someone sideways. I was willing to volunteer to help her out there. I wasn’t sure what it said about me that I got turned on by her surly nature.

She slammed the door and gave me a menacing look.

I opened the sliding window and fished the air mattress pump cord through. “Hey, can you plug that in?”

She put her hands on her hips. “Where the hell are we?” She frowned at the line of trees before whipping her gaze back to me. “Did you bring me out here to murder me? It feels very murdery out here.”

I laughed. “At a campsite?”

“Hello, Crystal Lake was a sleepover camp. Didn’t stop those kids from getting killed.”

“So, we aren’t going to watch scary movies while we camp out?”

“Do I look like the kind of girl who camps out?”

“You look like the kind of girl who can handle anything.”

Her jaw dropped for a moment, and no words seemed to form. Her dark eyes flashed confusion, frustration, and then back to anger. “Ugh.” She stomped back to the cab of the truck and climbed in. She yanked the cord, looked around, then found my charger.

She backed out and whirled around. “Is there a bathroom?”

I reached into the locker and came up with biodegradable wipes. “Wherever you want, Ruby.”

“Dear God.” She huffed out a half laugh. “Where are the other campers?”

“I figured you’d want some privacy. We’re all alone out here.”

“Murdery,” she reiterated.

“Nah. If I wanted to murder you, I could have done it while you were sleeping.” I pressed my hands against my cheek and closed my eyes. “Sleeping so soundly.”

“Ass.” She shielded her eyes against the dying sun streaming across the field. Slowly, the tension rolled off her shoulders. She drew in a long, deep breath, then shifted toward me. “I’m hungry.”

I grinned down at her. “We’ve got your cooler of goodies, and I saved you a sandwich from the diner.”

“Thank God.” She opened the door again and pulled out her bag. She dropped it on the grass then whipped her dress off.

I was so shocked I stumbled and almost fell out of the truck.

She raised a brow at me. “Like you’ve never seen a pair of tits.”

“I haven’t seen yours yet.” Her smoky gray bra was see-through, giving me a glimpse of small pink nipples.

She yanked out a sweatshirt from her bag and pulled it on. The bottom half of her was outlined in opaque black stockings that showed every damn line of her ass and legs. She went out of view as she leaned against the bench seat to pull on her leggings from earlier.

I took that opportunity to try to breathe without attaching my mouth to the air pump for some added assistance.

When she showed up next to the truck bed again, she had on a pair of thick socks. Even those made her hotter.

I was a sick, horny puppy.

“Is this your usual seduction scene?”

I glanced at the now firm air mattress. I’d zipped two sleeping bags together for maximum warmth and movement. “I can’t say I’ve never had sex on an air mattress, but that wasn’t the intention.”

She folded her arms on the side of the truck and set her chin on her arms. “I haven’t had sex on an air mattress. We’ll see how it goes once you feed me.” She peered down at the end where the tailgate was open. “How do I get up there?”

My brain went fuzzy after she said maybe we’d have sex.

She pushed away from the truck and trailed her fingertips along the side panel as she walked to the tailgate. “Guess it’s a good thing you have such a big…truck.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d struggled to catch up when a woman was so obviously flirting. Well, flirting for Tish anyway.

She pushed up her sleeves and was about to hop onto the tailgate when I finally snapped out of it. I reached the end of the truck bed in one long stride and held my hand out for her. She tipped her head and gave me a long look before we locked hand to arm and I hauled her up. She was solid and soft at the same time.

I slid my arm around her back, but she slipped away. “Food first, Thor.”

Before she could escape, I hauled her right back, trapping her hand against my chest. “Are you taunting me, Ruby?”

Her lids lowered over her eyes until they were mere slits. “I don’t taunt and I don’t tease.”

I lifted her up on the air mattress, giving her a slight height advantage. Her eyes flared to life, so dark I couldn’t tell what was going on in that head of hers.

Our lips hovered mere millimeters apart. The click of a mint rattling around in her mouth made me ache for that bite of flavor.

