The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara


It’s closing time and Ethan didn’t come back. I miss having him around. Even when he doesn’t talk much, I still like knowing he’s here. He always helps us close the place, clean, and keeps us awake and entertained with his geeky jokes. Not tonight. It’s not the same without him and I find myself turning and looking at the door until my neck hurts. He’s not coming; and it’s a bitter preview and reminder. Alisa was right; it’s a matter of days and one more just ended.

Celine and I are almost home, when she grabs my arm tight.


“Aaron texted back,” says Celine, her voice high-pitched like a mouse’s squeak.

“When?” I ask.

“Just now. I messaged him right before we left Café Azure.”

She’s smiling from ear to ear. She’s always smiling but I haven’t seen her this happy.

“When are you seeing him?”

“Tomorrow evening,” she says. “If you’re OK holding the fort on your own.”

“Of course,” I say. “I’m so happy for you, Celine.”

We get home. Ethan’s not here. Celine jumps in the shower and I’m snuggled under a blanket on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen, when I hear the front door.

Ethan tiptoes over and jumps onto the couch. “Where is she?” he whispers.

“In the shower.”

“Did she get the flowers?” he asks, and grins.


I tilt my head and look at him.

“You did good. He just needed a slight, friendly push in the direction of the florist. Sorry I left you both with the coffee shop. Was it complete madness?”

“No, it was fine,” I say, still stunned about this.

He sighs amused. “Reminiscing ten years with him, took longer than expected.”

“So it was you who convinced him to ask her out.”

“No,” he says innocently. “We both did.”

“Don’t tell her, OK?” I say. “I don’t want her to know we’re involved.”

“I won’t. I promise. It’ll be our secret.”

He sits comfortably, looking at the dark screen. “What are we watching?”

“Whatever it is, it’s super interesting. I’m glued to the couch.”

“Want something to drink? I noticed you don’t drink much so I’m not going to spoil a full glass of wine on you, but how about this much?” he asks and shows me two fingers.

I nod.

“Two wine fingers times two coming up,” he says. “And I brought you both this,” he says and hands me a food tray.

In it are a few crab Rangoon, spring rolls and pot sticks.

“You can’t say I’m not a provider.”

“Where did you get this?”

“Picked it up on my way back. Thought I shouldn’t come home empty-handed after I stood you up tonight.”

“You didn’t stand us up. You have things to do,” I say.

“Not you and Celine. You. I thought we talked about doing something.”

“We did?”

“Maybe we didn’t,” he says. “I might’ve misunderstood your question about the manuscript then.”

I laugh. “How’s the reading going?”

“It’s going. Still fabulous. Still a slow reader.”

Maybe I shouldn’t ask this. Maybe I shouldn’t ruin it for him too, but I do it anyway.

“Will you finish by the time you leave?”

“By the time I leave?”

“The day after your book launch, right?”

His eyes are fixated on mine as he puts the wine glasses on the table and comes back on the couch. “Correct. Yes. Almost forgot. Wow. Not much time then.”

“Nope. Not much time at all,” I say.

He’s quiet for a moment. “Alright then. So, what are you doing tomorrow?”

“Besides working? Celine has a date tomorrow, thanks to you. So I have to be there.”

“Right. That leaves only the morning. Hmm… I have something in mind.”

“You do?”

He takes his phone and checks something on it.

“All set,” he says. I suggest you go to bed now. We need to be out of the house at four.”

I hear Celine coming out of the bathroom. He gets up and walks over to her bedroom door. “I’ll let her know about tomorrow. Wear comfortable shoes and layers. How are you with heights?”

“Four? In the morning? What heights?” I ask, but he’s gone already.

I text Alisa, and without waiting for an answer, I go straight to bed.

I have to go to sleep early because tomorrow I’m waking up at 3ish to go somewhere with Ethan. Not sure where but it involves heights. I’m thinking rock climbing or something. Talk tomorrow.