For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Two

The night was still young when Alexander arrived at Daisy’s ball. The full moon shone its light down on the carriage as they drove onto the drive, stopping outside the white stone steps of the Spencer’s grand Estate.

The driver opened the door and Alexander stepped out, seeming at ease straight away. This was where the entertainment was, and it was much better than the horrid quiet back at his Manor.

While he arrived alone, he was soon surrounded by women and their daughters. At first, he responded with enthusiasm and greeted them with pleasure. But then Lady McVie arrived with her two daughters.

Lady McVie was a woman who dressed to please, but which did not suit the shape of her body or please anyone at all. Alexander thought her daughters were quite unremarkable for they showed no charisma or wisdom in their expressions. To put it as it is, they were dull creatures.

“Oh, isn’t it lovely to see the new Duke of Bentley, My Dears?” she said as she cornered Alexander and stopped him from moving away. “Your Grace, I do hope you do not mind me intruding for a while. I thought it would be nice to have a talk with you.”

“Lady McVie, how nice it is to see you too,” Alexander said with gritted teeth. He vaguely remembered her from the last ball he attended before his tour.

“I hear you have been on your tour, anywhere nice?”

“Yes, I went to many places,” said Alexander.

“I wanted to introduce you to my daughters, Caroline and Amy. Caroline is the eldest one. She came out last year and is hoping to find a suitor this Season, as she had no luck so far. And this is Amy’s first Season,” Lady McVie said proudly.

“Splendid,” Alexander tried to sound interested. “I believe I have more people to see. Please do excuse me.”

Alexander was glad to escape that woman and was entering the ballroom, when two more women found him, along with their daughters. It rather felt like a room full of birds chattering away, and he could not understand any of them.

“Now, please Ladies, let the His Grace breathe!” said a young woman, coming to his rescue. “Let him enjoy the ball. You will have the rest of the Season to talk to him.”

As the small crowd moved away, Alexander was truly appreciative of the space he had once more. He longed to be home. If he had known the attention he was going to receive, he would not have bothered to come at all.

“I am very grateful to you for saving me from those women,” Alexander said. “And I apologize, for I do not recognize you.”

“You won’t remember me, as you have never seen me. I am Daisy Spencer. I am the daughter of your host, Lady Mary Spencer, the Viscountess of Wakerfield, and my father is Lord Peter Spencer, the Viscount of Wakerfield.”

“Well, it is truly an honor to meet you. I must say, your mother has done a splendid job with this ball,” Alexander complimented her.

“Please, do tell me about yourself, Your Grace,” Daisy said. She moved a little closer to him, which made Alexander feel a little uncomfortable. “The ton have not had the privilege to know the young Duke at all.”

He moved a little backward. “Well, I have hardly been here for anyone to really know me. My father was the Duke here, I was the son that got away.”

“It is so,” said Daisy. She batted her eyelashes at the Duke and sighed softly. She drew her handkerchief across her lips, keeping her eyes on him.

“Please excuse me, Miss Spencer, it has been lovely meeting you,” he said hastily to be away from her. He had to get away from this crowd of people.

I need to find somewhere quiet. The library, yes, that’s where I will go.

Daisy scrunched the handkerchief in her palm, quite disappointed in not securing an acquaintance with the Duke, it seemed. Alexander didn’t know where the library was, but he was desperate to leave. There were so many members of the ton here, he feared of being trapped again if he didn’t move quickly. Then, he caught the eye of a footman.

“Would you be so kind to show me the way to the library?” he asked the footman.

“Please follow me, Your Grace. Should I inform the Viscount that you are in need of anything?”

“No, that is quite all right. I just need some quiet,” Alexander said. The footman took Alexander away from the noise of the ball, and down a corridor, and finally stopped at the library.

* * *

“Oh!” Scarlet exclaimed as she saw a man standing before her. She tried to cover herself up with her hands, but she saw his eyes were drawn to her stays which she had loosened to breathe. She tried to fix it hastily, feeling the heat on her cheeks. She fumbled with the strings and felt clumsy.

“I do apologize for interrupting your time in here. I was not aware you were here or of the state of your clothes,” said Alexander. He averted his eyes.

“I wanted some quiet, which is why I am here. Why are you here?” he asked.

He leaned against the doorframe and stood there casually.

“It is of a personal woe, I would not like to disclose. I did not expect anyone to come here. I shall leave, My Lord.”

“It is quite all right, we can share this library,” he smiled in the semi-darkness.

