Three Rules I’d Never Break by Remi Carrington

Chapter 16

Bright and early, I stuffed napkin holders and made coffee, helping Tessa get ready to open her shop. “I knew Eli was good-looking, and I guessed he was a little charming. But he has upped the charm all week, and yesterday’s date blew me away.”

She grinned. “I’m happy for you. He really is a great guy.”

“He remembered that I loved one of the desserts at that fancy place up the road and called in an order. Or texted because I never saw him on the phone. Then we went to his house to eat.”

“You went to his place?” She lifted an eyebrow, but her smirk gave away the teasing.

“Don’t give me that look. When we were there, Eli wouldn’t come within five feet of me.” I thought back to the night I’d unloaded on him about men with one thing on their mind.

“And that sounds like the Eli I know.” Tessa bit her bottom lip, which she did when she was tempted to do something she shouldn’t.

I leaned on the counter. “Tell me.”

“He took a date to prom. I think he let someone set him up on a double date. They danced once, and you could’ve fit the entire band between them when they were dancing. Eli had his arms almost straight.” She tapped a finger to her lips. “Please don’t tell him I told you that story.”

“Well, he didn’t dance that way last night.”

Tessa looked at her phone. “Eli is on his way. You want to write a note on his napkin?”

“From your tone, I get that you are trying to be funny, but yes. I do want to write a note on a napkin for him.” I snagged a pen off the counter beside the register and drew a large heart on a napkin. Inside the heart, I wrote I really enjoyed last night.

She shook her head. “When did you get to be so sappy?”

“I’m happy, not sappy. Maybe we need to find you someone. Then you can be happy like me.”

Tessa’s eyebrows pinched together. “First of all, I am happy. Second, unlike you, my future plans do not include anyone else. It’ll be me and my doughnut shop for years to come.”

“I’m not going to argue with you, but I will say I told you so when some guy sweeps you off your feet.” I stuffed the note into the bag with an extra napkin. Then prepped Eli’s coffee.

“Did you get that lid on correctly?” Tessa was in kind of a mood. Maybe she didn’t like my comment about being swept off her feet.

I let her check the lid. “What kind of doughnut does he get?”

“Plain glazed.”

Who would have guessed?

I switched the sign to open and smiled as Eli walked in.

“Well, good morning.” He flipped the sign to closed and grinned as he pulled me close.

“Hello, I’m right here.” Tessa waved her arms.

He waved at her but stayed focused on me. “This is a nice surprise.”

This time kissing in the doughnut shop didn’t end with coffee spilled on my shoes.

“I have to run. I’ll call you later.” He kissed my cheek after picking up the bag and his coffee. “Thanks, Tessa.”

“Bye.” She walked out of the kitchen.

I followed Eli outside. “Have a good day.”

“Thanks. We’ll have to see how many tearful women weave and speed through the county today.” He tipped his hat.

I stayed on the sidewalk and watched as he drove away.

Tessa opened the door. “Want another doughnut?”

“Just more coffee. Definitely more coffee. I did not get enough sleep last night.” I hopped onto my favorite stool.

“Tell me all about the date.” She glanced at the clock. “That sign can stay flipped for another few minutes.”

For the next five minutes, I told her all about horseback riding, chatting over dessert, and dancing. “It was, by far, the best first date I’ve ever had. Shoot. The best date. Period. And he didn’t leave me wondering if I’d hear from him again.”

“Yeah, I’d say that his behavior this morning made that pretty clear.”

* * *

That night,fifteen minutes after the end of his shift, Eli called.


“Thanks for the note. Did you have a good day?” He sounded tired.

“Pretty good. I shopped for furniture, but I haven’t bought anything yet. Not until the house is ready. How about you?”

“It wasn’t too bad. I was going to suggest dinner, but I’m beat. Maybe tomorrow night?”

“Sounds good.” I could really get used to dating a good guy. “I won’t keep you. Go home and sleep.”

“Yes, ma’am. Will I see you in the morning?”

“Unless I oversleep.” I’d have to set an alarm.

“I hope that doesn’t happen. Sweet dreams.”

I said what I knew he was thinking. “You’ll be in them.”

“I hope so.”

I smiled at the phone after hanging up. Talking to Eli at the end of my day became my new routine.

* * *

After seeingEli every morning for several days, on Thursday morning, I slept in. Eli wasn’t working, and I didn’t think he’d be up early to get doughnuts. And as late as we’d talked last night, I needed a little extra shuteye.

Intending to sleep for only a few minutes, I panicked when I opened my eyes and saw the time. The shop opened in thirty minutes.

I yanked on jeans and a blouse. I had just enough time to run next door for coffee and a something to eat. I didn’t want to try to run the store on an empty stomach.

Eli’s knock echoed in the hall, and I ran to the back door. “Hi!”

He held up a bag and a cup. “You never showed up, so I figured you needed breakfast delivered.”

I hugged him.

He kept his arms out to his sides. “Um, Delaney, please don’t make me spill anything on you today.”

“Sorry. Come in. I overslept.” I gathered my hair into a messy bun. For today, that would have to do.

He handed me the coffee. “Someone keep you up late?”

“Way too late.”

Leaning against the wall, he crossed his arms. I loved how it stretched the sleeves on his t-shirt. “If you’re free tonight, I’d like to take you to dinner.”

“It’s a date.” I bit into the doughnut. “You got my favorite.”

His smile made me want to close the shop and spend all day with him, but that was no way to run a business.

“I pay attention.”

“Are you going to work on the car today?”

“I have other stuff I need to get done today.” He blew me a kiss. “Have a great day, and I’ll be here when the shop closes.”

“See you then.”

It was too soon to be thinking of words like love and future. And way too soon to be naming our children, but dang. Eli made me want to think all those things.

Clearly, I still needed a dose of patience.