Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 17


“Camille! I thought you had forgotten about your bestie.”

“I’m sorry, Daisha.” Camille had meant to return Daisha’s calls earlier, but her tasks at the Peterson household took up almost every free minute outside of her grading and coursework. She was folding laundry now, and it seemed like a good time to multitask.

“I understand. You married seven men. How could you possibly fit in a measly little bit of girl time?”

Daisha could probably sense Camille’s eye roll even over the phone. “I didn’t marry seven men. Besides, one of those guys you’re counting is deployed, remember?”

“Speaking of Grant, Amy is here and wants to tell you something.”

Camille heard a shuffle as the phone was exchanged. Amy’s voice came in loud and perky. “I know you were worried about Grant’s obsessive writing tendencies, so I just want you to know I fixed things.”

“Hello to you too,” Camille said. “And I’m glad you and Grant have everything worked out.”

“It was easy,” Amy said. “I just wrote him a quick letter explaining everything, and I know he’ll understand. He’s really great like that. Okay, here’s Daisha again.”

Camille chuckled at the whirlwind conversation while she waited for Daisha to return.

“Did you get all that?” Daisha asked.

“Yes,” Camille said. “Grant is perfect.”

“That’s what I got too,” Daisha said with a laugh. “Now, where were we? Oh yes. Your new family is monopolizing all your free time.”

Camille groaned. “Honestly, with the potato harvest going full swing, I’ve hardly seen them besides at meals. Don’t worry. I’ll make time for you.”

But a quick mental review of her calendar left her without a solution. She didn’t want to miss any mealtimes, not with her recent progress with Flynn. He was actually showing up to eat with the family—Aiden said he’d seen more of Flynn over the past few weeks than the whole year put together. She couldn’t flake out on that. And she was finally keeping on top of the mass of dishes from her overzealous cooking endeavors.

“You don’t have to make excuses to me,” Daisha said. “Things have changed. I’m just used to being able to talk to you any time of day or night, and . . .”

Had Daisha’s voice wavered? Oh no. Daisha was tough as nails and rarely cried for anyone—even Camille. An idea formed in Camille’s mind—a stroke of pure genius. It was a life-changing idea that would rock Camille’s world. Daisha’s roommates plus Camille’s brothers-in-law. It was almost too brilliant to pull off.

“Tonight!” she screeched.


Camille grinned into the phone. “Girls’ night at seven o’clock. Invite all the roomies, and tell them to bring their favorite ice-cream topping. I’ll find some games. What do you think?”

Daisha hesitated, and Camille crossed her fingers. Finally Daisha said, “I can’t speak for everyone else, but I have a date with Derek tonight.”

Camille threw the towel she had been folding over her face. Her idea had been too perfect.

“But,” Daisha hemmed, “I haven’t been looking forward to it. I don’t know what’s gotten into me today. I could use some Camille time.”

Camille ripped the towel off her head. “Yes! Cancel! Convince all the other girls to cancel their plans too—bribe them if you must.”

Daisha laughed. “I thought you were too busy for us. Why the sudden change of plans?”

“I’ve got something cooking that everyone is going to love.” Camille did a little happy dance.

“Great, because it’s my cheat day. Brownies? Cookies? Pie?”

Camille giggled. Her scheme would outdo any culinary creation. “Trust me, it’s something even better!”

Camille didn’t tell anyone her plans—not even Aiden. At dinner all six boys were in attendance. Food had won them over, and they now made sitting down for dinner together a priority. It was the perfect opportunity for her announcement.

“Everyone enjoy the lasagna?” she asked, working her way into the conversation.

“Yes, ma’am,” Easton said, patting his stomach.

“Excellent.” Camille clapped her hands together. “I made some homemade ice cream for dessert, and it’ll be ready around seven.”

Benson slapped Daegan on the back. “I never say no to ice cream.”

Daegan chuckled. “We rarely celebrate the end of potato harvest until our annual Halloween dance in the barn. This is nice of you, Camille.”

