Hot SEAL, Labor Day by Cynthia D’Alba

SEALs in Paradise Editions

SEALs in Paradise: Favorite Drink Edition

Hot SEAL, Black Coffee, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, Cold Beer, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, S*x on the Beach,Delilah Devlin

Hot SEAL, Salty Dog, Elle James

Hot SEAL, Red Wine,Becca Jameson

Hot SEAL, Dirty Martini, Cat Johnson

Hot SEAL, Bourbon Neat,Parker Kincade

Hot SEAL, Single Malt, Kris Michaels

Hot SEAL, Rusty Nail,Teresa Reasor

SEALs in Paradise: Vacation/Relocation Edition

Hot SEAL, Alaskan Nights, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, New Orleans Night,Delilah Devlin

Hot SEAL, Hawaiian Nights, Elle James

Hot SEAL, Australian Nights,Becca Jameson

Hot SEAL, Tijuana Nights,Cat Johnson

Hot SEAL, Vegas Nights,Parker Kincade

Hot SEAL, Savannah Nights, Kris Michaels

Hot SEAL, Roman Nights,Teresa Reasor

SEALs in Paradise: Wedding Edition

Hot SEAL, Bachelor Party, Elle James

Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride,Delilah Devlin

Hot SEAL, Runaway Bride,Cat Johnson

Hot SEAL, Cold Feet,Becca Jameson

Hot SEAL, Best Man,Parker Kincade

Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, Taking The Plunge,Teresa Reasor

Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom, Maryann Jordan

SEALs in Paradise: Holiday Edition

Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker,Cat Johnson

Hot SEAL, Charmed,Parker Kincade

Hot SEAL, April’s Fool, Becca Jameson

Hot SEAL, In His Memory,Delilah Devlin

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad,Maryanne Jordon

Hot SEAL, Independence Day,Elle James

Hot SEAL, Sweet & Spicy, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, Labor Day, Cynthia D’Alba

Hot SEAL, Midnight Magic, Teresa Reasor

Hot SEAL, Sinful Harvest, Parker Kincade

Hot SEAL, Silent Knight, Kris Michaels