Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Several Weeks Later

"Because I said he couldn't,"I tell Obrecht. My cousins, Boris, and I are meeting with him at Nora's pub. I just reiterated that nothing is to happen to Jack Christian until his company goes public. Obrecht found out Boris knows what we are planning and isn't happy no one will tell him why I'm not disclosing everything to him. It's not that I distrust Obrecht, but he's got a big chip on his shoulder where I'm concerned and isn't showing any signs of giving me his trust anytime soon, so I'm not showing him the cards to changing my family's future income streams. Plus, when we take Jack Christian down, Judge Peterson gets destroyed. And that makes it super personal for us O'Malleys. I'm not telling anyone, except those I have to.

The tension becomes thicker. Obrecht shifts his gaze between me and Boris. "Are you taking orders from Liam now?"

Boris snorts. "Hell no. Don't overreact, Obrecht."

I slam my hand on the table. Obrecht's attitude toward me is beyond old. "Jesus. When are you going to realize we're all on the same side and stop acting like I'm going to destroy everyone around me?"

He sarcastically laughs. "You sit here and don't give me full disclosure. What am I supposed to think?"

"You're supposed to trust all of us, including me," I growl.

"Yeah, well, trust needs to be earned, doesn't it?" he spouts.

Yep. That goes both ways, you bastard.

No matter what I say or do, I can't seem to win Obrecht over, and I'm sick of trying. But I don't know what I did to have him distrust me so much. I know Adrian and I had some issues before I went to prison, but we were best friends for years. "What did I ever do to you, Obrecht? Do you want to fill me in? I'd love to know."

"I'm not getting into this," he states.

I sneer. "Why not? Now's as good of a time as ever."

"Fine. You want to get into this, I'll tell you. I don't like all the shit you pulled Killian, Boris, and Adrian into when we were kids."

My stomach flips. It seems like whatever I do, my reputation from when I was barely a man bites me in the ass. "Kids. The keyword being kids. I'm a forty-year-old man now."

He snaps back, "Yeah, well, I also remember you trying to pull all of them into the murder that got you thrown in the slammer for fifteen years. You haven't been out in this world like we have. You're all ready to lead the O'Malleys into whatever this big scheme is you have up your sleeve. All I know is your track record isn't too good. So excuse me if I don't give you my full faith."

Boris starts, "Obrecht—"

"No. Do you think for one minute if an Ivanov were in trouble, Liam would be sticking his neck out to help us? Unless there's something in it for him, I'm not betting my money on him."

Are you fucking kidding me? I'd put my life on the line and die if it meant saving an Ivanov.

"You're wrong," Boris claims.

"Liam's always been loyal," Killian growls.

He faces me. "Are you going to sit here and tell me you'll put your life at risk for an Ivanov if there isn't something in it for you?"

I try to control the rage burning in my gut. The acid I can't seem to stop from eating at my stomach grows stronger. "Yeah. I would."

Obrecht sniffs hard. "Bullshit. Watch yourself, Boris. This alliance we all have, it feels a lot more like a one-way lane to me than a two-way street."

"You're out of line, Obrecht," Boris says.

"When the day comes where Liam does something for one of us with nothing in it for him to gain, I'll recant my statement. Until then, I'm going to watch my back. Have a good day." He shakes his head and stomps out of the pub.

"Have your little temper tantrum," I mutter under my breath.

"Don't," Boris warns.

"Oh, you're going to stick up for him now?" I reply.

Boris crosses his arms. "Not telling my brothers and cousins what is going on isn't going to help you regain anyone's trust."

I avoid responding to his comment. It's true, but I'm not ready to take any additional risks with this situation. "If he touches a hair on Jack's head before his company goes public, we're going to have problems." Finn and I were on the same cell block as a former stock trader named Micky. We didn't think much of it until one night when he drank too much of the alcohol he secretly fermented. Jack and the judge's name came up. He rambled on and on about how he would take them down. After that, we learned everything we could about how the market works, what he knew about Jack's company, and his competitors. We formed a friendship, and the three of us began concocting a plan. When my father visited, I filled him in, and he did the groundwork we couldn't while inside prison. For several years, my father helped hedge fund managers and other wall street gurus take care of career and personal issues. Many of those problems our family created. Now, they owe us for saving their asses. A few years ago, our prison buddy got pneumonia and died. At that point, we were already thick into our plan.

When Jack's company goes public, we're going to short the stock. As it falls, we'll profit off it, but because of laws, we had to get a lot of men in our pockets, so it's not linked to the O'Malleys. The money will funnel into untraceable offshore accounts and then be laundered through several more accounts until it disappears into thin air. It will set up the current generation of O'Malleys for life. From that point forward, we'll have funds to build the tech company Nolan and Declan will run, among other companies. Our family will finally have legitimate revenue sources and will get out of the drug and gambling business.

