Dark Memories Submerged by I. T. Lucas




Shai had to force himself to look down and pretend that he was back to writing. He couldn’t concentrate, and what was worse, he couldn’t remember what he’d written before he’d sensed her looking at him.

That had never happened to him. He remembered everything. Always.

Who was she? Where had she come from? She wasn’t one of his Scottish relatives or a resident of the sanctuary.

Was she a Dormant?

His heart sank at the realization that for a new Dormant to be in the village, she must be someone’s mate.

She was already taken.

When a shadow fell over him, he lifted his head again, surprised to see Onegus grinning down at him.

“Pretty, isn’t she?” the chief whispered.

Shai nodded. “Very. Who is she with?”

The chief put a hand on his chair’s back and leaned closer. “Her name is Geraldine, and she’s Cassandra’s mother. We suspect that she’s already an immortal, but she might not be aware of it. She’s about to learn the truth soon.”

Shai had been so focused on the mother that he hadn’t noticed Onegus’s mate sitting next to her. If he had, he might have deduced that there was a connection.

“Would you like to come say hello?” Onegus asked. “Just don’t mention anything about immortals. We want to ease her into it.”

Shai swallowed. “Then perhaps I better not. I don’t want to blurt out something accidentally.”

Onegus chuckled. “You’ve never blurted out anything in your life.” He leaned even closer. “Geraldine is not with anyone. This might be your chance before all the other unmated males find out about her. Come and introduce yourself.”

The chief playing matchmaker was disturbing to say the least. Was he trying to find a mate for his future mother-in-law?

Shai hadn’t been aware of Onegus liking him that much.

But the chief was right about one thing. Once the other males found out about Geraldine, there would be a stampede to get her attention, and Shai would be left in the dust.

It was no coincidence that the Head Guardians had gotten their fated mates first. The Fates' intervention had played a part, but it hadn’t been just that. These males were the kind females swooned over. The buff, tough fighters that movies were made about.

The upstanding heroes.

The defenders of the clan.

Shai was none of those things.

With a nod, he pushed to his feet. “How should I introduce myself?”

“As yourself. Shai, personal assistant extraordinaire.” Onegus clapped him on the back. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll introduce you.”

That didn’t sound like much, but that was who he was.

“Your order is ready!” Wonder called from the counter.

“I’ll help you carry it,” Shai offered.

As they picked up the coffees and headed toward the table, Geraldine smiled the entire ten seconds it took them to get there.

“This is Shai,” Onegus introduced him. “And this is Cassandra, my better half, and her lovely mother, Geraldine.”

Shai dipped his head. “A pleasure to meet you both.” He shifted his eyes to the daughter. “I saw you at the wedding and at Kian’s birthday, but we haven’t been introduced.”

“Please, take a seat.” Cassandra pointed to the fourth chair at their table. “There were so many people at both events, and I only talked with a few. It will take me forever to get to know everyone.”

Geraldine’s eyes were still on him, a charming blush painting her pale cheeks pink. She had the most extraordinary eyes, a unique shade of gray-blue that seemed to glow from the inside. If she was indeed an immortal, that wasn’t surprising, but the reason for the glow was.

Shai was no stranger to human females’ attention, but rarely from one as beautiful as Geraldine.

Her beauty wasn’t what drew him to her, though. Despite her youthful appearance, Geraldine wasn’t a young girl, and yet there was a sweetness and an almost child-like innocence in her gaze that he found both endearing and sexy as hell.

She turned her gaze to her daughter. “At least you remember the faces of everyone you meet. With my tricky memory, I remember some people vividly even though I met them years ago, and others I forget the next day.”

Shai frowned. “Maybe those you forget are just not memorable.”

She smiled brightly. “Perhaps you are right. I’m sure that I will not forget you. You are very handsome.”

Cassandra made a choking sound, and Onegus chuckled softly.

“Thank you.” Shai bowed his head. “I will never forget you either, and it has nothing to do with my photographic memory. You are beautiful and charming.” In a move that was completely uncharacteristic of him, he reached for her hand. “I have to admit that I’m smitten.” He brought her delicate hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

“Oh, my.” Geraldine put her other hand on her chest. “Aren’t you the charmer.”

He wasn’t. Perhaps he’d been possessed by the spirit of Casanova because this wasn’t like him at all.

“I’m so sorry.” Onegus’s mother’s arrival interrupted the special moment. “I forgot how horrible traffic is in Los Angeles. Especially on a Friday. It was bumper to bumper almost the entire way.”

“No worries.” Onegus rose to his feet and kissed his mother’s cheek. “We had a very pleasant time while waiting for you. Would you like a cappuccino?”

“No, thank you.” She sat down on the chair that Shai had pulled out for her from the next table over. “We should probably head to your house. Connor is waiting for us with lunch.”

“We can stay for a few minutes longer,” Onegus said. “Connor texted me that he needed a little more time to get everything ready.”

“Good.” Martha let out a breath and turned to Geraldine. “So, what do you think about our mountain-top village?”

“It’s lovely,” Geraldine said.