Grand Love by JC Hawke


To my betas, D, Jo, Lindsay, Annie, Lauren & Jessica. Thank you for everything!! From the good to the bad you’ve all been here for it. We got there in the end, though, and Nina and Mase are all the more perfect because of you all.

To Laura, for being my ‘maps’. God you must be fed up with me by now. Haha! Thank you for always being so giving with your knowledge. This book makes sense because of you, and that’s pretty cool. You’re wonderful.

To The Fourway, there is nothing, NOTHING, more exciting than working along side you all, watching our growth daily and hitting our milestones. My co-workers, confidents, friends. How fortunate we are to have found one another. I’ll love you till the death!

To my sisters, Gem, Rach, and Dani. I suppose I should thank you for putting up with me above all else. You may not always get around to reading every sentence I write, but you should know you inspire me everyday. How to write a kick ass best friend like Lucy and Megan. How to write a beautiful, hard working mother like Nina. And, above all, how to love unconditionally as a sister like Scarlet. I don’t base my characters off of anyone, but they definitely wouldn’t be who they are without you. I love you always.

To Mum and Dad, thank you for all you’ve done. I could write a novel on all the ways you’ve enabled me to do this (and life). You’re the most incredibly supportive, loving, slightly cool, inspiring parents I could ask for. There’s so much I want in life, but if I can ask for anything it would be to one day find myself as content and happy as the two of you. I love you.

To Shelley, thank you for always being right there. Whatever the time, question (even the weird shit I ask), or need you always show up. I know without doubt you will be on this ride with me for life, because that’s what we do. I love you.

To my Jessica Jones, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. If I never sell a single copy of this book, it would be okay. Why? Because I met you. Dude, I sold copies and got to keep you. LOL. What a year. Firstly, the time you spend working with me and my words, asking questions that make me better and bring me growth, and laughing with me over stupid typos, words, sentences—it’s selfless, and comes from your love of not only my beautiful Nina and Mase, but your love for me. My girl, you have so much love in your heart—so much soul. I adore every part of you. I cannot wait to see where life takes us next.

To Chalk, thank you for loving me. You don’t read my books and that’s okay. I mean, when would you find the time. We work four jobs between us now. FOUR! Babe, you work so hard, and I couldn’t ask for a more supportive team mate. We have so much to look forward to. So much planned! I ask one thing from you… It’s not to read a book of mine (calm down). It’s to always love me. In the little free time you do get, love me. That’s all I’ll ever ask.

To my girls, stay wild. I love you.

And of course, YOU, my reader. Thank you for reading Nina and Mase’s conclusion. It means the world to me that you’ve picked my books up out of millions of others. You make this possible for me and I am forever indebted to you.

Stay wonderful xo