Acts of Redemption by Eleanor Aldrick

This is always the hardest bit for me to write. Not because I’m ungrateful, but because there are so many and so much I’m thankful for that it would probably be enough to fill another book.

As always, first and foremost, I’d like to give a shout out to my real-life prince charming. I am beyond thankful for my husband. I’ve been blessed with a man who is truly supportive in every sense of the word, not complaining one bit as I pour myself into my books and create these stories for you. Love you babe, you’re the real MVP.

I’d also like to acknowledge my dear friends who have carried me through moments of self-doubt, always helping me push forward and be the best version of myself. I am truly grateful for you Domino, Kellie, Taralyn, Julie, Tracy, Dana, Sara, and Ande. I love you all, to the moon and back; and even though I’m not always the most expressive person in the world, know that I appreciate you.

A massive thank you is also in order to all my beta and ARC readers. I appreciate all of your feedback and your desire to help my book baby be the best version of itself. Acts of Redemption wouldn’t be what it is today without you.

Another chapter of gratitude goes out to all of the bookstagrammers that have helped share all of the graphics and teasers for AOR. I love seeing all of the edits and hype for my babies, knowing you’re just as excited as I am means the world to me.

And last but not least, you, the reader. Thank you for taking a chance on my books and letting me into your imagination. I hope you truly enjoyed the ride, and if you did, I’d be extremely grateful if you left my book a review.