Scarlet felt his eyes on her and was most uncomfortable.

“Do you live nearby?” he asked.

“Yes, My Lord.”

“But you won’t tell me where?” he teased her.

“You are a stranger, My Lord. I do not know who you are or want to particularly know. I mean no disrespect,” said Scarlet.

Alexander walked into the library now. Scarlet turned away. But she gasped as he was near enough to touch her.

The man’s fingers ‘walked’ along her bare ivory skin, and she shivered. He stopped at her hairline and gave her a single kiss. Scarlet shuddered in a state of pleasure, but also felt scandalized at the same time.

“This is wrong, My Lord,” she said. She didn’t mean her tone to sound hoarse.

“It is easy when a beauty enjoys the wonders of lust as much as I do. But when I arrived, you seemed to be upset. Would you care to tell me why that is, I am curious to know.” Alexander ignored her rejection.

Alexander began to kiss her neck and shoulders, each one creating a new sensation that was hard to stop. She sighed silently as his lips left pleasurable butterflies in her stomach.

“I cannot tell you why I was upset, it is not important. Besides, I do not tell a stranger my woes,” she said.

Alexander continued to kiss her.

“And neither should I let a man I have not met before, seduce me.”

“Yet, you won’t tell me stop,” Alexander stopped and smiled.

“You are correct, we… I must stop this. You must stop this,” she breathed.

“And if I don’t?” he teased. “Let me make this easy for you. I will help you with your stays, you only need to kiss me.”

Alexander circled his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into him, making her face him.

Scarlet, quite scandalized, pushed him away in fury.

“Leave me be, I must not do this, I cannot.” She tied her stays as much as she could and covered up. Scarlet fled down the corridor looking for an exit for she couldn’t go back to the ball, when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room.

“Don’t talk,” said a woman Scarlet had not seen before. It was warm inside the room, a bright fire was burning. The woman tied Scarlet’s stays properly and tidied her hair.

“I am grateful, thank you,” said Scarlet.

“I saw a man enter the library, but I thought nothing of it at first. And then I saw you come out, half-dressed it seems.”

“Please don’t repeat this to anyone, My Lady. I shall be ruined. It was foolish of me, I realize.”

The lady took Scarlet’s hand and made her sit on a chair. “I am Daisy’s sister, Elizabeth Brown. You were fortunate it was I who saw you and no one else. This would be a scandal the ton would love to gossip about.

“I heard my sister ridicule you earlier, that was why you went to the library, isn’t it?” Elizabeth smiled at her. “You seem quite disturbed. Are you quite well?”

“I am all right, truly. Why are you doing this for me, why are you being so nice?”

“Let’s just say I don’t believe people should be mean to one another, and they shouldn’t take advantage of a vulnerable lady.”

Scarlet understood Elizabeth was talking about Daisy and the man. “I didn’t know she had a sister. Daisy never mentioned another sibling. And neither have I seen you around here. How curious.”

Elizabeth laughed. “It is a curious thing, is it not? My husband and I moved to India when he got a secondment to administer a new college in Delhi.

“He is one of the principals at the East India College there. But the history of my life can be told another time. Let me tell you something, my sister can be merciless at times. But she can have a good heart and be kind if she wants to. You must not take heed of her actions.

“God knows she has been a handful for my parents also. Unlike myself who married a man in education with no title and to my parent’s disapproval, Daisy is quite the opposite. She is adamant she will marry a Duke and no other man will do. She is also quite pretentious in my understanding when social circles, style, and fashion are concerned.”

“It is difficult to not take her words to heart,” Scarlet looked into the fire. “But she is my only friend.”

Scarlet was quiet for a moment, and then said, “Do you believe in titles? Do you believe it is important to stay in society?”

“I am no lady and I have no title. I am just Mrs. Brown and that is the way I prefer it. Does that answer your question, Dear?”

“Yes, it does, thank you so much for your kind words.” It certainly gave Scarlet something to think about.

“Oh, look at you, Dear. You have the most exquisite and innocent face, one that could do no harm. I regret my sister’s tongue, I really do. She has no right to disturb people with her insolent opinions,” Elizabeth voiced her emotions.

“There are many women and men like her, and I suppose we must learn to live in their society or be thrown out,” Scarlet mused.

“I don’t believe that at all. We must fight for who we are, Dear.”

“I suppose you are correct.”

“Good, then I must go back to the ball before anyone comes to look for me. I believe you would prefer to leave the ball?”

