Lucky Baby by Taryn Quinn


I hadn’t seenmy redheaded Valkyrie in a damn long time. She’d been playing hide and seek with me since we'd made our pact during the insanity that was Caleb and Luna’s engagement.

Well, more hiding than seeking in my damned opinion.

I’d barely seen her since that afternoon in September. I was hella disappointed that she hadn’t taken me up on the favor she’d threatened me with. Now that my best friend was on easy street with his girl, Luna, I’d been bored as fuck.

Gideon was ready to sell me on Facebook marketplace because I wouldn’t stop bugging him for jobs to keep me busy. Luckily, we usually had more work than men to cover, but I was pretty sure he was down to giving me the shit jobs until a few bigger ones came up in the schedule.

Problem was, I didn’t like to spend the night alone. Add in the endless weekends and I was going nuts.

Of course I could’ve sought out some company of a personal nature. I wasn’t exactly hard up for dates. I just didn’t seem to want any.

It wasn’t as if my flagpole wouldn’t raise anymore. No, sir, it was fully operational. The mental side of things was what was slowing me up. I had gotten pretty particular lately.

Hell if I knew why. Or would admit it, which was almost the same thing in Lucky land.

Deny, deny, deny.

So, I worked. I told Gideon I’d take anything—even the jobs with back-breaking physical labor. Like this job in cookie-cutter nation, Cove Gardens. Putting a fence up on my own was doable, but it wasn’t ideal. A bevy of MILFs watching me didn’t suck though.

I didn’t poach on married ladies. Even I had some limits when it came to women, but I didn’t mind showing off for them. Their excuses for stopping by were getting more interesting. Most of them included baked goods and the occasional apple-laden treats or spiked cider, which was my personal fave. Kimmie was usually exasperated, but I was pretty sure she enjoyed the adult conversation. Her day consisted of a kid strapped to her chest and the little blond devil child twirling around the yard. Abby, the devil, asked many, many questions about my process.

Pretty sure Kimmie was glad to unload question time to me for a few hours. As long as the kid stayed behind the big pink chalk line I’d sprayed in the grass, I was cool with it. I figured it was good practice for when my goddaughter or godson showed up.

Caleb had promised me I was first in line to be the kid’s godfather. Which was a rather official and scary title but I intended to use it as cred all over town.

At least I had before the psycho chick at The Mason Jar had slowed my roll and I’d gotten super selective when it came to the dating scene. I wasn’t sure which sucked more.

I was usually proud of my easy standards. I looked at it as a Lucky loves the ladies benevolence program.

Now it was more Lucky loves his right hand.

Tish was in Abby’s line of fire right now. She was circling her like a shark. I couldn’t hear the questions, but her little bow mouth was flapping so I was sure there were a lot of them. Kimmie kept trying to corral her, but the kid would not be deterred.

Kimmie gave up and ate a brownie from today’s bounty. I wondered if they were the macadamia nut ones Mrs. Jones made last time.

Absently, I rubbed my belly. I’d definitely been working up an appetite.

Maybe I could get the Valkyrie to go to dinner with me. All friendly like.

I could have female friends. It was doable, right?


My shoulders hunched at the squawking shriek coming from the deck. I spun around fast enough that the bucket of cement splattered upward, dousing the front of my jeans. “Awesome,” I muttered.

I glanced back at the women and found Tish smirking at me. Her hands were on her hips, showing off the delicious line of her leather-clad legs. Goddamn, she was magnificent. I was no poet, but her hair was that kind of red that made a man think of black silk sheets.

I didn’t have silk sheets, but I’d damn well get them if she deemed me worthy of a tumble.

A friendly tumble.

Another shriek of mom voice broke my little daydream. I shoved a rogue curl back into the knot of hair on top of my head. Some days cutting off my hair seemed like a good idea, but then again, it was my best feature according to the ladies—so, it always stayed.

Kimmie was running around the table up on her porch. I couldn’t hear what she was screaming about, but I had a feeling the kid was to blame since she was trying to hide behind Tish.

And honestly, what kind of grown woman still called herself Kimmie? It reminded me of a doll covered in pink sparkles—which I only knew about because of the baby boom in this town. I couldn’t count the number of times I’d had to go buy a gift card for baby shit.

In the end, I wasn’t the one who had to shout “oh, Kimmie” out in the middle of the night. Nope. Her dude had that honor. And since she was knocked up again, I was pretty sure the Crescent Cove water was working way out here in the burbs too.

