Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 34


“I had to pay for the last idea you had.” Benson’s embarrassed whispered didn’t hide his annoyance.

“I got you to go out on a date, didn’t I?” Aiden justified.

“Not with the right woman. It was painful going out with Emma. She didn’t even hug me good night—just sort of ran inside.”

“You guys talked about the people you like. It’s debatable whether you can even call it a date.”

Benson growled, “I opened the door, paid for her meal, danced with her, and bought her dessert. That was the exact recipe for a date, minus the sparks. As far as I know, it confused the people we liked instead of making them crazy with jealousy like you predicted. Never mind. Doesn’t your wife tell you anything? I was actually getting somewhere with Daisha before Daegan and Cade went to duke it out with her roommates’ dates.”

“I’m glad you’re still admitting to having feelings for Daisha. What are the other guys up to tonight?”

He heard Benson shuffle to a new room. “Let’s see. Daegan and Cade are moping like a bunch of wilted daisies, Flynn is picking at his guitar between building a pyramid out of the cans of soda he’s guzzled, and Easton has tossed his calculus book into the garbage and is actually studying a different subject for a change. Well, if you can study and watch TV at the same time.” Benson sighed. “Do you know how to fix things for us or what?”

“Simmer, Benson. We’re going to straighten this all out. Where’s Camille?”

“Are you stalling? Tell me the idea already.”

Aiden laughed. “I want you to put me on speakerphone so the others can hear, but I don’t think Camille should be privy to this conversation.”

“She’s driven over to hang out with her friends. Their stringent rules exclude female Petersons.”

“Perfect. Gather the others, and let’s video chat.”

It took Benson a few minutes to convince his brothers to let him switch the game to a screen share of his phone for a video chat, but Aiden waited patiently until it was managed and everyone’s faces showed up on his phone.

“We haven’t had a family counsel since the time everyone was worried Grant would get married before the rest of us,” Flynn joked.

“This is as impromptu as the last one,” Aiden said. “But rest assured, you won’t want to argue with what I have to tell you. I got this answer straight from the scriptures, so open your ears.”

Easton groaned. “For six months we had to put up with getting wet rags thrown in our faces for any bad language—including potty talk. Why was that again?”

Daegan answered. “It was supposed to symbolize washing away sins but always turned into a big water fight that no one appreciated cleaning up. Chalk it up to Aiden’s scripture inspiration. I don’t know about you, but I’m thrilled to hear about his latest idea.”

Aiden cleared his throat. “Shall I begin?” When all he got was blank stares, he took that as permission to start. “At the end of the book of Judges, the tribes of Israel were facing a dark time. They had all but killed off the entire tribe of Benjamin because of Benjamin’s crimes. We might differ in our ideas and feelings about what’s happening right now in your relationships, but we don’t need to play the blame game. I believe we can fix this, but I’ll need full cooperation.”

“We’re listening,” Cade said.

Aiden acknowledged Cade with a quick nod. “The mere six hundred sons of Benjamin who remained alive needed wives, and they sought an unrighteous method—to kidnap women and force them to marry.”

“Sounds barbaric.” Benson leaned back in his seat.

“You’re right,” Aiden answered. “And when we kidnap the women in apartment 206, it will be as perfect gentlemen.”

Flynn choked on his soda and had to mop up his face with his sleeve. The others spouted their exasperations through a variety of verbal insults.

Once the initial shock dissipated, Daegan said, “Aiden, you’ve lost your mind with this whole software thing.”

“Hear me out.” Aiden brought his phone closer to his face. “It’s technically not kidnapping. You know I would never really condone anything like that. It’s more of a surprise weekend trip. We kidnap the women for Thanksgiving break and have a big old party at the cabin. They’ll see how much they mean to you, and you’ll be instantly forgiven. It’s cake!”

Benson gave him a bored look. “I can see why you didn’t want Camille listening.”

Easton held up his phone and pointed to his screen. “I looked up Judges 21, and I think you forgot to read the last line. It basically says the men did whatever they wanted. How could you be inspired by a story like this?”

“I like it,” Daegan chipped in. “Kidnapping might be the only way to get Macey to listen or apologize.”