Murmurs of pleasure rumbled around the table. Ice cream was one of the Petersons’ weaknesses. Homemade ice cream was their undoing, or so Aiden had told her. She hoped he was right, because she needed to lure all of them into her trap.

After dinner was over, Aiden helped her wash the dishes. “I didn’t know you’d been making homemade ice cream.”

Camille hid her smile. “You were hauling potatoes to the shed this morning, and this afternoon you were in your office. When would I have told you?”

Aiden pointed his scrub brush at her. “There’s always room for interruptions where ice cream is concerned.”

Camille handed him a stack of dirty plates. “I thought ice cream was for girls.”

Aiden feigned offense. “Ice cream puts hair on a man’s chest.”

“I thought that was meat.”

“You were wrong. Meat is for muscles. Ice cream is for bones and hairy chests.”

Camille rolled her eyes but jumped when a wet dish towel slapped her across her backside. “Aiden Peterson!”

A victorious smile spread across his face. “I’ll not hear any more of this ‘ice cream is for girls’ talk.”

Camille stole the wet dish towel and whipped him back. “For that, I’m not going to let you in on my secret.”

“What secret?” Aiden shut the dishwasher and pinned her with his gaze.

“Well, since I know you’ll resort to all sorts of ridiculous ways to force it from me, I’ll spare myself and tell you. I invited my roommates over to share the ice cream.”

Aiden put his hand to his chest, and his jaw dropped dramatically. “What other roommates do you have?”

Camille laughed. “You know who I’m talking about. Daisha, Amy—the girls.”

“Did you purposefully not tell us this detail at the table, or am I missing something?”

Camille exchanged the towel for a washcloth and started wiping down the counters but said nothing.

“Uh oh. What are you plotting?” Aiden grabbed the towel and whipped it against the counter to show he meant business. “Remember my methods for forcing secrets from you.”

Camille bit back a smile and held up her hands for mercy. “Fine. I’ll confess. I thought I would introduce my friends to your brothers to see if I could get everyone to get along. I want to mesh our lives. Daisha is feeling a bit sad about me not being around all the time. If this works, then I’ll get to be with all of you at the same time.”

Aiden nodded slowly. “Tell me what you’re really planning.”

Camille feigned innocence. “I told you.”

Aiden sat at the table, watching her. “No, you told me what I wanted to hear. You’re playing matchmaker, aren’t you?”

“Maybe.” She took a seat next to Aiden. “More like seeing if there is potential.”

“Which brother is going to be the project?”

Camille hemmed a little while picking at a thread on the hand towel. “All of them.”

“What?” Aiden balked. “You can’t be serious!”

“I know! It would be too perfect. But Daisha and Derek aren’t meant to be. Derek is too domineering for her. Daisha is normally independent, strong, and opinionated. She doesn’t need her spirit crushed; she needs someone like Benson, whose quiet strength would rein her in without breaking her. Underneath her tough exterior, she’s super fragile.”

“Benson? No, Benson is not ready for the likes of Daisha. He’s hardly ever dated and doesn’t even know how to talk to women. She would chew him up and spit him out.” Aiden shook his head. “Does Daisha even know she’s coming here to meet someone even though she already has a serious boyfriend?”

Some questions were better left unanswered. Camille put her hand on Aiden’s arm, ready to plead her case. “Benson is ready but doesn’t know it. And he can talk to women. He talks to me every day. As far as Daisha is concerned, she’s searching for an out. She’s ready to move on but is too afraid to take the next step.”

Aiden wasn’t buying it. “You have high expectations. Don’t be disappointed when your plans don’t work out. I know you want Daisha to be happy, and I’m glad you’re watching out for Benson’s interests too, but they don’t need us to interfere. The Lord will take care of them like He did us.”

“Everyone needs a little push. If Amy hadn’t given me your number, where would we be?” Camille shook her head. “Besides, it’s not just about Daisha and Benson. It’s about all of them. Who’s to say this idea isn’t divinely inspired?”

