To The Single Dad in the Store by J.S. Cooper

Chapter Eleven

“I have the absolute best idea.”

“Oh no, Shelby, not another idea.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I just mean that your ideas aren’t always the greatest.”

“Well, I got you a date, didn’t I?”

“Well, we don’t really know if it’s a date and—”

“Just listen to me, okay?”

“What’s the idea?”

“Why don’t we go to Target?”

“Okay, um, sure, that’s a brilliant idea. You know I’m always down to go to Target.”

“I don’t just mean go to Target just for fun. I mean let’s buy some toys.”

“What?” I looked at her like she was crazy.

“What do you mean? What sort of toys?”

“Toys that kids would like, duh.” She looked at me like I was stupid. “I thought you were meant to be smart, Nellie. Don’t you get it? This is a way to butter the kids up.”

“You want me to buy toys for his kids?”

“Yeah. Isn’t that a great idea?”

“No, girl. It’s a horrible idea. I don’t even know him, and I don’t know the kids. Who shows up at someone’s house with toys for their kids? I don’t even know if this is a legitimate date. He’s going to think I’m a creeper.”

“No, he’s not. He thinks you’re hot. Why do you think he invited you over?”

“I don’t know why he invited me over. I’m still kind of perplexed at that. And I’m still kind of weirded out that I accepted.”

“Why? You think he’s hot.”

“Yeah, I think he’s hot, but he’s also a douchebag.”

“Well, I mean, I can’t say either way because I’ve never met him. But if you want me to come tomorrow—”

“No way,” I cut her off. “You are definitely not coming with me tomorrow. Are you absolutely out of your mind?”

“No, but if you’re nervous or worried—”

“I’m not that nervous or worried, thanks, Shelby.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Hunter said as he entered the living room with a big box of piping hot pizza.

“Nothing,” I said quickly and jumped up. “I’m starving. Please tell me you’ve got more than one pizza.”

“Who knew two college girls could eat so much?” Hunter shook his head. “There is more stuff in the kitchen. I just brought the pizza along with me.”

“No plates?” Shelby said with a laugh.

“You can get your own plate, Shelby. You live here now.”

“Yes, Hunter.” She jumped up and headed toward the kitchen. “So three plates and some napkins?”

“I’ll come with you because I’m kind of thirsty,” I said with a quick nod. “Want anything to drink, Hunter?”

“Wow. I could get used to this. Two servants?”

“We’re not your servants, don’t get it twisted,” I glared at him.

“I’m just joking,” he laughed. “Trust me. I know better than to think that you would ever be a servant, Nellie.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that even if you wanted to be one, you couldn’t be because you can’t clean or cook or do hardly anything around the house.”

“That’s not true. I cook all the time.”

“Oh, what do you cook?”

“I make omelets.”

“Okay, so you can make omelets and burnt toast.”

“I don’t burn the toast all the time.”

“You burn the toast most of the time.”

“Whatever.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you want me to get you that beer or not?”

“Well, do you want to eat any pizza?”

“I can always order my own pizza, you know.”

“Well, then go ahead,” he said, as he opened the box and took out a slice.

It smelled absolutely delicious as the aroma hit the air. “Fine, fine, fine. You win this time, big brother.”

“I win every single time,” he laughed. Then he looked at Shelby. “And just in case you’re wondering, Shelby, I’ll win every conversation with you as well.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, Hunter?”

“Well, I’m like your big brother now, too, so …”

“You’ve always been like my big brother.” She gave him a grin.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes and we headed toward the kitchen. “Sometimes I’m just like, ‘Grow up, Hunter.’”

“Really?” Shelby said as she opened one of the cupboard doors and grabbed some plates. “Don’t you think he’s thinking the same thing about you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, you’re both immature,” she laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m immature too. But it’s just kind of funny.”

“It’s not funny. I’m not immature. I’m the most mature twenty-two-year-old I know.

“That’s not saying much, though, is it, girlfriend?”

“Shelby, are you supporting me or not?”

“I’m just playing devil’s advocate. I’m just saying, if you want to get a hottie like Steele, who has three kids, you’re going to have to be a lot more mature than you are right now.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that if you show up acting like the kid that you are right now, he’s going to kick you out before you can even blink. But if you show up with some presents for the kids and you have on a nice suit—”

“What do you mean, have on a nice suit?”

“Show that you can dress professionally, Nellie.”

“I’m not going over to his house in a nice suit, are you joking?”

“What are you going to wear? Short shorts and a tank top?” She rolled her eyes. “That is not going to impress him.”

“I’m not trying to impress him.”

“Do you want him to think you’re a mature woman or not?”

“I am a mature woman.”

“Okay, Nellie.”

“Shelby, you’re really making me doubt myself now.”

“I’m not trying to make you doubt yourself, but this guy’s a father. He is going to want someone who’s going to be a good influence on his kids.”

“I’m not trying to be their stepmom, you know.”

“You might not be trying to be their stepmom, but he’s most probably looking for a stepmom. I mean, how old must he have been when he got married and had those kids?”

“I don’t know. He looks pretty young to me,” I shrugged.

“Like really young.”

“How old do you think he is?”

“I mean, if I would have had to guess I would have said twenty-four, but obviously he has three kids, so I think it’s unlikely he’s twenty-four. So maybe he’s like thirty, a young-looking thirty. Or maybe he just got started when he was like thirteen.”

“Really, Shelby?”

“What?” she laughed. “I’m just saying—”

“You know what, Shelby, sometimes I think you’re the immature one.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, if and when you contact your dad’s best friend and try and go on a date with him, you’re going to have to act a whole lot more mature than you are now if you want a chance with him. Because we know for a fact that he’s a lot older.”

“Girl, that’s just a fantasy. Nothing’s ever going to happen there,” she sighed. “But I wish.”

“Shelby, you’re really into this guy, aren’t you? I’ve never heard you sound like this about a guy before.”

“Maybe because I’ve never been around a real man before. And he’s just like so funny and witty and sarcastic and intelligent and … Oh, he’s just perfect.”

“Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I gotta meet this dude,” I laughed. “I did not know that such men existed.”

“You did not know that witty, intelligent, sarcastic, beautiful men existed?”

“I wouldn’t use all those adjectives to describe any man that I’ve met and dated thus far, no.”

“Well, that’s because you’ve been dating boys, Nellie.”

“Don’t I know it,” I laughed. “And that’s why tomorrow I’m going to be going on my first date with a real man.”