Boris rises. "I don't like keeping things from my brothers and cousins. There are six of us you should trust with your life. You're putting me in a bad situation. I'm giving you a week to tell Maksim. After that, you'll leave me no choice. I've gone along with this longer than anticipated. Tell Maksim, or I will, Liam."

I point my finger at him. "Don't cross me or give me orders, Boris. I'm in charge of this ship."

He grunts then shakes his head. He glances at Killian. "Remind your cousin I don't take orders from him."

"You two want to stop your pissing match now? We've got important shit to take care of. Let's go, Nolan," Declan grumbles, and they get up and leave.

Boris and I continue to lock eyes.

"I'm done, too. I've got a lunch date," Killian boasts.

I turn to him and raise my eyebrows. "With who?"


"I thought you broke it off with her?" Boris questions.

Arrogance fills Killian's face. "She says she understands the rules. My balls are turning blue and my dick's going to be her lunch. We'll see if she can follow the rules this time, but I already warned her."

"Good luck with that." Boris gives me one final warning. "One week. Figure it out, Liam."

I scowl at him, and he leaves. Killian rises. "We don't need this animosity between the Ivanovs and us. Just talk to Maksim."

"Go get your blowjob and leave the decisions to me," I snap. "Have fun with Becky. Sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen."

"Yeah, well, my cock's ready for the train wreck today. Later." Killian leaves.

I get up, step outside, and go to the tattoo parlor. When I walk in, Bones, who I haven't seen since before I went to prison, stops inking the man on the table.

"Well, I'll be. If it isn't the devil himself." He stands, grabs my hand, and slaps my back. "Didn't know you were out."

"Few months. You got time to ink me up?" I ask.

He grins. "Sure. Give me five minutes to finish. Take a seat."

I sit, and he returns to working on his client. When he finishes, he asks, "What do you want me to do?"

I tap my forearm. "I want two Celtic hearts. One is upside down and one right side up. In the middle, I want you to add a Celtic H."

Bones raises his eyebrows. "Eternity. What's the H for?"

"My girl, Hales."

He whistles. "You never got an M for Megan."

I groan. "Did you have to bring her up?"

"Couldn't believe Danny and her hooked up the minute you got arrested. You dodged a bullet with that one," he states.

My stomach pitches anytime I think about how my cousin and ex-fiancée betrayed me. I may not have been close to Danny, but it's a line no man should cross. "Let's drop it."

Bones nods. "Done. Let me do a quick drawing and make sure it's what you want."


We engage in small talk while he's drawing the tattoo. I approve of his sketch then spend the afternoon getting my new ink. He wraps it, and I roll my sleeve over the bandage. When I get home, it's around dinnertime. Hailee is at the house. I nod at my guys parked in the street near the driveway and go inside.

The new kitchen got installed a few days ago, and Hailee's cooking dinner. She has music on and doesn't hear me come in.

I sneak behind her and put my arm around her waist. She jumps, and I nuzzle her neck. "What smells so good?"

She tilts her head and pecks me on the lips. "I'm making a sweet potato Shepherd's Pie."

"Sweet potato?"

"Yeah. Ciara got me hooked on it. It'll be ready in about thirty minutes."

"Well, it smells good. How was school today?" I ask.

Her eyes gleam. "Normal. Nothing exciting. But I got home early and made you something."


Her lips twitch. "It's on the counter."

I release her and turn to the island. A green poster board has each day of the week on it, boxed in with gold glitter. My name is at the top. The end of each week has a column titled Total. Hearts are drawn and filled in with Kelly green glitter around it. The bottom row has letters, the equal sign, and numbers. A closed, velvet pink box sits next to it.

"What is this?" I point to the box.

"Your proper treat box."

Hell yeah!The last time she talked about the treat box, it was a ticket to wake me up with one of her blowjobs.

"And this?" I point to the poster board, trying to play it cool.

She smirks. "It's your behavior chart."

Jesus, I love this woman.My blood pounds harder. "How does it work?"

Her coy expression fills her face. It's another thing I love about her. The world sees her as an innocent kindergarten teacher. When I see that expression, I know my freaky, dirty, sexy little lamb has something up her sleeve. She runs her finger down my arm that didn't get the tattoo today. "You get to earn points for your good behavior."

I point to the bottom of the chart. "What does N/O mean? Since there's a zero, I assume it means I did something wrong?"

She pouts and bats her eyes. "It means you didn't give me an O for the day. It also cancels out all your other points you've earned up until that day for the week."

I drag my finger over her breast and circle her nipple. It hardens under her barely there mesh bra, which makes my dick twitch. "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"Nope," she says, popping the p.

"O equals five points. I think I know what that means," I cockily say and mentally plan on earning at least one hundred points tonight.

"Yeah, but it's for noncreative, basic ones," she replies.

"Such as?" I ask.

She tilts her head and sticks her finger in my mouth. I suck it as she replies, "Anything vanilla."

I glance at the chart, she pulls her finger out of my mouth, and I undo the button on her shirt and ask, "What does B equals ten mean?"

