Proof Of Their One Hot Night by Emmy Grayson


Four months later

CALANDRASURVEYEDTHEcrowd gathered on the lawn of Adrian Cabrera’s Paris home, her fingers curled around her champagne flute like it was a lifeline. People moved in a sea of summer colors, mint-green gowns and pale blue dress shirts, as they sipped on champagne and snacked on mushroom tartlets.

To think, the crème de la crème of European society considered this an intimate gathering. She’d been a part of this crowd when she worked for Adrian, not to mention the first thirteen years of her life.

But that was the past. A problem demanded her immediate attention. She would prefer to be home in North Carolina curled up in bed with a book and a cup of tea, but her conscience demanded that she address it.

A quick conversation. Just a couple minutes, and then you can leave.

Slowly, she eased the death grip on her glass before she broke it. He had no reason to be upset. She had a plan and would take care of everything, just like she always did. Besides, how many times, during their verbal sparring at various Cabrera Wine events, had he said he was a no-strings kind of guy? He eschewed commitment of any kind.

When he’d walked her down to that cab, she’d seen him in the rearview mirror standing on the sidewalk, gazing after her. And in that moment, a terrifying emotion had taken root—want. Not the burning, physical attraction she’d experienced that night, but a desire for the safety she’d experienced curled up in his arms.

She’d given herself a stern talking-to about all the reasons why such an emotion was dangerous. It implied commitment, something Alejandro clearly wanted no part of. Commitment she didn’t want, either. Marriage had been crossed off her list long ago.

Even after she’d explained why she had no interest in getting him involved, her sister, Johanna, had encouraged her to reach out. After her younger sibling’s relentless guilt tripping, she’d finally tried getting in touch. First by email, then by phone. Her emails went unanswered, her calls stonewalled by a terribly efficient secretary.

So she’d resorted to crashing an engagement party for the boss she’d walked out on over three months ago. She wouldn’t have bothered if she hadn’t been in London, she told herself, and the ticket from London to Paris had been manageable on her limited budget. Her final round of interviews for an event planner position with an elite European fashion house had included a round-trip plane ticket. An indicator, Johanna had excitedly said, that interview or not, the job was hers.

The interview that had gone south when they’d asked if they could contact Adrian Cabrera for a reference if they offered her the job. Her fourth interview in six weeks. Another reason why coming to this party was a good idea. Perhaps, along with sharing her important news with Alejandro, she could also somehow finagle a recommendation from Adrian. She might not have left on the best of terms, but she’d done damned good work for him in the time she’d given to Cabrera Wines.

She longed to sip the champagne in her hands, to feel the bubbles dance down her throat and soothe her galloping heartbeat. It had quickened into a fast-paced tempo when her plane had landed yesterday morning. It had kicked into a frantic pace this afternoon as she’d pulled on one of her last remaining evening gowns, the rest sold to give a feeble boost to her rapidly dwindling savings. And ever since she had boldly walked into the party like she belonged, her heart had pounded so ferociously she was amazed no one else could hear it.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Calandra reined in her runaway thoughts and schooled her features into a politely blank mask before turning to see who had interrupted her musings.

A tall brunette stood next to her, eyes fixed on the Eiffel Tower, standing tall and proud against the backdrop of a darkening sky.

“First time in Paris?”

As much as she loathed small talk, something about the young woman’s waiflike innocence tugged at her. When she turned to look at Calandra, she bit back a gasp. The innocent wonder in the young woman’s gaze was enhanced by her two differently colored eyes, one the palest shade of blue, the other a bright amber.

The young woman nodded eagerly. “Yes. I’ve lived in Spain since I was ten. I always dreamed of seeing Paris.”

Protectiveness unexpectedly reared its head. Calandra kept her hands wrapped around her glass and resisted the urge to drag her away. Away from the glitter and shine that concealed far too many wolves in sheep’s clothing.

“My name’s Annistyn, but my friends call me Anna.”


“How do you know Adrian and Everleigh?”

“I used to work for Cabrera Wines.”

Anna’s eyes lit up. “I live at Casa de Cabrera in Granada. My uncle Diego is the butler.”

Calandra smiled slightly. She had fond memories of the silver-haired steward of the Cabrera mansion.


Calandra followed Anna’s gaze to where Adrian and his fiancée, Everleigh, stood on the terrace overlooking the lawn. Blood roared in her ears. Had they seen her? Would they call security and have her thrown out before she could accomplish her mission?

Breathe. Stay in control.

They weren’t even looking in her direction. No, they only had eyes for each other. A handsome young man approached them, his smile flashing white against his dark brown beard. Adrian laughed and hugged him.

Calandra blinked. She could count on one hand the number of times she’d seen Adrian laugh.

“Um, excuse me.”