Her tongue swiped over her bottom lip and that was all it took. Whatever patience I’d had left vanished.

My hand slid across her lower back, diving under the loose hem of her sweatshirt. Heat and smooth skin were my rewards. She shivered lightly, but her gaze was fixated on my mouth.

“Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

Her gaze tracked to mine. A deluge of emotions flickered in her eyes. Surprise, want, apprehension—they all tumbled together in a kaleidoscope of frustration.

Then her mouth was on mine.

My other hand cupped the back of her neck as I tried to wrangle the inferno of passion between us. With the height of the air mattress giving her an inch on me, she snatched the tiny imbalance of power.

Her nails dug into my chest just as her tongue snaked inside my mouth. Searching and finding all the little pieces that would lead to my destruction. She tangled with my tongue, then gave a feral smile as she nipped the tip before curling around to ease the hint of pain.

I was used to being the aggressor in a kiss. The first few steps of the dance between vertical and horizontal were important to see if I needed to lead or follow.

Here there was no following. There was only surrender.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders. The wisps of her loosening braid lifted in the breeze and curled around us like a crackling fire.

I let her have the upper hand—welcomed it because that meant I could touch her. I’d been starving for her skin, her taste, her scent. My hands slid down to grip her ass and to lightly mold and stroke.

She rocked against me, frustration and impatience humming between us. She fisted my hair, moving my head to the angles she wanted. The kisses somehow went deeper, with lashing tongues trying to fight for dominance. Her clever teeth nipped at my lower lip as her lids lifted to watch.

Her sudden smile—bright and full voltage for once—had my dick knocking against her belly. She was always beautiful, even with the sadness she’d been carrying around like a knapsack. But now with the sunset haloing the fiery and potent woman underneath the emotions that had rocked her—I didn’t have a single defense.

She was the Valkyrie whose power had punched me in the chest the first time we met. Instead of irritation, there was nothing but want shimmering off of her.

For me.

“Fuck,” I said against her mouth and went back for another taste. The mint got in my way and I captured it with my teeth, pulling away long enough to get rid of it. “Just your taste. I can’t get enough of it.”

Teeth clicked as we tore at the clothes between us. I let her go to drag off her sweatshirt and went right for the tight tips trying to blast through the flimsy bra. She pulled my hair, and I wasn’t sure if it was to stop me until I let go of her hard nipple.

She growled and arched her back to get me back where she wanted me. I was more than happy to oblige. I reached around to find the snap and flicked it open with one hand. The other was too busy plucking at the nipple I couldn’t get to.

I needed two mouths to take in all I wanted from her. Greed sliced at me, making me rough. The bra fell away, and my beard left red slashes across her water-soft skin.

When I backed off to let her get her bearings, she growled, “Is that all you’ve got, Thor?”

No bearings needed here.

I tossed the bra aside and cupped her breasts, staring up at her as I scraped my teeth over her silky skin to suck one of the tips into my mouth. I sucked strongly enough to feel my own heartbeat roar in my ears.

Her head fell back as she sunk her nails into my biceps. “More.”

“Like this.” I twirled my tongue around one nipple, then the other until the soft pink bloomed a deep red.

“I don’t want soft kisses,” she panted, fisting my hair to drag my mouth to hers. The kiss was close to violent with need. I tasted blood on my tongue. “Make me feel anything other than sad and mad.”

A pang of something I didn’t want to identify hit me sideways. Was she just using me? Did I care?

I hated that I was pretty sure I did.

But this was about her right now. And I’d be whatever she needed.

I tugged her off the air mattress into the slim space along the side of the truck bed. I turned her around until her back was flush with my front then nudged her braid to the side. “Like this?” I scored the column of her neck, my tongue sliding over her racing pulse.

I bit into the soft skin between her shoulder and her neck. The tendons of muscle vibrated like a guitar string under my teeth. I covered her breasts with my big hands, alternating softly cupping them with merciless pulls on each nipple.

