For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Twelve

“Your Grace, you are thoroughly wet!” exclaimed the housekeeper, Mrs. Williams. “Oh, my goodness, is that Miss Snow?”

“I must get her to her room. Her dress must be changed immediately,” Alexander climbed the stairs leaving a trail of water behind him.

The servants came out to see the commotion. “Anne-Marie, come along,” Mrs. Williams spoke to Scarlet’s lady’s maid in an urgent manner. “We must not delay!”

Mrs. Williams had the maids bring her hot water and dry towels for Scarlet. Alexander laid Scarlet on the bed. Her skin was now pale blue. “Perhaps you should get the Doctor, Your Grace,” Mrs. Williams advised. “Go on, we will look after Miss Snow.”

The maids came in with the towels and hot water. The fire was low, and so that was tended to as well. Anne-Marie began to undress Scarlet. Alexander moved away and went downstairs.

“I need you to call the Doctor to see Miss Snow,” he told his butler.

“I shall arrange it straight away, Your Grace,” the butler said.

“I am grateful.”

“Your Grace, you must get changed too, or you will catch your death,” Alexander’s valet said.

“I had forgotten my clothes were wet too,” said Alexander, looking at himself. He suddenly felt very cold. “Let’s go up and do that,” he told his valet.

As his valet dressed him, he thought about Scarlet. He was worried for certain and hoped she didn’t get the cold. He wished he hadn’t asked her to go on a horse-riding adventure now. Soon, Alexander was dry. He dismissed his valet. He couldn’t eat breakfast as his appetite had gone. I must see her. I must see Miss Snow.

Scarlet was sleeping peacefully. Her hair was fanned out on the pillow. She seemed calm. Her face and palms had a few cuts, he suspected she would be bruised in places too. When the Doctor came, he was surprised her fall had not been fatal.

“Miss Snow is fortunate, Your Grace,” he said. “She could have become paralyzed or have lost her life from a fall like that. She must be kept warm. I suggest she does no outdoor activity until her bruises have almost disappeared. I would recommend having a nurse to keep checking on her overnight, to see she doesn’t develop a fever.”

“But she will be all right, won’t she, Doctor?” asked Alexander.

“Yes, she will,” the Doctor confirmed.

* * *

“I came as soon as I heard,” Ingrid said. She had arrived with her boxes.

“How did you know? I did not send word,” Alexander stood up from his chair in the drawing room.

“I met the Doctor today,” she said.

“Ah, I see. Then I am so pleased you are here. I have been fretting all day. Miss Snow is still not awake,” Alexander said.

“It is of no surprise, Nephew. She has had a hard fall and on frozen ground, I hear. But I am here now, and I will look after Miss Snow all night,” Ingrid offered.

“But that is not necessary, I don’t want to inconvenience you,” Alexander objected.

“You are not inconveniencing me. I have some experience in looking after sick people. I looked after George when he was ill.”

“All right, I am very grateful.”

“Right, I will get settled upstairs. Please have someone bring me some tea. The fire needs to be kept going all night so Miss Snow does not become icy, or she will develop a severe cold.”

Alexander had been in to see Scarlet again and there was no change. With his aunt here now, he felt he could get some sleep. He sneezed.

Oh, Hell.

* * *

Scarlet woke up to find herself in bed. She was quite confused. Was she not on the moors, rushing in a snow blizzard on her horse? She was free from all ties and all expectations, she could do anything she wanted. Was she not with the Duke, where they could be just themselves and not be a Ward and a Guardian? The cold, sharp air was beautiful on her face… but she didn’t remember much after that.

Sitting up, she touched her face and her arms. “Ouch,” she winced, waking up Mrs. Hargreave who had fallen asleep in her chair.

“Miss Snow, you are awake!” she exclaimed.

“Mrs. Hargreave, what are you doing here? And why am I in bed?”

“You may not remember, but you had a fall from your horse,” Ingrid explained. “You do not remember this at all?”

Scarlet shook her head.