Before Calandra could say another word, Anna turned and disappeared down a garden path. Calandra turned back in time to see Everleigh kiss the younger man on the cheek. Judging by the similarities in appearance, she was finally seeing Antonio Cabrera for the first time. The youngest brother had never attended Adrian’s events, at least while she’d been working for Cabrera Wines.

Unlike Alejandro, who had attended almost every one and sought her out. He’d thrived on vexing her, tugging at the loose threads of her patience that only he seemed to be able to find. With everyone else she stayed calm, cool, unaffected.

With him, she turned into someone she didn’t recognize. Someone who, for one wicked night, had thrilled at the touch of a hand on her face, a whisper in her ear, who now craved the closeness of sleeping next to someone and feeling their heartbeat beneath her fingertips.

A fool. He turned her into an irrational, dreamy-eyed fool.

She glanced around the party once more. No sign of him. She exhaled, long and slow, the tension melting from her shoulders. A soft breath in, followed by another long exhale.

She could do this.

One more glance over the crowds. No glimpse of the long, dark curling hair or deep blue eyes glinting with a lethal combination of seduction and humor.

Her eyes sought out Adrian and Everleigh once more. Conviction charged through her veins as she lifted her chin.

Before her resolve wavered, she set her untouched glass of champagne on a tray, pulled up the hem of her dress and marched across the lawn, keeping Adrian and Everleigh in her sights. As she advanced up the stairs, Adrian’s head turned and he saw Calandra. Recognition widened his eyes, followed by a narrowing as his gaze turned stone-cold.

Should she have expected anything less? She’d abandoned her boss during his time of need, and had done so in a very unprofessional way. If Adrian knew the real reason she’d left, she had no doubt he would turn her life into a living hell.

One foot in front of the other. With each step her courage grew, propelling her forward as she reached the top of the stairs.

Buenos días, Señor Cabrera.”

Her voice came out firm, steady, a touch of friendliness in her tone. She held out her hand and kept it there, waiting.

Adrian stared at her for a long moment before finally shaking her hand. “It’s been a while, Calandra. How are you?”

Everleigh elbowed her fiancé in the side even as she sneaked a curious glance at Calandra. “Be nice, Adrian.”

“I am.”

Everleigh rolled her eyes and, before Calandra could say anything, enveloped her in a hug.

Calandra froze for a moment before her brain kicked in. She tentatively patted Everleigh on the back. Everleigh released her, her face wreathed in a huge smile.

“I’m guessing you’re Calandra Smythe? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Nothing good, I’m sure.”

Everleigh waved a hand. “I’ve only heard Adrian’s side of the story. I’m sorry he’s being discourteous. And at our engagement party, too.”

Adrian’s lips thinned. “Speaking of, I don’t recall seeing you on the guest list.”

“Adrian!” Everleigh exclaimed. “That’s just rude.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” Calandra said quickly. “I’m the one who should apologize. I came without an invitation. And I behaved very unprofessionally and left you in a bind.” She looked directly at Adrian. “I’m sorry. I let a personal situation affect my work, and you bore the consequences.”

Adrian returned her gaze with his trademark stare, the one that made men with years of experience quake in their boots. She didn’t like talking, she didn’t like apologizing and she definitely did not want to be around the Cabrera family any longer than she had to.

But she didn’t back down.

At last, Adrian bowed his head briefly toward her. “Apology accepted.”

Relief flooded through her. “Thank you.”

Everleigh went up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I knew you had it in you.”

Seeing the adoration in Adrian’s eyes as he kissed his fiancée made Calandra’s chest tighten. Her father’s philandering and her mother’s pining for the man who would never love her the way she loved him had ruined any girlhood dreams of Prince Charming. Love wasn’t wedding bells and rosy baby cheeks. Love was crying until there were no tears left. A fairy tale with a monster lurking on the last page.

“Congratulations to you both. I’m very happy for you, Adrian.”

She didn’t believe in love or marriage, but that didn’t mean she wished ill for anyone pursuing the elusive dream of true love. She meant her well wishes to the couple, every word. There were traces of the Adrian she had worked for, but he seemed happier, more relaxed.

Hopefully, unlike the early years of her parents’ marriage that had turned from bliss to nightmare, his happiness would last.

“Thank you, Calandra.” He snaked a possessive arm around his fiancée’s waist and pulled her close. “But I can’t help thinking that you didn’t come to Paris just to wish us a happy engagement.”

The perfect opening. She took a deep breath. First, recommendation. Second, where his brother was. She could do this.

“Hello, Calandra.”

The world screeched to a halt as her hair stood on end, that sensual, deep voice sliding over her skin and touching the deepest parts of her illicit desires. Blood pounded in her veins so loudly the rest of the party noises faded around her. She turned, slowly, desperately trying to stay calm as her gaze locked onto a familiar pair of deep blue eyes.

Alejandro Cabrera. The father of her child.