Renewing Their Vows by Jessa Kane



Ten years later

God, I love putting diamonds on my Gracie.

No matter how many times she assures me she doesn’t need them, I can’t pass a jewelry shop without stopping inside and finding one to drape on her beloved skin. I’m standing in the doorway of our bedroom now, watching her slide one such diamond into her earlobe, securing it with the platinum backing. She’s in green silk tonight, her dark hair up in some complicated knot that I’m absolutely going to destroy with my hands later. Probably as soon as the awards ceremony is over and we’re back in the limousine.

She’s so beautiful that my brain function slows just looking at her.

One might think it’s the thousands of punches I’ve taken over the years causing my world to move in slow motion, but no. It’s my wife. She’s been the wrecker of my concentration since we were eighteen years old and she’ll occupy that role until we leave this earth.

I won’t take a single second of it for granted.

Grace doesn’t see me watching her yet, so I spend a moment observing her surroundings. I sweep the high ceilings of our master bedroom, complete with fireplace and balcony overlooking the backyard, satisfaction settling down on my shoulders. Pride. I know with all my heart that Grace would have lived happily with me in a two-bedroom in Southie forever. But I needed to give my beauty what she deserves. And really, there is no end to what she deserves, my angel sent from God, but I had to settle for giving her an eight-bedroom mansion with an infinity pool and a movie theater out in Weston.

In exchange, she makes my fucking heart beat. Makes it pound.

She’s given me two crazy-as-hell sons. Happiness beyond my wildest imagination.

Home. Grace is my home. She has been since the second we saw each other, fifteen years ago in The Hellmouth. And that’s never, ever going to change.

“I might not see you, but I can feel you,” she murmurs across the room, giving me an appreciative look over her shoulder. “You’re radiating hot man in a tuxedo energy.”

I sip from the tumbler of scotch in my hand, making my way over to where Grace sits at her dressing table. “I better be the only one who ever radiates that energy in your direction.”

She purses her lips at me. “How many years do I have to spend utterly devoted to my husband before he stops being jealous?”

Carefully, I set down my glass on a nearby shelf.

Then I pluck Grace up from her chair, spin her around and drop her backside onto the table’s gleaming surface. With my mouth a hair away from hers, I press her knees open. “When a man locks down pussy this tight, he stays jealous.” Her head falls back on a shaky breath and I draw my parted lips up the slope of her throat. “When a man locks down the woman who can set his world on fire and put out the flames? He stays jealous. Forever.”

“I love you,” Grace whispers, curling her fingers in the sides of my tuxedo jacket, drawing me into the V of her thighs. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, Gracie.” My chest twists violently. “I’m insane with it.”

Her breath is starting to come faster. “Can we play tonight?”

My balls nearly erupt over her question. It’s such a close call that I have to reach down and squeeze them, gritting my teeth and breathing through the pulsing ache. “Oh, we’re going to play, beauty. Hard.”

We discovered exactly what we like, how far to push, that wild night in Whiskey Tavern.

Since then, we’ve explored. We’ve lost sight of any kind of boundary.

I’ve gone so far as to rent a separate house so I could decorate one of the bedrooms in frilly pink. Sneak in through the darkness and masturbating onto her rucked up nightgown. We don’t need to play games every time we touch. God no. Our sex life is passionate and wild and outrageously satisfying without them. But when we go there, we jump in with both feet. There’s no end to how twisted it can be. Through it all, through every second, however, our love, our affection stays pure as the driven snow.

My love for this woman is bottomless.

Hers is the same for me.

A wonder that will never cease to amaze me.

My beautiful uptown girl took a chance on a brawler from Southie and every single day, I make sure she knows she made the right choice.

Now, I lap at the notch of her throat with my tongue. While she squirms over the contact, I reach between her thighs and softly trace the seam of her pussy with my thumb. “I’ll be your Daddy. Just picked you up from boarding school.”

She exhales jaggedly. “I’ve matured since you last saw me,” Grace breathes, her nipples turning to hot little points inside the green silk dress. “And me? I’ve got all these new, confusing hormones making me want things I shouldn’t…”

My dick throbs with every word out of her mouth. “Daddy will show you how to calm them down.”

Grace’s eyes are turning glassy, unfocused. “C-can you show me right now?”

I’m already lifting her off the dressing table and striding toward the bed, desperate to pump her full of my hungry cock. Especially in her diamonds and silk. Spoiled by her husband. Me. I give her everything. I’ll give her everything until I die.

But before we even reach the king-sized sleigh bed, our boys come tearing into the room like maniacs—dripping wet from the pool—both of them exact replicas of me as a child, except they have Grace’s blue eyes and her coloring. “Dad, Bobby keeps pushing me off the diving board!”

“He takes too long to jump!”

They don’t even bat an eyelash at the fact that Grace has her legs wrapped around my waist. It’s a common sight in our household. I like to carry her places. Especially bed. So sue me.

With our plan for a quickie thwarted, Grace gives a pained laugh, pressing her forehead to mine. “Bobby, stop pushing your brother.”

My dick might be in agony, but my heart is booming in my chest.

I’m looking into Gracie’s eyes. I have my sons safe, here in this home.

I can’t believe this is my life. I can’t believe I have this woman.

“Your aunt Tulip is coming over to babysit,” I say, giving them the squint eye. “Are you going to be good for her? Or are we going to come home to find her rocking in a corner again?”

“Definitely the corner,” shouts Matthew, running back out of the room, Bobby hot on his heels.

“Better give her a good tip,” jokes Grace, since we don’t have to pay Tulip. After college, my sister became a successful science teacher and now works at Grace’s old prep school in Boston. A slightly sore subject for me, but we’re getting past it.

Grace herself still teaches, but in a private capacity only, since my notoriety as a world champion boxer means round-the-clock protection when she leaves the house. Right now, we don’t have to worry about that too much, because it’s summer break, meaning I’ve got her all to myself for the next three months. I’m retired from fighting now, giving me all the time in the world to devote to her. There will never be enough, though. Not even if I had millions of years.

“I guess we’ll wait until later,” she murmurs, kissing me, her sweet tongue teasing mine. Her eyes full of so much love, they knock the wind out of me.

“Says who?” I mutter thicky, wheeling her into the bathroom and locking the door. A few shifts of our clothing later and I’m burying myself to the hilt, surrounding my shaft in wet paradise, her whimper echoing off the marble walls, the hinges rattling as I start to thrust. “Still tight as you were at eighteen. Jesus Christ,” I pant. “Now where were we?” I rasp, clamping a hand over her mouth, pumping harder. “No screaming, little girl, or Daddy will get caught…”


Go back to the beginning of

North and Grace’s story!

MAKING THEIR VOWS is available now.

The moment Grace Foster locks eyes with the brutally beautiful underground fighter, she knows her life is never going to be the same. There is something about North Whitlock that makes her temperature rise dramatically, her scruples vanishing into thin air. They are drawn together like magnets, despite their obvious differences. Grace attends a wealthy prep school while North must fight to survive. They don’t make sense as a couple—and her father would never, ever approve of the dangerous brawler. Trying to stop North from seeing his Gracie, though? Not a chance. Staying away from each other when every touch sets them aflame is an impossible feat…but will they survive the explosive consequences?

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