Curvy Temptation by C.L. Cruz




Maybe it’s unconventional—maybe not all nine-year-olds are pool sharks in training—but my son is happy, healthy, and safe, and it’s thanks in large part to Ranger. For the most part, I stay out of Ranger’s business, and that’s fine with me. My priority has always been my son, and whatever else Ranger may be, he’s a great dad. Which is lucky for both of us...

Lux spots me and hurries over, taking my purse and ushering me to a chair. “Girl, I can’t believe you’re still working. You look like you’re about ready to pop.”

“Feels that way, too.”

I sit down, glad to get off my aching feet. Working as a hairdresser is my dream come true, but it’s no joke the physical toll it takes on a heavily pregnant body. I’ve been at the salon for several years now, though, and I have a bunch of regulars that I promised to see before I went on maternity leave.

Which it feels like might be sooner rather than later.

Pain grips my middle again, and I squeeze my eyes closed, waiting for it to pass. God, I’d forgotten how much labor hurts. It’s probably some kind of evolutionary survival mechanism—if women remembered, they wouldn’t do it more than once.

When I open my eyes, I spot Ranger watching me from across the room. There’s concern on his handsome face that makes Lux chuckle.

“Are you going to tell him it’s time to go to the hospital, or should I?” she asks.

The woman has a sixth sense, I swear. “I’ll do it,” I tell her. “I just need to figure out what to do with Max while we’re there.”

She raises a penciled eyebrow at me and gestures around the room, encompassing the entirety of the Raging Angels. “What do you mean? That’s what family is for.”

After a hormonal and teary goodbye with Max, Ranger and I make it to the hospital just in time to welcome our daughter, who enters the world with her daddy’s serious expression and my button nose.

It’s late by the time they get us settled in our recovery room, and I’m exhausted, practically snoring as the baby nurses. Ranger leans over me, lifting her from my arms.

“Let me,” he says.


“You get some rest,” he says sternly. “I’ve got this.”

He stares down at our baby with warm eyes. “What should we name her?”

“I like Zinnia.”

“Zinnia. I like it, too,” he whispers, then looks over to me. “I didn’t know my heart could feel so big. But now my family is more whole than ever. You, Max, and Zinnia are everything to me. I love you, Willow.”

“I love you too,” I say. As I watch him peer into our daughter’s eyes, I thank God that all those years ago, when he held out his hand to me, I gave up control and gave into temptation.

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Next in the Series: Curvy Hunger

He’s the enforcer of the MC. She’s dedicated her life to healing. When she returns to her hometown, will their differences keep them apart?Coming soon to Amazon!