To The Single Dad in the Store by J.S. Cooper

Chapter Twenty

“I think I see him.”Shelby’s voice rose excitedly, and I stifled a groan. I was on my second glass of champagne and had almost forgotten why we were at this event. I’d had a couple of boring conversations with a group of lawyers who wanted to talk about a Supreme Court case that had recently been in the news. I’d nodded along with everyone else, but I hadn’t really had any clue what they were talking about. I was an ignoramus when it came to the law. I guess I was glad Steele hadn’t brought up his job when we’d been together. I sure hoped he wouldn’t care that I had no interest in the legal field.

“Did you hear me, Nellie?” Shelby poked me in the arm hard, and I flinched.

“Yes, you said you think you see him.” I glared at her as I rubbed my arm. “No need to hit me so hard.”

“Sorry, but I can’t believe I see him.”

“What do you mean, you can’t believe you see him? We came here for him.” I was quickly losing patience.

“I mean that I can’t believe I’ve been able to—” Shelby stopped when she saw the look on my face. “Okay. Well, do you want to go and talk to him then?”

“What do you mean, do I want to go and talk to him? I don’t even know the man. No, I don’t want to go and talk to him.”

“Are you okay, Nellie? You seem kind of …” She chewed on her lower lip. “I hate to say it, but you’re acting like a bitch.”

I’m acting like a bitch?” I stared at her. “I’m doing you a favor here. I would definitely make sure you’re treating me a little bit nicer.”

“I didn’t realize I was treating you poorly. You agreed to do this to help me. I mean, if you really don’t want to, fine. Go, it’s fine. I’ll do it by myself. I always have to count on myself anyway.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, ‘You always have to count on yourself anyway’? I have always been there for you.”

“Yeah, and I thought you were here for me for this as well. This is really important for me.”

“I know it’s really important to you, and that’s why I’m here. That’s why I blew off my date with Steele.”

“You’re going on about Steele again?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re lucky, Nellie. You’ve got a man. You’ve got Steele. Yay for you. You’ve got a date lined up. I have no one. And once you and Steele get together, I’m not even going to have you.”

“What are you talking about, you’re not going to have me?”

“You’re not going to have time for me. Every time you have a boyfriend, you disappear.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.” Shelby looked sad. “You’re going to disappear. And then it’s just going to be me. Hunter’s going to be with Birdie. You’re going to be with Steele. And I’m just going to be sitting in your house like some sort of interloper.”

“Interloper?” I giggled. “Honestly, Shelby.”

“It was the only word I could think of,” she said with a pout. “I know I sound ridiculous. And I don’t mean to be so clingy and needy. I just … I’m worried, and I don’t want to be alone. And I don’t know if this guy’s going to like me.”

“Girlfriend, why wouldn’t he like you? You’re beautiful. You’re amazing.”

“I’m also his best friend’s daughter. Let’s be real. That’s a huge obstacle.”

“Which it should be. I mean, if he was all like, ‘Yeah, let me take you now,’ I would kind of question his motives.”

“I don’t want to question his motives. I don’t care. I would love it if he—”

“Enough. I will go, and I will talk to him and flirt. And if he seems like he’s interested, I’ll let you know that I think that it could work for you.”

“Thank you, Nellie.”

“You’re welcome,” I grumbled. I drained my glass of champagne, and let out a huge sigh. “Okay. Which guy is he? Let me go now, before I lose my nerve.”

“Okay. Do you see that guy over there?”

“Over where, Shelby? There are a lot of guys in the room.”

“To the right. Look where I’m pointing.”

“Okay.” I turned my face to the right, and I still saw a group of men. “Still a lot of people.”

“No, look where my fingers are pointing.”

“I am looking where your finger is pointing, and there are a lot of people.”

“Okay, fine. Fine. Do you see the super tall guy in the navy blue suit?”

“Um, I hate to tell you, Shelby, but most of the guys here are wearing navy blue suits.”

She huffed impatiently. “Fine, we’re going to have to get a little bit closer.”

“Good, because I don’t want to go flirting with some random.”

“You’re not going to flirt with some random. Now come on, Nellie. Since when have you been such a spoilsport?”

“Since when have I been a spoilsport? You’re not seriously asking me that, are you?”

“I am, and I did.”

“Fine. Come on, show me this guy.”

She turned right and I followed her, almost bumping into her when she stopped suddenly. “Oh my gosh. Don’t look. Don’t look.”

“Don’t look where?”

“Just look at me,” she said.


“He turned around.”

“Okay.” I turned my face slightly to the right.

“Nellie, I told you not to look!” she hissed.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to see who I’m looking at.” I looked back and forth, and then I was pretty sure I saw who he was. There was a tall guy in a navy blue suit, dark hair, and from what I could tell from his position, he looked like he had an amazing body. He filled out his suit very well. “Okay. Is it the guy with the gold mask?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“Okay. I mean, I can’t see him 100%, but he definitely looks cute.”

“He’s absolutely gorgeous. Oh my gosh. I want him so badly.”

“So then go over there and tell him.”

“No, I can’t do that. Please. You just go.”

“I should just go up to him and say what?”

“Don’t go up to him. Maybe like just be walking by, and then slip and fall into him.”

“This sounds like a bad movie,” I muttered.

“Or a bad porno,” Shelby giggled.

“No. Not at all,” I growled. “No way.”

“You’re going to go before you even try?” Her eyes filled with disappointment.

“Fine.” I took a few deep breaths, trying to get my nerves under control. “Okay, Shelby. I’m going to go over there now, and see if he reacts to my flirting. Wish me luck.”

“Of course, girl, I wish you the most amazing luck—but just not too much luck.” She laughed a little nervously. “I don’t want you guys to start making out or anything.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that, Shelby.” Before I could lose my nerve, I walked towards the tall man with the gold mask, a huge smile on my face. Even though I wasn’t feeling it, I was going to fake it for Shelby.