“I must, I cannot be seen looking like this,” Scarlet gave a small laugh. “I must look quite comical.”

“Not quite so much, just a little,” Elizabeth smiled. “Come, I will take you to your carriage. Most of the guests are inside the Manor now as it has begun to rain. I don’t normally like the rain but it is a blessing now.”

As Scarlet followed Elizabeth out, she couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised at how different the two siblings were. If she had a brother or sister, what would they have been like? Would they have gotten along, or would they be disagreeable with one another?

“Where have you been?” Daisy made Scarlet jump. “I believed you left me and went home. It is quite irresponsible of you to disappear like that for hours leaving me quite disturbed and worried.” Daisy huffed.

Daisy saw Elizabeth. “Sister, what are you doing here? When did you arrive from India? Do Mama and Papa know?”

Daisy looked from one to the other. “Didn’t you tell me you didn’t like attending these events?” she said rather rudely, thought Scarlet.

When did you become like this, Daisy? You had a sweet and nurturing nature, what happened to turn you so bitter?

“It is lovely to see you too, dear Sister,” said Elizabeth. She didn’t smile, but her eyes were gentle. “James and I arrived back from India last week. I wrote to Mama and Papa about it, so yes, they do know we are here today. I didn’t lie, I do not like social events, but I do not like to upset our parents either. It was imperative that I be seen.”

“Well, all right. How come you are with Scarlet?”

“I will explain later. It is rather a long story, which I have no patience to speak of.” Elizabeth played with her gloves. “Now, because of your recklessness, Miss Snow is quite upset. She needs to go home before anyone sees her like this. Oh dear, here is Mama.”

“What in the name of the Lord is happening here?” Lady Spencer noticed Scarlet’s face and dress. “Miss Snow, are you quite all right? You look rather ill.”

Lady Mary Spencer was a lovely creature. She was full of adventure and never failed to light up a room. She also adored Scarlet and showed much affection. Daisy was very jealous.

“I am feeling a little unwell, Lady Spencer,” said Scarlet. “If you wouldn’t mind letting me leave so early. I don’t want to ruin your ball. I know how much work you have done to make it so remarkable.”

“You are a dear. I won’t stop you from going home and I wish you to get better. Now, off you go. Daisy will come by your Manor tomorrow to find out if you are well.”

“Will I, Mama?” asked Daisy, surprised. “I do have lots to do tomorrow. I wish you wouldn’t interfere in my schedule before asking me.”

“It’s quite all right, Daisy. You don’t have to come and see me. It’s only a little fatigue,” Scarlet said quickly. She didn’t want Daisy to become more annoyed than she already was.

“Well, if you are certain, Miss Snow.”

“I am,” Scarlet replied.

“Mama, I believe you are wanted elsewhere. Isn’t Papa looking for you?” Daisy said.

“I suppose he is. Elizabeth, please escort Miss Snow to her carriage.”

“Yes, Mama.” Before Scarlet and Elizabeth went to the carriage, Lady Spencer stopped them.

“What can it be now?” cried Daisy, stamping her feet.

What childish behavior.

“Did you come here alone, Dear?” Lady Spencer asked Scarlet. Scarlet confirmed it with a nod.

“Well, I cannot let you go home alone. What will society think, and what if you became worse? That will not do at all. You will sleep here tonight and leave in the morning. I will send word to the Duke. I do recall seeing him here—”

“Did you say the Duke is here? I believe he hasn’t arrived back from his travels!” said Scarlet.

“I am certain I saw him.” Lady Spencer shook her head in confusion.

“Lady Spencer, I am grateful for your kindness, but I couldn’t stay here tonight. I must decline your hospitality. It is too much to expect and besides, I have none of my dresses here.”

“I will have a maid bring one up to you. Daisy, take Miss Snow to the guest room in the South wing. She will not be disturbed there.”

“No, please. I am unable to take your kindness, please accept my apologies. I arrived here alone, and I shall leave alone. I bid you goodnight.”

Scarlet realized she may have sounded rude. “I am grateful, I really am. Please do not feel hurt by my decision,” she added.

“Of course, Dear,” said Lady Spencer.

“Come, I will take you to your carriage,” while Elizabeth helped Scarlet into the carriage, Daisy turned around and went back to the hall.

That night, as the ball continued, Scarlet lay curled up in her bed thinking of the man in the library, his kisses, and his touch. She was quite happy, but she knew this was wrong.