Dark Side of the Cloth by Brooklyn Cross

Sneak Peek at Book Two

Arek locked the hammer into place, the revolver making a distinct click as the bullet was set in the chamber. Rain poured from the sky above, dark clouds flashing with barely contained lightening. Water dripped off the barrel of the gun, reminding Arek of a much different place, one filled with waterfalls and crystal clear, blue waters.

The three men on their knees before him shook in their tightly bound ropes, partly in fear and partly because they were soaked from the ravaging rains.

“Any final words?” he asked, not caring if they answered, but it was his way to ask. The man in the middle looked back at him, eyes wide, bloodshot, and filled with terror, but his voice came out steady.

“Why the fuck you doin’ this man?” he asked.

Arek smiled under his dark hood, his face completely shrouded like the Reaper himself.

“To let the wolves eat.”

The young man furrowed his brow in confusion. It would be the last thing he’d ponder. A loud bang echoed as Arek shot the man through the temple. Two more shots rang out in quick succession before the other two could think to move.

All three bodies landed face first in the ankle-deep mud with a loud squelching thud. Arek lit up a smoke and took a long drag, the essence seeping into his lungs as the life flowed out of those before him. He sucked in another satisfying pull, the tip glowing in the dark. This was the only time he was at complete peace with his life. He was fucked up, and he knew it, his brothers knew it, but the rest of the world thought he was Prince fucking Charming.

Three more drug dealers down, many more to go. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a spray can of red paint and used the back of their leather jackets as the canvas for creating a rival gang symbol. The best way to get rid of gang members… start a war.

Standing, he laid the gun down in the middle of the symbol. Stepping back, he appraised his work.

“Fuck I love my job!”

Arek sauntered away toward his waiting black Hummer as its lights displayed the three now dead. His work here was done. Now it was the waiting game. He had to admit he loved the anticipation for what would inevitably happen next.

“Sweet Delilah, play something soothing,” Arek said as he slipped behind the wheel of his baby. He hated the rain, and he hated mud, although it would give him an excuse to spend more time with his girl. A little extra TLC never hurt any fine piece of ass, human, or vehicle.

“Playing soothing album now.”

“Save Your Tears” by The Weekend began to blare through the speakers as the motor roared to life. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as the Hummer easily backed out of the now mushy area. The high beams swung onto the distant residential area, and he briefly wondered if anyone who heard the shots would simply think it was thunder.

“Sweet Delilah, send the saved texts and add my latest photo.”

“Sending untraceable texts now.”

“You are the sweetest bitch I know.”

“I’m sorry I do not understand this command. Would you like to try another?”

He laughed hard. It always slayed him when she responded with that answer.

“No, I’m good, darling.”

He bobbed his head to the beat and smiled wide as the social network he’d been following lit up with the images of the three dead men.

Hot damn!

He hit the automatic garage opener and tapped his finger on the steering wheel as he drove down the ramp. The underground garage that Trev had built into the house was sweet ass and had everything they needed to do their work on the black beauty.

Arek slid her home into the designated parking spot. He always felt like Batman when he returned and drove into the ‘secret lair’ of the secure underground space. He set the overhead sprayer on clean—a wonderful little modification he had installed himself.

Why take the chance on his baby being recognized or, worse, damaged at a public car wash? He laid his hand on the scanner, and the heavy door clunked as the locks released. He made a quick pit stop in the laundry room, disposed of all his clothing in the washing machine, and then tossed his boots in the fancy new boot cleaner.

Arek caught his reflection in the mirror over the sink and walked closer to inspect himself. No blood, no cuts, and only one bruise, which blended in with his body art. He ran the tips of his fingers over the dog tags hanging down his chest before averting his gaze from the mirror. He grabbed a clean pair of jeans and wandered up the stairs.

“Well, good evening Sally, you’re looking unbelievably beautiful tonight. Did you change your hair?” Arek lounged against the elderly secretary’s desk and loved how her cheeks flushed. For a woman of her age, she was still beautiful, wrinkles and all.

“You’re a prat, young man! Go put some clothes on, don’t you know it’s rude to tease someone of my age? You could give a woman a stroke with talk like that.”

Arek laughed and jumped up to follow Sally as she placed the files from her desk in the filing cabinet. He wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his head on her shoulder.

“Aw, don’t be like that, Sally. You know you’re still sexy.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, boy,” Sally said, flustered, and smacked at his arm. He released her, chuckling at the look on her face. He’d been teasing Sally since she started working for his brother five years ago, and it was always the same back and forth between them.

He knew she secretly liked to feel his body, the dirty old woman, but it made his heart warm to make her smile. She’d had a tough go of it: a long bout of cancer, her husband passing away, and then getting laid off due to both her illness and advanced age.

When she’d applied, even his brother was skeptical about taking on someone already in her seventies, but she’d proven to be a strong asset, as smart as a whip and as organized as they came. This job was the only thing keeping her from ending up on the streets alone, and once Trevor met her, he just couldn’t say no. And Trev claimed he didn’t have a heart.

“Sally, you know I love you,” Arek gushed as he batted his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, now go on in and see your brother. He’s expecting you. Although I’m sure, he’d prefer you in more clothes.”

Her soft eyes glittered with mischief behind her glasses as she grabbed her scarf and jacket. He gave her a parting wink and laughed as she huffed at him before leaving. He threw open the office door and proceeded to flop onto the long leather couch. Might as well get comfortable for the ass fucking he was about to receive.