I couldn’t imagine having two under the age of drool. Hell, I couldn’t imagine any in my life. I liked the practice rounds of making a kid, not the reality.

Tish’s exasperated face as Abby interrogated her made me laugh. She was one woman I’d like to practice on—to infinity. Even if she usually looked at me as if I was a bug on the bottom of her badass boots.

Not that I had time to think about that right now. I was losing time on the mix and didn’t want to waste it. Gideon would kick my ass if I had to order more for this job. I hauled the five-gallon bucket of cement to the next post in the lineup.

I glanced over my shoulder one more time. Just what was Tish doing at my job site? Hopefully, she’d hang out until I was finished enough to take a break.

The quick set cement needed to be poured so it could cure overnight and I could come back to put in the rest of the slats. I didn’t have a lot of wiggle room to go over and see what was up.

However, I wasn’t above using some extra attraction points. I set down the pail, yanked out my hair tie, and let my hair tumble over my shoulders. I could hear the sighs from the moms on the porch. They really liked when I did that. Tish didn’t seem as impressed.

Ah, to heck with the friends crap. What would it take to get her to see me as bangable material? I could not get a read on that woman. Generally, I didn’t have this much trouble with the opposite sex. Becoming choosy didn’t mean I still didn’t have skills.

Just not with her.

I scooped up my hair on top of my head and quickly fastened my frayed hair tie around the curly mess. I realized not everyone was my catnip and vice versa, but I knew there was something between us. Especially since she was extra surly when we did see one another. And not in the I’m-going-to-serve-you-a-restraining-order kind of way.

I figured if we got naked then maybe things would ease up. As it was, I was spending any of my extra money in Brewed Awakening, hoping for a glimpse of her.

She and Macy seemed to have a semi-friendship. At least when it came to coffee and food, they gave each other the same kind of grief that Caleb and I did. Back when I used to get to spend time with Caleb anyway. The wedding was in two months, and the only thing he and Luna ever wanted from me was to build shit or to nag me about getting fitted for my tux.

I really missed having a beer with my bro.

With a sigh, I lifted my sledgehammer and slammed the post into place with more force than was necessary. But then I heard the new blond lady give a clutching pearls sigh and decided it was worth it. Even if Tish seemed to be bored with the whole deal.

What the hell was she doing here? This didn’t seem like her scene at all.

I poured another bit of Quikrete over the post and measured to make sure it was centered correctly. I had five more to do, but I’d have to mix up some more since it set so fast. Maybe I could even get some more of that amazing lemonade Kimmie made.

I dropped my hammer and stepped around the bucket when I heard a small whimper. The weeds and brush at the edge of the lawn were one of the reasons the Olsens had contacted us. They were afraid of ticks and all manner of wildlife beyond their property line.

Another housing development was also in progress and the devil was a curious sort. Crescent Cove was a booming area for families. Maitland Enterprises was making a killing all over town, even out here in the burbs. This was a new developer though, which I was happy to see. FHK Property Group. Never heard of them.

Whimpers turned into a pathetic whine. I frowned and crouched down. Two little sad brown eyes glowed from the underbrush. A little snout was half hidden in leaves and mud.

“Hey, buddy.” I dug out my phone and turned on the torch light.

The little bundle of fur scrabbled back, and the wet cardboard box collapsed around him. Frightened, he—it—tried to get its face free, but its little mouth was tied shut by a piece of dirty clothesline rope.

“What the fuck?”

“Language!” Kimmie shouted from the deck.

I ignored her and crouched lower. My shoulders wouldn’t fit under the small space. Branches snapped and a thorn sliced along my neck. My fingers were shaking with anger, but I kept shoving my way in. I blew out a slow breath and forced my voice to gentle. I fisted my fingers for a moment to get them to stop shaking. “It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.”

Humans were pieces of shit. How long had the little dog been tied under there? The cardboard box was degrading in the perpetual wet of fall. The dog was filthy. Last night had been cold as hell, and the ground was boggy with moisture.

I tried not to flash the light in his eyes, but I needed it to see. The rope had dug into his fur, and his eyes were fierce and fearful. I gentled my voice and flattened myself on the ground. Dirt, leaves, and God knows what else stuck to my beard. I spit it out and sent up a silent prayer it wasn’t shit.

The little guy flinched. Slowly, I reached under the mangled bush to get closer. The rope was tied to the trunk so the small dog couldn’t get away.

Whomever had tied the dog here had left it to die.