“You went horseback riding with His Grace. There was a blizzard. It was where you had your accident,” Ingrid said. “My nephew saved you, he brought you back on his horse.”

“He did?” Scarlet tried to remember. Her mind seemed to be hazy. But her head hurt, and her body felt sore. “I apologize, I can’t seem to remember at all.”

“It will take a little time. Perhaps the fall was harder than we thought.” Ingrid gave Scarlet a look that she couldn’t comprehend. “We shall have the Doctor come and see you in the morning.”

Ingrid looked to be in thought. “What is it, Mrs. Hargreave?”

“I believe my nephew cares for you, Miss Snow. He was genuinely worried about you.”

“I don’t know what to say. I am grateful, of course,” Scarlet emphasized. “Where is he? Can I speak to him?”

“It is quite late, almost midnight. I suspect he is asleep now. Poor man, the housekeeper told me he was completely wet when he came in carrying you. He didn’t think about himself.”

“Mrs. Hargreave, why are you doing all this for me?” asked Scarlet. “I have my lady’s maid who would gladly watch over me. I am not being ungrateful, just wondering.”

“I wanted to. I have grown fond of you, I can’t explain it myself. When I heard of your fall, I couldn’t contain myself and I had to come here straight away. Now, Dearest, I will ring for some tea. You must be quite parched.

“The housekeeper has been kind enough to offer to stay up with you too, even your lady’s maid. But I sent them to bed. It seems you do have many people who care for you.”

Ingrid rang for some tea and sandwiches, while Scarlet lay back in her bed. She thought about the Duke. She was grateful to him for bringing her home. The time on the moors had come back to her.

She was galloping so fast, the blizzard was too strong. There was a boulder she didn’t see as it was covered in snow and camouflaged. That was when her horse tripped over it, and she fell. But after that, she didn’t know what happened.

The tea and food arrived, and Scarlet found she was ravenous and very thirsty. She ate hungrily. Soon her eyes began to feel heavy.

“That’s it, Sweet Girl. You sleep now,” Ingrid said in a soothing tone. And Scarlet did.

* * *

The next morning, the household was very busy, for now the Duke had a cold. He was not to leave his bed at all. Ingrid took it upon herself to nurse both Alexander and Scarlet.

She would not stop for one minute. The housekeeper and the butler were very helpful. They obtained everything Ingrid needed. Terence came to the Manor to visit the Duke.

“How is our nephew?” he asked.

“Well, it has been five days. I would say he is getting better,” said Ingrid.

“And Miss Snow?”

“I am thankful you asked after her, My Dear. You don’t seem to like her much,” Ingrid said. Ingrid was in the drawing room, having some tea when her husband arrived.

“I may not like her much, Dear, but I so have the manners to ask after an ill person.” Terence observed his wife. “You look quite tired. I ask you to come home now. As you said the Duke is quite well now.”

“Perhaps so, but he is still not well enough for me to leave him.”

“And what about Miss Snow?” asked Terence.

“She is much better. I do worry as she claims she has headaches. But I am rest assured by the Doctor’s report that Miss Snow will not suffer anything serious, and her headaches will subside.”

“Very well. That tells me you will stay until they both are completely well and out of bed?” Terence said.

“Yes, that is correct. I do hope you don’t mind, My Dear. It just makes me feel useful now. At home, I seem to feel idle ever since George became a man. So, you see, this is important to me.”

“Yes, I do see,” said Terence. “Now, may I have some tea too?”

Ingrid smiled at her husband and rang the bell.

* * *

The weather improved greatly as did the health of Scarlet and Alexander. Ingrid decided to go back to her own townhome. That afternoon, Alexander met Scarlet in the parlor where Scarlet was drawing.

“You seem to be skilled in many activities,” he said as he sat opposite her. He held a glass of port.

“Your Grace, you almost frightened me. I was so engrossed in my drawing, I didn’t hear you come in,” she said, her eyes wide. But she was secretly delighted he had found her. She had missed him when they both were ill.

Alexander put his glass down on the table before him and took the pencil from her fingers. He placed it on the parchment Scarlet was drawing on. He bent down and kissed her sensuously on the lips, parting her mouth with his tongue.

