Daddy’s Fiery Little by Scott Wylder









Little girl!

I’m getting a better idea of what that means as I sip a drink with Rollie and Helen. It isn’t just some kinky game. It’s a lifestyle for them. Neither of these women seem mousy or helpless. On the contrary, Helen might be the strongest woman I’ve ever met. Rollie is more artistic but there’s nothing weak about her either. Somehow, a relationship where they’ve given up a measure of control makes them stronger.

They’re trying to talk to me about the job, but I just blurt out, “How does the whole little girl thing work? I mean, does Carl make all the decisions? Does Leo?”

They stare at me for a minute and then Rollie giggles. “You’re a little,” she says with a smile.

“What? No, I’m not.”

“Well, you might be,” Helen said. “Who knows?”

“I don’t want to talk about me,” I say. “I just want to know how it works.” God, I desperately want to talk about me!

Rollie says, “Carl protects me. He takes care of me so all I need to worry about is my music. He makes me feel safe and sometimes he helps me to see ways to handle things, to change things I want to change that I’m struggling with.”

“Doesn’t any husband do that?”

“It’s different,” Rollie says. “He lets me be a little girl when I need to be, someone who has no responsibilities or obligations, someone who can just enjoy that innocence and excitement of being little.”

That really appeals to me, and I am surprised it does.

“It’s like that,” Helen says. “And Leo definitely does that for me.” I turn to look at her and she smiles at me. “He also keeps me in line.”

Rollie giggles when she says that and I ask, “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say I haven’t been able to sit down comfortably for about a year.”

“What? I don’t even know what that means.”

Rollie giggles again and says, “Because her Daddy has to spank her two or three times a week.”

Helen turns bright red as she smiles and nods.

God help me, that appeals to me more than the care and protection and it makes the comment Micah said about spanking me ten times hotter than it already was. In any other context, I might react with shock at what she says but now I’m afraid it I open my mouth, I might moan!

“Look,” Helen says. “There’s no real way for us to tell you how it works because it doesn’t work the same for everyone. It shouldn’t either. I’m not the same as Rollie and she’s not the same as you or me, so different Daddies do different things.”

“What do Daddies get out of it?” I ask. “They just like getting to spank us and order us around?” Us. Why in the hell do I use that word?

“I can’t speak for every Daddy,” Helen says, “But what Leo likes is helping me be the best me I can be.”

“Carl’s the same way,” Rollie says. “I mean, there’s something sexy about when he’s in control and I’m sure he likes it, but he doesn’t get off on telling me to do things. He gets turned on by… well, telling me to do the right things. I don’t know. I mean, I get turned on when he guides me. I guess he does, too.”

I still don’t understand the appeal for them. “Buy why would they want to?”

Rollie shrugs. “Some people need to be taken care of. Some people need to take care of other people. Some people need to please. Some people need to be pleased. I don’t know. I guess anybody could try to be a Daddy but the only one who’s going to be any good is one who’s willing to put in the work to make it what it needs to be for his little girl. Otherwise, you might as well just forget about it.”

I can’t believe how much this whole thing appeals to me. I probably shouldn’t but I do…

“Do you think Micah knows about this Daddy/little girl thing?” I try to ask nonchalantly, but there’s absolutely no way to hide my intent.

Naturally, they burst into giggles over the whole thing, and I feel myself growing about as pissed as can be but then Helen says, “My Leo says that Micah is the one who first told him about it, so yeah, he knows about it.”

“He got really hurt, though,” Rollie says. “I mean, Carl said he did.”


“I don’t have any details,” Rollie says. “Something about a girl who was just researching BDSM or something and pretended to have a relationship but really just wanted to write a college paper about it or something. I don’t know. I might have all the details wrong.”

It feels very strange to me to be obsessed with Micah in terms of this new kind of relationship. I am not the kind of girl who submits to anyone or anything at all, so the idea that I find it sexy is a bit of a shock to me. Hell, it’s more than a shock. It doesn’t really make any sense to me at all, not one bit. That doesn’t change how thoughts of Micah being my Daddy and me being his little girl fill my head in impossible ways.

I ask about a million questions!

They answer them, seeming delighted that I ask the questions in the first place. I don’t know exactly where all of this is leading me and I feel like I’d be a terrible little no matter how good the Daddy might be.

It still appeals to me.

It still makes me feel like there is no possible relationship I want more than the one my new friends describe. Even though it means I get this gig, I can’t help but feel disappointed that Rollie and Helen will be leaving for their tour because I really want to have them available for all the questions I know will keep popping up for me.

When it’s finally time for them to head out, I make sure I walk them to the tour van. There, right before they climb in, I give them each a hug.

“I’m so excited for you,” I say. “But now I just want to ask a million more things about being a little girl.”

Helen and Rollie giggle. Rollie says, “I was like that. I know what you mean.”

Helen says, “You can always call us. It’s not like our cell phones are staying behind.”

I nod. “Okay, it’s a deal.”

“We’ll have you acting like a happy little girl in no time!” Rollie says as she gives me another hug. Her statement makes me feel warm and silly and I even almost giggle a little bit. They climb into the van and then I get a shock when Micah climbs out.

He nods at me and calls over his shoulder, “I think that’s everything but if you notice anything you left behind just give me a call and I’ll make sure it gets overnighted to you.”

Then, he hurries back into the club. As Leo, Carl, Helen, and Rollie drive away, I stare into the distance with my cheeks feeling hot. I imagine my face is a red as my hair.

Did he hear me?

Did Micah hear me talking about wanting to be a little girl?