Forbidden To Her Spanish Boss by Susan Stephens


Four years later

LOOKINGBACKONthe last four years, since what had been termed in the press ‘the most romantic wedding of the year’, Rose wouldn’t have changed a single thing. Two gorgeous rosy-cheeked babies later, she had not had one moment of regret for marrying a man it seemed the entire world lusted after.

Family meant everything to him, Raffa said as he lifted three-year-old Ava Grace into her basket saddle, while baby Luke, who had already perfected the knack of making Acosta-style demands, waited impatiently for his turn.

‘And it’s great news that Máire wants to take on more responsibility for the retreat in Ireland.’

‘Now that I have more responsibility in Spain,’ Rose agreed as Raffa led the small Shetland pony while Rose walked alongside.

‘The good your father is doing, by helping others at the Irish retreat through his own experiences, is remarkable,’ Raffa commented with obvious pleasure.

‘Just my brothers to sort out now,’ Rose confirmed with feeling. The Kelly clan had gained a new notoriety in the press, thanks to their connection with the Acostas. Rose suspected her brothers weren’t altogether displeased about that. It had certainly upped their tally of conquests. They were creating havoc amongst the female population everywhere they went.

‘They’ll come to their senses eventually,’ Raffa soothed, reading her mind.

‘As you should know,’ Rose remarked wryly.

If it hadn’t been for Raffa insisting they could make it together far more successfully and enjoyably than they ever could apart, what would have happened to them? Raffa might never have transformed into the most caring husband and father, and she might have become a slave to her work, but now their happiness was infectious. Let’s hope it stretches to my next announcement, Rose thought.

‘Twins?’ Raffa exclaimed, pretending shock at the prospect.

‘Not man enough to cope?’ she teased, knowing full well that Raffa would be besotted by the new arrivals, and the very first to help out.

‘I couldn’t be happier,’ he assured her. ‘Anything and everything to do with you brings me more happiness than I could ever have imagined. As well as the best luck,’ he added, referencing a recent huge contract for the Acosta tech company, as well as the fact that Raffa had been voted polo player of the year for the third year in succession. ‘Or perhaps my luck’s due to this,’ he added, kissing Rose. ‘The more I kiss you...’

‘The more babies we make?’

‘Well, if you’re already pregnant I can’t do any more harm now, can I?’ he pointed out with a wicked smile.

Raffa stared deep and long into her eyes.

‘You’re all I’ll ever need, Rose Acosta. You’re the love of my life, the mother of my children, and I adore you, now and forever.’