Scarlet tasted his lust and sweetness as he probed her mouth with his tongue. He pulled away and picked her up, placing her on settee. He scrambled on top and began to kiss her neck and the top of her breasts. Scarlet moaned.

Alexander was very hard now. The love and lust he felt for Scarlet was extraordinary. He didn’t know what she had done to him. But he couldn’t be without her, just being near her made him want her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alexander got off the settee as did Scarlet, and hastily rearranged their clothes.

“Miss Snow?” the housekeeper called.

“Just a moment,” Scarlet said. “Go, hide,” she told Alexander.

Alexander hid behind the drapes.

“You may come in,” said Scarlet.

The housekeeper came in. “I apologize for disturbing you, Miss Snow. I want some advice on a few issues.”

“I will come to your private sitting room,” said Scarlet. “Give me a few moments.”

When the housekeeper left, Alexander came out from the drapes, and they both collapsed in a fit of laughter.

“You must control yourself, Your Grace,” Scarlet said when she caught herself again. “You could have started a scandal.”

“If you were not so enticing, I could,” the Duke smiled. He took his glass of port and walked out of the room, thoroughly elated.

* * *

The first invite had arrived from Lady Henrietta. It was her daughter’s coming-out ball. The date was in March, so they still had some time to prepare. Scarlet was quite excited.

Mrs. Hargreave had come to visit.

“Well, it is something to look forward to,” Alexander remarked as he and Scarlet sat in the drawing room one afternoon. “I must confess I am fed up with being inside. It can be so tedious.”

“But you do travel to London, do you not?” Scarlet asked.

“I do, but I feel guilty for leaving you alone in the Manor,” Alexander said in a sincere tone.

“Why should you, Your Grace? I understand I am your Ward, but it doesn’t mean you should feel responsible for me. I am a grown woman, and besides I have the servants around me, and your aunt, of course.” Scarlet turned to Mrs. Hargreave.

“You have been so kind to us during these horrendous two weeks. I fear I would have died if you were not here to look after me,” said Scarlet in a solemn voice.

“It is my pleasure, and I was happy to do it,” Mrs. Hargreave said. “But at last, we can look forward to the first ball.”

“Yes, I am truly grateful too,” Alexander said to his aunt. “I must gift you with a present.

“That would be a lovely thing to do, Your Grace,” said Scarlet.

“Miss Snow, are you still hurting?” Mrs. Hargreave asked.

“I am not as sore as I was. My headaches have not come back, thank goodness,” said Scarlet.

“I must blame myself,” said Alexander.

“Not at all,” said Scarlet. “Wasn’t it me who went ahead, galloping away? I had no sense or awareness of what I was doing. I was fortunate you were there and brought me home. Now, let this be a lesson to me to be sensible.”

But Scarlet had been frightened when she learned of Alexander’s cold. She blamed herself. He was in the blizzard saving her.

“Mrs. Brown and Lady Spencer,” the butler announced.

Scarlet, Alexander, and Mrs. Hargreave stood up.

“I will take my leave,” said Mrs. Hargreave. She turned to Elizabeth and her mother and acknowledged them before leaving.

“I will accompany you to your carriage,” said Alexander.

“Oh, I hope we have not frightened her away,” said Elizabeth as Alexander and Mrs. Hargreave exited the room together.

“I am certain you haven’t,” said Scarlet. “

“Well, good. Now, dear Miss Snow, are you well?” Lady Spencer asked. “When we heard the news, we were all so worried.”

“I am certainly fine now,” said Scarlet. “Lady Spencer, where is Lady Daisy?”

“She couldn’t come, she has sent her regards,” Lady Spencer said. “I am certain she will see you soon.”

“Miss Snow, we have heard so many stories of how you were hurt. But I don’t believe in some of them,” Elizabeth stated. “What really happened?”

“I am quite embarrassed to speak about it,” Scarlet sighed. “I still feel so foolish. You see, the Duke and I went on a horseback-riding adventure. It was awfully cold that day. A blizzard began unexpectedly.”

