Dark Side of the Cloth by Brooklyn Cross

Yasmine shook her head, trying hard to rid her mind of the images from earlier with Dean. She had no idea what had come over her, but whatever it was, God help her—she wanted more. But, she was happy she’d given him a small taste of his own medicine.

She smiled wide as she settled under her sheets and picked up her latest read. Her phone dinged with a message, and she picked it up, worried that Mabel needed her. Yasmine bit her lip, her body growing hot as she stared at the screen showing the message was from Dean.

Did she dare open it? What if he was angry with her and never wanted to see her again?

Taking a deep breath, she opened the message.

Dean: How do you have everyone fooled?

Yasmine: What do you mean?She typed back.

Dean: This whole town thinks you’re a sweet girl that would never do anything immoral. I beg to differ.

She laughed hard.

Yasmine: You only got what you deserved for ghosting me. You at least owe me a conversation, even if it is to say that nothing could happen again.

Dean: You are right. It was rude of me, and you deserve better. I’m sorry, sweetYasmine.

Yasmine: Your apology is accepted.

Dean: How about I make it up to you? Dinner at my place Saturday. I, unfortunately, have plans tomorrow that I cannot break.

Yasmine mulled it over. Did she prolong the agony, or did she rip off the and-aid? Band-aid it was, at least she would know by the end of the meal where they stood.

Yasmine: Alright, Saturday it is.

Dean: Excellent, come at seven o’clock.

Yasmine: I’ll be there.

Her fingers shook with excitement as she hit the blushing emoji image and pressed send.

Dean: Sleep well Yasmine, I will see you soon, and hopefully, our conversation from earlier can be picked up where we left off.

She placed the phone down on the nightstand and, unable to help herself squealed into a fist full of her comforter. This couldn’t really be happening, could it?