Cade chuckled. “You might actually have something this time,” he said to Aiden.

“This time?” Aiden scowled. “Show some respect for your betters, little brother. I know stories about you that would make Raina want to marry a ferret over you.”

Benson threw a pillow at Cade before he could form a retort. “Play nice.” He glared at Aiden since it would do no good to throw a pillow at a screen.

Flynn struck a chord on his guitar. “I bet the dads of those kidnapped women flipped. I don’t want Sage’s dad coming after me. I met him, and trust me, he’s no small fry.” He leaned forward and added another can to his pyramid. The whole thing toppled to the floor. Every eye turned on Flynn, who went back to strumming his guitar. “Don’t worry,” he said with a short laugh. “I’ll pick it up before Camille comes home.”

“This would have to be a planned operation,” Aiden instructed, picking up where he’d left off before the interruption. “You’d each have to call the ladies’ parents and let them know the arrangements. Someone would have to plan to purchase extra groceries. Camille will not be stuck taking care of your dates. This is supposed to be a break for her. Benson, I’m assigning you to the food. Flynn, you get tickets for the Playmill Theatre in West Yellowstone for Tuesday night. It can be the date or ploy that gets them to come of their own will. Women can’t resist singing and romancing on stage. Easton, you order flowers. Make sure they’re delivered with the tickets with written instructions on the time you’ll pick up your dates. Cade, I want you to pack extra blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows. Daegan, you can pack movies and board games. And together or separate, you need to compose a written apology.”

Benson interrupted the list-making. “Shouldn’t we run this by Camille?”

Aiden shook his head. “Let’s show her we’re capable of cleaning up our own messes. She doesn’t deserve to have to deal with all this family drama. Besides, Camille’s not the only one capable of making a match. By the end of the week, you’ll all be calling me Dr. Love.” Aiden’s eyebrows danced up and down. Some of them started laughing, and some of them booed. Easton threw a chip at the TV.

The brothers’ glaring eyes quickly turned on Easton. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll pick up the chip before Camille gets home.”

“Yes, you will,” Aiden said. “Now, focus for one more minute. We all need to be on the same page if this is going to work. Let’s take a vote.”

Everyone raised their hands but Benson. Daegan kicked Benson’s foot. “Raise your hand. We all know how much you dig Daisha. This is your big chance.”

Benson shifted in his seat. “Daisha and I are friends. We aren’t even dating. I’m not kidnapping her for an entire holiday weekend.” Thankfully, no one used his words as an opportunity to taunt him.

Flynn leaned over his guitar, and his eyes zeroed in on Benson. “I don’t want to break any confidences, but Sage might have told me that Daisha is into you.”

“Just like she mightnot have told you?” Benson smirked. “How promising.”

“What do you have to lose, Benson?” Cade asked. “You’re way more awesome than that Derek guy. She couldn’t do better than you.”

“Yeah,” Daegan added. “Besides, if you two aren’t making out by the end of the weekend, then you still have time to be over her by Christmas to start the new year off fresh. On the other hand, if things do work out, you don’t have to be the last brother hitched.”

“Your argument started off so good,” Benson said to Cade, “and then Daegan opened his mouth.”

Daegan squeezed Benson’s shoulder with the hand not in a cast. “It doesn’t hurt to try. Besides, we need you in order to make this work. We need every last woman on our side.”

Easton turned to Aiden. “What about Amy? I heard she was fueling the fire over there.”

Aiden nodded. “She was, but she won’t be any longer. I talked to her. Make sure she gets flowers and an invite to Thanksgiving as well.”

Benson stalled for a moment. “All right, I’ll do it.”

“Excellent,” Aiden said for all of them. “One more thing. Flynn?” Flynn peered up at the screen, and a wave of parental love hit Aiden. Being at odds with the woman you loved hurt. Flynn wouldn’t want a lecture, so Aiden took a breath to give it to him straight. “Your father figure says you can’t have a ridiculously long engagement if your fiancée doesn’t agree. You need to compromise.”

Flynn gave him a sideways grin, as if he’d been waiting for direction. “Got it.”