The Retaliation You Deliver by Tracy Lorraine


I can’t believe we’re here already. This year, and this series, has just passed by way too fast.

But did I save the best until last?

Leon was… he was special. I knew his story was going to be dark, brutal, shocking. But I was so excited to dive into it. I felt like I’d been waiting years.

I’m not going to lie, I was worried about that cliffhanger. Even I sat there slack jawed wondering what I’d just written. But, as always, I let my characters lead, and that was what they were telling me. So I just went with it.

I’m so relieved most of you still love him!

This series has been so memorable for me. Kane helped me hit the top 100 for the first time, and I’ve met so many incredible new readers and authors because of it.

So the most important thing to say at this point, is THANK YOU. Thank you for taking a chance on me, Letty and Kane, and thank you for still being here now at the end.

The end… it sounds so final. But while this series might be done. That doesn’t mean we’re not going to see any of these guys again.

Anyone interested in a little more Reid, maybe?! I know I am. He is too, he’s busting to get out of my head.

All I’m going to say is… 2022. Watch this space. You may already have some noticed some hints of where it might be going…

But in the mean time, I’m going to give you some delicious British boys in my Knight’s Ridge Empire series. If you’ve read Rosewood High, then you’ll already know, and hopefully love, Stella. Well, let me just say, you’ve seen nothing yet!

Go grab the prequel, Wicked Summer Knight (it’s free) and dive into the dark and twisted world of Knight’s Ridge.

Until next time,

Tracy xo