Aiden whistled. “There is a lot of hope in that heart of yours. Listen, I’m not against a little social time. Heaven knows my brothers need it. Now that potato harvest is over, I’ll be working on securing this deal for my software. I’m going to be busy the next few weeks, and a project might be good for you.” He pushed away from the counter. “I’m going to sneak in a bit of office time since you obviously have enough to occupy your thoughts.”

Camille was about to whine and beg for him to stay, but her grown-up self smothered her feelings. “I’ll bring you some ice cream later,” she said, giving him a smile. She drummed her fingers on the table. Her scheme was far-fetched, but her intentions were well-placed. Whether it worked out or not, Aiden was right that they all needed a little socializing. She’d do her part and pray for the rest.

The boys poured into the kitchen for their ice cream right when the doorbell rang. Camille bolted to the door. “I’ll get it!”

She pushed past Flynn, who she wished would have trimmed his beard. She winked at Aiden through the open office door before she reached for the front door. She pulled it open to reveal several familiar faces.

“Hello!” Camille said. “Wait! Where’s Amy?”

Daisha walked in first. “She’s got a big chem test in the morning.”

“Perfect!” Camille said. Amy had already attached herself to Grant and wasn’t needed for tonight’s occasion for everything to work.

“Perfect?” Sage asked. “She’s your sister, remember?”

Camille’s mouth dropped. “Oh, I meant perfect as in I’m glad she’s taking her studies seriously. I know how much the nursing program means to her.”

“Wow! This place is incredible,” Raina gushed as the girls entered the living room.

Camille had left the doors in the hall open on purpose. “I know the house is the real reason you all showed up. Everyone wanted to see if I had been embellishing about this place. I’ve earned bragging rights, don’t you think?”

“Definitely,” Daisha agreed, “because anyone who marries seven men—”

Camille used her hip to bump into Daisha and silence her. “The kitchen, my personal favorite room in the house, is right around the corner.” Camille led the way, and the other girls trailed behind her.

When Camille entered with her horde of friends, there were faces of equal surprise and discomfort among all the brothers. The men were already lined up in front of the ice cream and had been serving themselves.

“Wait!” Camille cried. “These ladies brought some mix-ins and toppings. I don’t want anyone to miss out.”

Daisha frowned and grudgingly handed over her donation of raspberries. In contrast, Raina’s and Macey’s long curls bounced as they enthusiastically pushed their way through the men to put their candy bars on the counter themselves. Camille almost snorted with laughter.

After a matter of minutes, everyone had dished their ice cream, but Camille had a tough time keeping them in the kitchen. She raced to the double doors and bravely sealed off the doorway before Benson could retreat to watch TV.

“Benson, I need you to explain potato farming to my friend. Come sit over here.” Breathlessly, she led him by the arm to sit next to Daisha.

“Daisha, Benson is going to extinguish that curiosity you’ve had lately about potato farming.”

Daisha smirked. “Potato farming?”

Camille gave her an exaggerated nod. “Remember earlier, when we were talking about . . . never mind. Flynn is sneaking off; I’ll be right back.” Camille left Benson and Daisha alone and ran to cut off Flynn. “Flynn! You don’t have band practice tonight, do you?”

“No, why?” He shoved his free hand into his pocket and gave her a calculated look.

“I think Sage has heard you perform before. Let’s ask her.” Camille knew her attempt at matchmaking was crazy. She had no idea who was Flynn’s type, and Sage was a wildcard, but the girl was always blaring music when she was home, and when she wasn’t home, she was attending movies and concerts and, well, dating in general. It was completely possible she had heard Flynn’s band. That is, if the band had actually performed anywhere. Camille had meant to ask him about that.

“Sage!” Camille hollered across the noisy kitchen. Sage was in the process of cutting a banana into her ice cream. Camille nudged Flynn in her direction. “Sage, have you heard Flynn’s band before?”

