Suck It by Linsey Hall

Author’s Note

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed Suck It. My books feature history and mythology to varying degrees. However, this was not the case for most of Suck It. But there was one little vignette from a trip to Scotland that I thought was funny enough to share. It inspired the scene at Glencarrough where they were hosting the Highland Games as part of their festival.

It was a scene where a man crossed the finish line after a hill race (essentially a race up a mountain for the fabulously fit). As he ran over the line, one of the attendees handed him a plastic cup of water and a can of local beer (Tenent’s, I think it was). I expected him to drink the water and then the beer. Instead, he poured the water over his head and chugged the beer. Considering that he had just run straight up a mountain and back down again, I thought it was hilarious and impressive and am glad to have finally found a book for it.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you stick around with Mac and Drakon for the conclusion to their story.