Sold to the Hitman by Logan Chance



Basic rule of journalism:once something is off the record, keep it there. The things Titan told me were not off the record, so I have to get a call into Frank and tell him Steele is working with a man by the name of Gunner Marble. We need to run a search on the name. Find out who he is.

All I know is he used to be a hitman who trained Titan in the art of the kill.

As I speed down the street so I can’t be followed, I grab my cell, pulling up Frank’s contact info. I hit send and put the phone up to my ear. “Frank, meet me at the station. I have some information.”

“I’ll be there in twenty.”

A single headlight in my rearview grabs my attention. Dammit, Titan.

I’m no racecar driver, and kind of don’t want to break the law, but I try my best to outrun him. It’s no use. He’s gaining on me, so I pull into a gas station and get out of his truck.

“What are you trying to do?” I yell. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

He slides off his bike, and it’s really sexy and really inappropriate for me to think that right now. “Where are you going in my truck?”

I park a hand on my hip. “You don’t own me, ya know?”

He crosses his arms. “Actually, I kind of do. I paid twenty grand for you.”

My mouth drops open. “I can’t believe you just said that to me.”

He steps forward, wrapping an arm around my waist. “Believe it, sweetheart. You belong to me, and there’s no way I’m gonna let anything happen to you.”

He can’t possibly think he really owns me. Can he? “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m fine.” I square my shoulders and raise my chin so he knows I’ve got this.

“Better safe than sorry.” He stares down the road. “Where are you going? This isn’t the way to your house.”

I bite my lower lip. “I was headed to the station to talk with my boss Frank.”

“About Steele? About Gunner? About me?”

“Listen,” I place my hand on his chest, “we have databases where we can search for Gunner. Find him. Instead of continuing to go to low-end bars and hoping he shows up.”

Titan purses his lips, tilting his head, as he considers my words. “Blue, you think he will find something we can’t. You don’t think we have the best databases at Ruthless Corp?”

“Don’t database shame me, ok?”

“Don’t what?”

“Just humor me, ok? Let’s see if Frank can find something out.”

“I still don’t like the fact you ran off.”

“Let’s go meet with Frank, and then we can go back to your place and I will behave.” Saying the word behave isn’t the word I was going for, but it makes Titan’s jaw tick. Like he enjoyed hearing that word fall from my lips.

“And just how are you going to behave for me?”

I trace my fingers up his t-shirt, willing to play with fire. “Any way you want me to.”