Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 10


“I’m not crazy,” Aiden said. Why did he and his brothers have to keep having this conversation? “Can’t you try to be happy for me?” He’d finally allowed himself to fall for Camille, and he wasn’t backing down now.

“You said you’re going to get married for practical purposes, remember?” Benson said. “Your prime bachelor status was reaching the age of expiration. Forgive me if I think you’re going about this marriage thing all wrong.” His tall form melted into the couch. He grunted and pulled a half-eaten cheeseburger out from underneath him. “Dang it.”

“So what if I’m interested in a woman who can cook?” Aiden argued. “That’s beneficial for all of us. Completely unselfish, if you ask me. And marriage isn’t rocket science—especially if you’re married to someone like Camille. Everything is going to be so much better for all of us with her around.”

“We’d like to believe your girlfriend is as amazing as you tell us, but we haven’t exactly had a chance to meet her, have we?” Benson argued.

Aiden massaged his brow with his fingers. He couldn’t keep avoiding this. “You’ll meet her. I promise.” If Benson wasn’t on his side, he could almost guarantee he’d not win anyone else over. Except maybe Easton.

“You’re happy for me, E., right?” Aiden studied his younger brother, who at twenty-four resembled him the most—both in appearance and personality.

Easton glanced up from his laptop. “Uh, sure, man. Whatever.”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “Flynn?”

Flynn was currently at war with the family. He’d moved away right after his twentieth birthday for two years with minimal contact, and the last six months since he’d returned, he’d been a tough one to love. He’d made sure there was as limited conversation and family togetherness as possible. “You can get married, but I’m not going to stick around to watch it. I’m moving out.”

Suddenly, the conversation at hand stole everyone’s attention. The TV was ignored, Easton’s hand ceased typing, and the twins—Daegan and Cade—stopped shoveling their ramen noodles straight from the pot into their mouth.

“You’re not moving out again,” Aiden countered. “First, you can’t afford to, and second, you can’t afford to.”

Flynn smirked. “Both good points.” His gaze connected with Aiden’s. His eyes were dark and depressed. He was the lead guitarist in his band, and it had been a huge distraction from schooling. Aiden wanted to support his music, but Flynn used it as an excuse to check out from reality. “All right, I’ll stay because of logistics,” Flynn said. “But don’t expect me to be a part of some big happy family. That’s not my style.”

One major conflict avoided. “Fair enough. As long as you come to my wedding, I won’t force any other happiness upon you.”

“How come you didn’t ask for our opinion?” Cade suddenly balked. Daegan seemed to realize Cade’s conclusion and mirrored his annoyance.

Aiden forced a smile. “All right, what’re your thoughts?”

“She’s way hot,” Cade said.

Daegan agreed. “But we don’t know why she’s interested in a loser like you. Maybe she lost my card.”

Cade snorted, and they both busted up and high-fived each other.

Pushing aside a pile of newspapers, Aiden sat on the couch with a sigh. “Thanks for the support. Promise me, please, that you’ll be nice to her when you meet her. I don’t want Mom rolling over in her grave, despite how strongly you feel about this.”