Flynn and Sage studied each other, and it was clear that it was for the first time. There was absolutely no recognition in either of their eyes.

“What’s the name of your band?” Sage asked.

“Diehard Punks.”

While Sage squinted and thought, Camille prayed silently for some way to get the two to connect.

“Maybe I have. Do you play at the club by the park?”

It was a very vague description, so Camille almost forgot to breathe when Flynn nodded.

Sage snapped her fingers. “Yeah, I think I have seen you perform. Your band is good. You’re the lead guitarist, right?”

Flynn’s cheeks lifted, which was the only sign he was smiling under his beard. “That’s me. Hard to forget this red hair, but it seems you did for a moment.”

Sage pointed at his beard. “I think it was the red hair that brought it all back.”

Busying herself with the dishes behind her, Camille slowly backed out of their conversation, which quickly turned to favorite styles of music. She was extremely satisfied with herself. Without any prodding of her own, Raina and Macey had placed themselves between Cade and Daegan. Everything was going beautifully!

With her finger, Camille counted the chairs down to Benson, Daisha, and Emma. Uh oh. A trio meant a brother had escaped. Camille’s eyes darted over the room, naming her brothers-in-law. Easton!

Camille hurried to the hallway that led to the boys’ rooms and stopped.

This was uncharted territory for her. In the two weeks of her marriage, she hadn’t once entered that hallway. It was their part of the house, not hers. After poking her head down the hall, she decided it was time for Aiden to intervene. Her plan wouldn’t be successful unless they were all matched properly.

Camille turned and ran headlong into Aiden’s chest.

“Finally decided your husband deserved some ice cream, did you? You must’ve left it somewhere, because I see your hands are empty.”

Camille groaned. “Aiden, this is more important than ice cream. Easton is hiding from me. He has to meet Emma, or my plan is doomed from the beginning.”

“Doomed?” Aiden chuckled. “This whole idea was a long shot from the beginning. I think you should send my brothers to play basketball in the barn while you ladies have a real girls’ night.”

She frowned. Did Aiden always have to be right? Her enthusiasm waned as she realized how much she’d interfered. She’d practically pushed Benson on Daisha; although, the two were deep in conversation and seemed content. At least they were polite enough to talk to each other. Wait, where was Emma?

Camille glanced over in time to see Easton and Emma talking by the ice-cream maker. Success! Easton must’ve gone to the bathroom or some other temporary destination. The two left with their dessert and crossed through the double doors to the family room, where they sat down next to each other on a couch. She slapped her hand on Aiden’s chest and squealed under her breath.

Aiden’s gaze followed Camille’s. “Unbelievable.”

Camille wiggled her eyebrows in pleasure. “I guess, in the end, I was right.”

“Don’t get too excited.” Aiden scowled. “This is one night. What if Daegan and Cade both fall for Raina? Where does that leave poor Macey? There are too many variables, and this could blow up in your face. Forcing them to like each other might not work out, and I don’t want you to be dis-appointed.”

“I know,” she agreed, her conscience battling her enthusiasm. At least Aiden wasn’t against it outright. “I won’t force them, just influence them. ‘Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.’”

“You’re using the Bible against me?”

“Whatever it takes.” Camille grinned. She was determined to marry off her brothers and get Aiden all to herself.

Aiden rolled his eyes. “It’s out of context, and you know it. That scripture was not written for matchmaking.”

“A little persuasion won’t hurt anyone. You have to admit it worked with your brothers and the cereal.”

Aiden shook his head. “Excuse me while I get some ice cream and watch my brothers fall madly in love.”

Camille grinned. She knew he’d see the light.

An hour and a half later, Camille shut the door behind Daisha and her other friends. She couldn’t quite read Daisha’s expression, but Macey’s was very clear. The thumbs-up to Camille didn’t quite equal the enamored face she gave Daegan. Camille waited ten seconds and did a fist pump. “Yes!”

“I heard that.” Easton sauntered into the entryway.