"For every ten minutes you make me beg, you get ten points."

Oh, my dirty, little lamb.

I continue unbuttoning her shirt and ask, "And R equals fifteen?"

Her eyes brighten. "Restraints get extra points."

My pants get tighter. "G equals twenty?"

"G-spot Os."

I lick my lips then continue studying the chart. "A plus C equals thirty?"

"Anal with clit orgasms."

I freeze. I've never approached anal sex with her before. I guess nothing she does should surprise me, but for some reason, it does. My heart races faster. "You'd let me?"

She traces the clover tattoo on my neck. "Is there anything I've not let you do?"


I glance back at the chart. "C-H equals bonus five?"

"Chains," she innocently says.

I run my finger over her navel and stop at the top of her pants. "Real metal chains?"


"You'd look hot as fuck, little lamb," I admit to her.

She leans into my ear. "You could do it with the A plus C."

I shove my hands down the back of her pants and palm her ass cheek. My erection hardens so much, it hurts. "So I can combine points?"


Heat courses through my veins, and I suddenly feel really hot. I twirl her hair around my fist and tug her head back. Her blue flames sear into mine. I ask, "And what is S-P-J for fifty?"

She licks her lips and widens her eyes. "Squirting pussy juice."


A rippling groan rumbles through my chest, and she smirks. I ask the final question, "M equals bonus five?"

"Anything with your mouth deserves extra credit, don't you think?"

"How many points do I need to get something from the treat box?" I ask, wondering what's in it.

She wiggles her eyebrows. "Every five hundred points."

"Challenge accepted," I cockily boast.

"You think it will be easy?"

I snort then scoop her up and lay her on the new floor I installed yesterday. She squeals, and I cage my body over hers. "I'm ready to earn my points."

She raises her eyebrows in a challenging stare and taunts, "Show me what you got, Daddy."

I cockily snort, dip my lips to her collarbone, and make my way to her belly button. I unzip her pants. My mind starts spiraling with all the points on the chart. "How many points did you say I get for ten minutes of begging?" I shove her pants down and nip her panties.

"Ten," she breathes and grabs my hair.

The music and my blood pounds between my ears. I slip my fingers under the thin material and tease her clit then slide into her hole. I do everything to her until her panties are soaked. I lick and suck and penetrate every place possible, knowing she can't handle her underwear or bra on her when she's sweating and desperate to come.

"Take them off, Liam. Please," she begs in a raspy voice.

"I'm just getting started, little lamb," I mumble into her trembling pussy then bite on it.

"F...oh fu..."

I pull back. My thumb is inside her sex, my finger up her ass, and I press them together inside her while sliding against her walls.

"Liam! Oh God! Please!" Her insides clench hard against my digits.

I continue the same movement and bring my mouth to her breast. Her bra sticks to her skin, and I run my tongue on the mesh over her hard nipple.

She moans like a wild animal and tries to pull my shirt off me, but I don't let her.

"You aren't in control, little lamb."

"Please, I-oh...oh!" She screams as I press my thumb and finger harder against her walls.

It goes on and on. Her cries get louder. She screams out my name too many times to count. Her body quivers but doesn't go over the edge. The coat of sweat on her skin drips all over the floor as I rotate my mouth between her pussy and her breasts.

"Liam, please! I can't handle it anymore," she cries out.

"Oh dear!" My mother's voice fills the air.

I jerk my head up to see her gaping at us. Hailee's eyes fill with horror, and she attempts to cover her chest. I yank my shirt off and put it over her lower body. I growl, "Mom! Turn around!"

"Oh! Sorry!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I knocked, but no one answered. So I came around back and used the key Nora used to keep outside."

I had no idea Nora kept a key hidden there, but from now on, that's going to change. "So you just came in?" I pull Hailee into a sitting position and sit in front of her in an attempt to hide her nakedness from my mother.

My mom turns to look at me. "I heard the music—"

"Turn around!" I bark and reach behind me for Hailee.

She jumps. "Sorry. I thought you just couldn't hear me knocking."

"Mom, go outside to your car. I'll be out in a minute," I demand.

Hailee presses her forehead against my back, and I tighten my grip around her.

My mom's voice sounds hurt. "What? I just got here."

"Don't argue with me," I order, pissed she can't take the hint and obey me when she entered my house without warning and caught me being intimate with my woman.

She doesn't say anything and walks around the island and out the door.

I spin. "Hales, you okay?"

She nods. "Just embarrassed."

"Don't be. I'm sorry." I rise then pick her up off the floor.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Taking you to the bedroom. Let me deal with my mom. I'll be right back."

A shrill beep fills the air. Hailee says, "I have to take dinner out of the oven."

I peck her on the lips and walk into the bedroom. "I'll get it." I set her on the bed and lean over her. "I'll be back with food. But be prepared, little lamb. I plan on racking up a lot of points tonight."