My muscles locked with anger, but I forced my voice to stay soothing. The little guy seemed to know I was upset and couldn’t decide if I was friend or foe. Finally, I got to his tiny foot and I lightly stroked it with one finger. The dog was shuddering, but couldn’t pant since its poor mouth was tied shut.

“Everything okay?”

My skin prickled at the sound of her voice. Now was not the time for that, but my dick had an auto-response to this woman. All hard, all the time.

“Someone tied a little dog to the underbrush.”

“What?” She pressed her hand to my lower back and crouched down beside me. “You’re kidding.”

She smelled spicy. Like cinnamon and leather and fabric softener all wrapped up in a sexy package. I hadn’t been this close to her before. Then her hair slid along my shoulder and my dick decided muddy leaves were a just fine spot for a seduction. “Nope. Hey, it’s pretty gross down here. Dirty and—”

“I’m a mechanic and metal worker, Thor. I can handle some mud.”

I twisted my shoulder enough to get a look at her. “Goddamn, you are so hot.”

She rolled her eyes. “Dog?”

“Right. Sorry.” I inched to the side to give her some room and the little dog jumped, then tried to scrabble back, but he was out of options.


“I know,” I growled. “He’s tied.”

“How do you know it’s a he?”

Exasperation dented my lust haze. “I’ll let you know when I get it untied, how’s that?”


I could not get any closer to the little guy. I winced as thorns dug into my arm.

She let out an exasperated huff. “Can I help? My arms are skinnier.”

“Not in that jacket, they aren’t.”

“I can take it off.” She dropped onto her hip on the ground beside me.

“I think I’m good. Can you get my knife out of my holster?”

“Holster? Seriously?”

I tried to relax as the pup shook uncontrollably. “It’s sharp. Would you rather I sliced open my leg every time I bent down?”

“Good point.” Her long fingers slid along my belt then grazed my skin. “Where the hell is it?”

“Other side.” My voice lowered and I focused on the little dude in front of me, not the fact that my dream woman was in my space for the first time.

She grunted and leaned over me. Her scent was gonna end me. I wanted it all over my skin. And then there was her hair. It was dripping all over my shoulders and tickling my sides. Her fingernails skimmed over my lower belly and I nearly groaned.

“You’re killing me here.”

“I can’t find the snap. There it is. Oh…” She cleared her throat. “I got it.”

She tried not to touch me, but our closeness made that impossible. Her curtain of glorious, soft, fistable hair draped over me. I really wanted to revisit this scenario very soon.

Preferably without our clothes and the mud. Though that might work in an entirely different fantasy…

Focus on the trapped dog, Roberts.

She finally collapsed next to me. “Okay, got it.”

She nearly sliced my arm, but my quick reflexes left leaves as the only fatality.“Watch it.”

“Kinda a cramped situation here.”

“Yeah. More cramped for this little guy.” I hacked at the branches to make more space. “So what are you doing here anyway?”

She leaned against me to see what I was doing. “You should cut over there.”

“Thanks, Captain Obvious.”


“Language,” I mumbled.

“You too?”

I grunted and broke off another branch. “Kimmie is a drill sergeant.”

“I’m getting that.”


“So what?”

“Why are you down here in the mud with me?” I hissed as a thorn sunk into the side of my hand. “Bastard.”




Her immediate reply made me turn toward her. “Sexiest woman in the Cove and watches Supernatural? We should get married.”

“Not in this lifetime.”

I grinned and went back to work. “Did you come here looking for me? Or are you friends with the mom squad?”

“Dear God, no.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Are you finally calling in your chip?”

“Yes. I talked to Gideon, and he told me where to find you.”

“I’ll have to buy him a case of beer.”

“He says you owed him money.”

The other guys on Gideon’s crew were tired of me winning at poker and had gotten me shitfaced at the last guys’ night. They couldn’t handle my natural aptitude. “Fucking cheaters.”

“Language!” Came a chorus of voices just behind us.

I turned to look at Tish and her face was way too close to mine. More of that cinnamon goodness came from her dark red mouth. Her deep brown eyes were intense and damn if they didn’t dilate a bit. Maybe it truly wasn’t one-sided on this attraction thing after all.

The dog let out a pathetic growl, dragging me back to the reason I was laying facedown in the mud. I flicked my very sharp knife through the cord tied to the trunk and dragged the little guy close enough for me to scoop up before he could disappear into the thornier tangle of brush.

I lowered my voice to a rumbly whisper. “Hey, there. You’re okay now.”