Camille tucked her hands behind her back, but that position made her feel even more guilty. She dropped her hands to her side. “Oh, I was thinking about how great my ice cream turned out. Don’t you think?”

“Sure,” Easton said sarcastically. “Just great.”

Camille glanced past Easton to the office door that separated her from Aiden. She wanted to go in there and gloat, but this might be the perfect time to drill for first impressions. “So I saw you talking to Emma for quite a while. She’s nice.”

Easton shoved his hands into his pockets. “Yeah. Nice.”

“And?” She wasn’t exactly fishing for a two-word description.

Easton was suddenly tight-lipped. With a shrug, he turned and walked back into the kitchen.

Camille folded her arms across her chest. Well, she would talk to one of the other brothers. She found Daegan at the fridge, filling a cup of water from the spout on the door. “Daegan? Hey, sorry to invade the house with all those women. They can talk a lot.”

Daegan put his cup to his mouth and mumbled something incoherent. He kept his cup to his face while he walked in the direction of his room.

It was after eleven at night, which wasn’t terribly late on a weekend for her new family. Surely someone had enjoyed their evening enough to want to talk about it. Camille gazed into the family room and saw Benson and Flynn sitting on separate couches. Flynn wasn’t approachable, but Benson didn’t intimidate her.

She casually walked over to them and slid into an armchair. They were watching ESPN football replays. Not her thing, but she wasn’t here to talk football.

“Hey, Benson. Thanks so much for telling Daisha all about potatoes. That was really nice of you.”

Benson didn’t even lift his eyes away from the screen, but he nodded. They all nodded. Was that all they were capable of? Didn’t her efforts to feed them so well mean anything to them?

She glanced at Flynn. If she hadn’t known of his dislike of her marriage to Aiden, this wouldn’t be so difficult. She could talk to anyone, except people who didn’t like her. Courage, Camille, courage!

“Flynn? What did you think of Sage?”

Surprisingly, Flynn actually made eye contact with her. There might’ve even been a smile, though she couldn’t be certain.

“Sage is awesome. She’s coming to my gig tomorrow night, and we’re going to meet up afterward. But she’s only going out with me because of my red hair. Chicks dig it.”

“Your hair?” She burst out laughing.

Flynn ran his hands through it and tossed his head from side to side so it fluffed up in several odd angles. “See what I mean?”

Camille bit her lip to keep from laughing again. “I was going to recommend my haircutting skills, but I wouldn’t want to ruin your connection to the ladies.”

“Seriously? You think I should go shorter?” Flynn’s question was so sincere it caught her off guard. Was he actually asking her opinion?

She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so she thought about her response for a moment. “What about a touch on the sides so you can see sideburns—and your eyes, for that matter. Though, what I think would really attract girls is if you trimmed the beard.” There, she’d said it. She had been thinking it since she had met the guy.

Flynn was bewildered.

Benson, of course, hadn’t moved his eyes from the TV from the moment she’d entered the room. He did chip in a comment though. “He’s not going to shave every day. That’s work.”

“Yes,” Camille added. “An extra five minutes a day.”

Flynn rubbed his hand across his furry face. “You know Sage. What kind of guy does she go for?”

“Oh, definitely a guy whose mouth she can see.” Camille wasn’t certain if that was a lie or not. She had heard about Sage’s latest conquest in the guy department but had never seen him. It didn’t matter. Suddenly, more than anything else, Camille was dying to see what was under that beard. She threw out the clincher: “Hard to kiss a girl if you have to stop and move hair out of the way first. Want to shave it right now?”

Flynn chuckled. “Nah. These decisions take time. Well, I’m going to turn in. Night.”

After he left the room, Camille found herself in awe of their conversation. Tough Flynn sounded a bit insecure. He had asked her for advice.

Benson turned and gave her an incredulous look, but she ignored it.

The night hadn’t been a complete loss. At least Flynn and she were conversing now. Maybe he didn’t hate her anymore. Or maybe he never had. Either way, things were rolling in the right direction.