Scarlet explained how she fell off her horse, and the chivalrous Duke saved her. She could see Lady Spencer and Elizabeth were impressed. “Then all I can say is that you are a wonderful and a very fortunate woman,” Elizabeth stated. “That also tells me the Duke cares for you.”

“Yes, he does. I am his Ward,” Scarlet said simply.

But Elizabeth was smiling. “You know as well as I it is not because you are his Ward. I wish to not speak so frank in front of Mother.”

“And so you shouldn’t, Elizabeth. It is not so ladylike,” Lady Spencer huffed. And then she looked at Scarlet. “But she is correct, you know.” She winked.

This set them all laughing. “Now, stop teasing Miss Snow, Mama,” Elizabeth said. “She is quite embarrassed already.

“It’s quite all right.” Scarlet wiped a happy tear away. “I am glad you came, I feel so much better to receive friends especially on days when I am not allowed out. It is the Doctor’s orders.”

“That is sound advice,” Lady Spencer said.

Elizabeth arched her back and her face twisted a little in pain. “What is it?” Scarlet asked. “Are you all right, Mrs. Brown?”

“I am fine, truly.” Elizabeth looked at her mother who seemed to give her a nod of approval. “Miss Snow–”

“Scarlet, please,” said Scarlet.

“Very well. Scarlet. I am pleased to tell you that I am with child,” Elizabeth announced.

“Oh, that is very good news. I cannot be any more pleased!” Scarlet held Elizabeth’s hands. “Oh, such wonderful news.”

“You are so kind,” said Elizabeth. “It has been four months now.”

“And very soon you will have a child in your arms,” Scarlet smiled.

“Indeed. I am pleased Elizabeth is finally making me a grandmother,” Lady Spencer said.

Elizabeth smiled at her mother. “That you will be, Mama.” She turned to Scarlet. “Now let us talk about the Season, My Dear. Are you ready? Are your dresses and accessories ready for every ball?”

“How did you know—?”

“Daisy told us about it,” said Lady Spencer. “We have already begun to receive invites.”

“I received my first too. I am quite anxious though. What if I make a fool of myself?” Scarlet fretted.

“Well, you won’t. Besides, I hear you have a mentor to guide you,” Elizabeth said. “Mrs. Hargreave.”

“Yes, I do, don’t I?” said Scarlet.

* * *

Daffodils poked their heads out of the earth, birds began to sing, and a little warmth entered the hearts of the people of England. And the first ball of the Season had arrived.

The dress for the first ball was laid out, along with the gloves, hair accessories and her headpiece. Esmerelda had done a wonderful job. All the dresses she made lived up to her reputation as one of the finest modistes in London.

“You will look so beautiful that every man will want a dance with you,” Esmerelda brought out the dresses one by one a few days before the Ball, when she arrived at the Manor for a fitting.

Scarlet tried them on, and they had to be adjusted, for she had become thin. “You need some meat on you, My Dear. Men like that,” Esmerelda gave Scarlet a meaningful look. Scarlet blushed.

Anne-Marie, Scarlet’s lady’s maid, was as excited as Scarlet. “This will be my first time doing your hair for a Ball, Miss. I hope I do it as you like it.”

“I have a lot of respect and confidence in your hairstyling, Anne-Marie,” Scarlet smiled at her in the looking glass. “You have been practicing and I have noticed. Do not fear, if it is not as good as you want it, we will begin again. I will not scold you.”

“You know, Miss. I will miss you when you marry and leave this Manor. You are a kind and wonderful lady. I wish to stay as your lady’s maid as long as I can.”

“You are very loyal, and I appreciate all your hard work,” Scarlet stated as the dress was put on her carefully, to not ruin her hair.

“Oh, how wonderful you look,” the lady’s maid clasped her hands. “Just like a Princess going to a royal ball.”

“It is a beautiful dress, I like it very much,” Scarlet smiled. “I must show my appreciation to Mrs. Hargreave.”

I believe the Duke will like my dress very much too.