“What’s going on?”

I glanced over my shoulder to find Kimmie and the herd of moms hovering just behind the pink line in the grass. Abby was practically vibrating with the need to get closer.

I wiggled out from the mud onto my knees. “It’s okay. Someone tied a poor dog to one of the bushes.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Who could do that?”

“I’m going to make flyers to find its owner!”

The women were ready to be suburban warriors for the dog, but I was pretty sure no one would be looking to collect the shaking bit of muddy fluff.

I caught Abby’s eye. “Could you go get me a towel?”

The little girl’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she nodded excitedly and took off.

I turned to help up Tish, but she was already on her feet, brushing debris off her leather motorcycle pants. She paid special attention to her hips and ass, which made my tongue about two sizes too big for my mouth. For once in my life, I opted for silence.

I struggled to my feet, cradling the dog in the crook of my arm. Tish gripped my upper arm to balance me, her short black nails digging into my skin. Our gazes collided before hers slid away, and she took two big steps back.

Abby came running back with a huge beach towel in her hand imprinted with a grinning Harry Styles.

“Your sister is going to kill you,” Kimmie said with a sigh.

Abby shrugged and held up her phone, video obviously engaged. “Harry will save the puppy. Melly can put it on TikTok later.”

I should have thought of that, but the animal was way more important than a viral video. Even though I was pretty sure this would definitely provide a million clicks minimum.

I took the towel and wrapped it around the shaking dog. He was matted with mud and leaves and I didn’t even want to think about the fleas or insects. The tiny dog burrowed into the crook of my arm and rested its tiny snoot on my forearm.

“Sweet baby,” Tish cooed.

My eyebrow rose.

“What?” She wrinkled her nose.


She crossed her arms over her spectacular chest. “Animals are better than people nine times out of ten.”

“Can’t fault you there.” I tucked the blanket more securely around the little bundle of near bones. “I want to get this rope off his mouth.”

She chewed on the corner of her lower lip. “Maybe we should take him to the vet. It looks pretty dug in there.”

I frowned. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

“The clinic isn’t too far away.”

I gave her another arched eyebrow.

“What? I have a cat. They were nice to me. The vet there is super capable. Hot too.”

My jaw clenched.

Her lips twitched. “Anyway, I guess we should bring in the dog.”

“You’re coming with me?”

The ladies were watching our conversation as if we were the Wimbledon playoffs, their gazes bouncing back and forth between us.

She jammed her hands into her jacket pockets. “Well, you need someone to hold him, right? Or I can drive and you can hold him—her. Whatever.”

I dug my keys out of my pocket and tossed them to her. She had quick reflexes—even snatched the keychain out of the air without a fumble. “Since you know where the clinic is, I guess you’re up. Unless you can’t drive stick.”

“I’ve been driving stick since I was eleven.” She grabbed my shirt off the cart and handed it to me. “Let’s just go.”

“Need me to cover up?”

Her dark eyes went shark flat. “No. You’re a muddy mess, jerk. I’m saving your upholstery.”

“Right.” I wasn’t sure why her smart mouth made her even more attractive to me. I did have a twisted side when it came to strong women.

She stalked away from me, her exceptional ass swinging with each long stride.

“I’m probably going to marry her.” I wasn’t sure why that flew out of my mouth again. I definitely wasn’t going to marry her. I did want to get under those leather pants though.

The new blond that joined the party clutched her hands together under her chin. “It’s like a book I just read.”

The dog snuggled into the towel and stopped shaking for the first time. My heart did a little somersault. I stroked his little nose, careful not to touch anything that was bleeding. “So, did it have any juicy parts?”

The blond nodded and smiled. “Lots of them.”

“You chicks always get the good books.”

“You should try romance novels. They might even make you blush, Mr. Handyman.”

I laughed as I swayed with the small bundle in my arms. “Name’s Lucky.”

“Bethany.” She reached out and touched my arm, then snatched her hand back. “Sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I’ve never seen an arm so muscled in real life.”

I flexed a little. “Want another feel?”

She curled her fingers into her hand. “No. Well, maybe just one.” She squeezed my biceps and gave a twittering laugh. “Wow.”

“Move it, Thor!”

My gaze tracked to the gate I’d finished putting in yesterday. Tish held her head high and her warrior princess hair whipped on the breeze. I took another moment to admire her head to toe leather with a red racing stripe down one arm and leg.

Damn, what a woman. Maybe I would be marrying her.