Dark Side of the Cloth by Brooklyn Cross

Dean remained quiet and let the information sink in. A soft dusting of snow was falling from the sky. It looked beautiful as it landed on Yasmine’s eyelashes, her spring green eyes full of unshed tears. She stared at nothing, and he knew she was in shock. He rubbed her arms vigorously, and as her eyes turned to him, he laid a soft kiss on her lips—taking a chance.

She stared at him, silently asking him questions he couldn’t answer. Tears trickled down her face, and he quickly wiped them with his thumbs before they could freeze in place.

“I’m going to continue with my work. It may be hard for you to watch or hear, but I cannot let him go. I cannot let him live. Do you understand?”

“Can he speak? I want to talk to him.”

“I haven’t cut out his tongue yet, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I don’t care what you think. He took my sister, my twin, my best friend.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “He took the other half of my soul, and in taking that, he took my mother and my father from me. He took everything I had that was good, and I need to know why.”

Her lower lip trembled, but her voice never wavered.

“I’ve spent every night praying for forgiveness that I didn’t get help in time to save my sister. I still see her arms reaching for me. Her screaming Yazzy as I ran from the room like a coward.”

“You weren’t and are not a coward Yasmine. You were only a child, and you did everything you could.”

Wrapping her arm around the tree, she pulled herself upright, and he could tell by the determined look on her face that she wasn’t about to give up.

“Fine, but you shouldn’t expect much. He’s not exactly a person looking for forgiveness. He scooped Yasmine up and walked her toward his prey. Gingerly, he placed her on her feet, keeping a steadying arm around her waist.

“What’s his name?”

“Does it matter?”

“I want to know.”

“I call him Piggy, but his name is Simon.” Dean shrugged.

Yasmine turned to the man.

“Why did you take my sister? Why did you kill her?”

The man’s head slowly rose in the dimmed light, his eyes full of hate even though he knew his life was over.

“Get on your knees and suck my cock bitch, maybe then I’ll tell you.”

Dean backhanded the guy across the mouth. Blood and spittle flew as a resounding crack echoed around them.

“Unless you want me to come up with even more creative ways to punish you, I’d suggest you mind your mouth in front of the lady and answer her questions.”

Those cold greyish eyes met his own. Rage and evil brewed under the surface—this was the only time Dean believed there could be a devil. The way his prey always seemed to be infected with a darkness that felt tangible and made him question his beliefs.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Dean raised his hand, and the man jerked in his chain restraints. They jingled softly, announcing how powerless he was.


“Good, now answer the question,” Dean ordered.

Dean looked down at Yasmine, and she was staring up at him. He knew there was no way after what she’d seen tonight that she’d ever want anything to do with him again. Plus, he wouldn’t have been able to hide this from her if he wanted a relationship with her. With that came the knowledge that there had always been a possibility she wouldn’t accept what he must do.

Yet, he wouldn’t change pursuing her, and even though he’d never intended for her to follow him, this was for the best. It was time for him to move on. He’d become too complacent and, dare he admit…happy. Her eyes were hooded, but he could see the uncertainty that weighed on her.

“We planned on taking you both.”

Simon finally said as he winced and took a ragged breath.

“Twins with red hair and green eyes.” The man licked his lips, and Dean felt Yasmine shudder against him. “Why the two of you? Why not the two of you? You were young, twins, and hot pieces of tail. That was the only criteria of the game. Well, that and opportunity, that stupid festival just kicked the door wide open.”

Yasmine shook her head. “You mean you took us only because you thought we were hot and you had the opportunity?”


“But she was my sister, and we were only kids. Did you not care you would be ripping us away from all we loved? That you’d cause us physical pain? That you caused a ripple effect of pain, you couldn’t even comprehend?”

Simon laughed, the sound making Yasmine shake and cuddle closer to him.

“Are you stupid or something? If we’d cared about anything like that, do you think we would have planned to take you at all or taken the many others after your sister? As far as I’m concerned, the fear just makes you tighter and sweeter to fuck. Your sister…” Simon licked his lips. “Oh, that one was still the sweetest I’ve ever had. The sounds of her screams make my cock hard even to this day.”

Dean almost backhanded the man again but refrained. He wanted him conscious.

“You’re an asshole!” Yasmine yelled.

“Mmmm, I bet your ass would taste just like hers did, like honeydew on a summer day.” The man flicked out his tongue, waving it in the air. Yasmine launched out of Dean’s hold, her fist solidly connecting with Simon’s chin. The man laughed, and Yasmine kept hitting him, a rabid sound ripping from her throat as tears poured down her cheeks.

“Give me your knife!” Yasmine commanded. She spun and screamed as she placed weight on her injured leg. She began to crumble to the ground, and he was quick to pick her up.

Dean walked as far as he could before leaving the clearing. Howling laughter sounded behind him as Yasmine swore and clawed at the air, trying to get back to the man. Giving up, she turned her attention to Dean, and she beat at his chest while ordering him to put her down. He placed her on her feet, and she gripped the closest tree as he took her face into his hands.

“Look at me.”

The anguish he saw in the depths of those beautiful eyes broke his heart. A heart that he didn’t think would feel anything ever again until she came along.

“I’m going to kill him!” she raged as tears continued to pour from her eyes.

“Yasmine, look at me.” She did as he asked, her eyes snapping with her unshed fury. “He is purposely trying to hurt you. Look at him. He knows he is a dead man, and tormenting you is the last bit of fun he can have before he dies. Don’t let him hurt you any more than he already has.”

“I want to kill him.”


“Why not?”

“Because you don’t really mean it. You would regret it and hate yourself. I will not allow him to taint your beautiful soul. I was born into blood and darkness, Yasmine, and I was reborn into what you see. I have lived with more than any person should, and yet I do so willingly if it means I can protect others, but that comes at a cost.”

He placed his finger under her chin as she tried to look away.

“I love you, Yasmine. I didn’t think I was capable of it, but I do, and no matter what you decide to do once we leave these woods, I will not and cannot allow this man to ruin who you are. You’re one of those uniquely beautiful people who has seen pain, yet you treat others with love and tenderness even in their final moments. You still see the good in people, Yasmine, and you want to believe the best of them. I won’t let him take that from you too.”

She chewed her bottom lip, her eyes flicking to the hanging man, his sharp features appearing truly evil in the lamplight, and then back up to him.

“You love me?” she asked softly.

“I do, very much.”

“So you hunted him down for me?”

“Yes, once I found out what was done to you and your sister, I set out to find and kill the man or men responsible. I’m not great with just giving a bouquet of flowers.” He gave her a small smile.

“I’d laugh, but I can’t. He took so much from me that night. He took so much more than my sister.” Her eyes pleaded with him, but he wouldn’t cave on this. He wouldn’t let her cross that line.

“I know.” Dean ran his thumb across her cheek. “Trust me. You don’t want to take this road. It is mine and mine alone to travel.”

He could see her mind working, but he let her process everything. He would stand there all night if need be. She wiped away the tears and straightened her back as her eyes hardened with resolve.

“I want him to scream. I want him to suffer as my sister suffered,” she whispered.

Dean closed his eyes as he laid his lips on her forehead.

“He will beg for your forgiveness before I’m through.”

Dean pulled the blade free from his leg sheath and turned towards his prey.

“Oh, and Dean,” he looked over his shoulder at Yasmine. “I love you too, as fucked up as I sound right now saying that, I do.”

He gave her his signature ‘I’m going to fuck you hard later’ smile before stalking back toward Simon.