Moving up to her ear, I sucked the lobe into my mouth, flicking my tongue along the sensitive skin there. She shook in my arms. “Think I can make you come with just this?” I plucked and rolled the tight little points of her breasts.

Her ass ground against the front of my jeans. “Can I make you come with just my ass against your cock?”

I groaned into her ear. It could happen. I hadn’t come in my damn pants since I was a boy. But if anyone could drag me over the edge without an actual touch, it would be Ruby.

Her hand came up to grip my shoulder, then slid into my hair along the nape of my neck. She pulled me closer, turning her head to catch my lips in a wild kiss. She hummed her appreciation as I continued my torture. I wanted to slip my fingers down into those leggings of hers, but now I’d thrown down the challenge.

Soft and hard, rough and gentle, I changed up the combinations so fast she could do nothing but roll her head along my chest. I locked myself down, finding the strength to give her what she needed. She shook and writhed against me. I dipped my mouth to her shoulder with a tender kiss then a bite and she finally bucked against me with a keening cry of my name.

“I need—” I couldn’t even form the words, but I had to know what I’d done to her.

My hand dove into her leggings, bypassing nylon and finally, a cotton barrier. She was so slick and hot. I pushed two fingers into her drenched pussy. She sucked me so deep I was willing to meet my maker just to have her once.

She pulled my hair again, arching her back so the last rays of sunshine gilded her skin as she rode my hand. I turned her toward the mattress and knelt behind her, dragging the layers of offending fabric away to get to her.

I pushed her down and she gave a startled yelp and went onto her knees. I pushed them apart and dove my tongue into her salty slit. She gripped the sleeping bags, her whole body thrumming like a bass guitar.

She pushed back against me, riding my mouth with pure abandon. A litany of inventive swear words colored the air just before her leg started to shake.

“Yes,” I said against her wet inner thigh. “Yes, just like that.” I went back for more. Her shoulder crashed into the mattress as she shook around me. “Ruby, let me inside.”

She cried out for my death.

“Tish,” I said against her thigh, then bit down on one cheek. I couldn’t resist. “I need to be inside you.”

“Yes, dammit.”

With shaking fingers, I wrestled my wallet out of my pocket and prayed for a condom. It had been awhile since I’d taken the time to look for a willing partner.

But there was the foiled packet, hiding behind a credit card.

“Hurry,” she said and fell onto her forearms, arching her back like a cat.

“Christ.” Her endless legs and perfect ass were lifted for me. Waiting for me to dive in there. I was so keyed up I was afraid I’d split her in half.

I leaned forward to drive my tongue inside of her one more time before easing back. I gripped her hip with one hand and stroked the tip of my cock through her swollen lips. The air had become crisper now that the sun was sliding away, but it didn’t matter.

I eased into her, growling at how she stretched for me.

Watching my cock disappear into her perfect pussy about killed me. Then she took the reins once more and shoved herself backward on my dick.

I threw my head back at the way she clamped down on me then the ripple of pleasure was dented by her voice.

“Move, damn you.”

I grabbed onto her hips and slammed home again and again. She took each stroke and demanded more of me each time. I swore my brain was going to leak out of my damn ears, but still, I held on.

I reached around and circled her clit, knowing I was far too close to the edge. She covered my fingers with her own, both of us slip-sliding around her engorged clit.

She panted out my name, then God’s, then back to me. “I won’t break, dammit. Stop holding back.”

I wasn’t.

Was I?

God, she felt so fucking good. But she was right. I wanted to mark, to slam into her until my brain settled and reset. It had been chaos since the day I’d met her, and now I was even more tangled up over her.

I kissed a pattern of freckles between her shoulder blades, then drove into her with every bit of frustration and lust that had been hammering at me for the last month.

My fingers dug into her ass and her hips and her scream echoed in the cove of trees. My knees locked as the rush of fire licked down my spine. White-hot bliss fuzzed at the corners of my vision then a cavern of darkness descended, turning into a freefall that finally, finally settled into peace.