Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 4


Camille brought her hair and makeup supplies next door to get ready for her date with Aiden. As she curled her hair she wondered if she really had seen Aiden before or if her mind had created some fantasy scenario to explain why she was drawn to him. What if the connection she’d felt with Aiden wasn’t real and he was just some big flirt? Was she too desperate to notice the signs? She blinked hard a few times. She was overanalyzing. Even the worst dating record eventually had to break.

“Cute hair!” Raina said as she entered the bathroom and sat on the counter.

Macey, Raina’s sister, popped her head in and leaned against the doorframe. “And I love your makeup. You must have a hot date tonight.”

The sisters both had long, naturally curly dark hair, crinkly smiles, and beautiful olive skin tones. The biggest difference between them was their height. Raina, while younger and a tad more dramatic, was a good six inches taller than Macey.

“My first date since I’ve been back in town,” Camille said. “Do either of you have plans tonight?”

Macey and Raina shared a look. This one bordered on annoyance.

“We’re hanging out with an apartment of boys,” Macey said.

Raina scrunched her lips into a disgusted pout. “If you count sitting around playing video games as hanging out.”

“If you don’t like it, why are you going?” Camille asked, amused.

Raina shrugged. “Um, cause they’re boys.”

Macey translated Raina’s statement. “We’re working the friend route. It sounds pathetic, but most of the time we have fun.”

Camille had spent plenty of time with guys who preferred computer games, studying, or messing around to paying attention to the women next to them, which was probably why she hadn’t gotten married yet. Suddenly, her night last night with Aiden seemed even more incredible. It wasn’t every day she met someone who wanted to date the old-fashioned way.

The sisters had attached themselves to Camille, and she wanted to warn them about the dead-end trap they had put themselves in. She opened her mouth and hesitated. No, she wasn’t a dating expert; she was the last one who should be judging. “Where are Sage and Emma tonight?” she said instead.

“Emma is in her room, and Sage is with Mr. PDA at a movie,” Raina answered. “I don’t understand why she’s drawn to the edgy type.”

Sage made women everywhere jealous. With her curvaceous figure, large eyes accentuated with heavy makeup, and salon-perfect chestnut-brown hair, she collected dates like it was a hobby. Emma was a closet beauty and had a completely opposite personality. It was a wonder the two were best friends.

Camille lowered her voice. “Emma is always either in her room or at the library. Is she doing okay?”

Macey shrugged, but Raina leaned in to tell all. “Sage told us Emma was engaged last semester. Now she’s a man-hater and refuses to date.”

Poor girl.Not that being engaged was terrible, because Camille would cut off her right arm to be engaged—well, almost. But it seemed terribly tragic that sweet, quiet Emma had been thwarted in love. Let it serve as a lesson to her: date Aiden with caution!

“Sorry,” Macey said, shaking her head in Raina’s direction. “We talk too much. And Raina tends to exaggerate.”

Raina ignored Macey’s censure. “Hey, maybe you can trade some information for us. Is Daisha serious about Derek?”

“Now Camille is going to think we’re boy crazy and gossipers,” Macey mumbled.

“No worries. I already thought that,” Camille said with a wink. “Derek is devoted to Daisha. Sorry.”

Raina sighed and dramatically held her hands to her heart. “My shortest crush yet.”

Camille unplugged her curling iron. “Done! Excuse me while I convince Amy to share some of her clothes with me. I always feel so much cuter when I’m wearing someone else’s clothes.”

They laughed as Camille abandoned them in the bathroom. She walked down the short hall to Amy’s room and peered in. Amy was typing something—likely a letter to Grant instead of homework.

“Knock, knock. Want to play stylist?”

Amy squealed and jumped out of her seat. Within minutes she had Camille dressed in a flowy sweater that matched her blue eyes, paired with skinny jeans and flats that fit like a dream. The chunky earrings were a nice finishing touch. Amy could be so convincing about things like fashion—or Camille dating her boyfriend’s brother—when she wanted to be.

Camille gave her sister a quick hug and hurried back to her apartment. In a moment of indecision, she replaced the flats with dressy wedges just as she heard the doorbell ring. She checked the time on her phone, and her pulse raced. Aiden was right on time. Camille let him wait while she smoothed peach lip gloss over her mouth, then stuffed the tube back into her purse. It was unbelievable what women went through for a date.

“Hey,” she said, pulling the front door open. Seeing Aiden again made all her preparation feel worthwhile. He had gelled his short hair and looked amazing in his gray crew-neck sweater and jeans. And he wanted her to be his date?

She flashed him a semiconfident smile and slung her purse over her shoulder. Thoughts of Emma’s breakup suddenly came to her mind as a reminder not to get too excited about anything. No problem. She would be cautious but open-minded. No commitment necessary.