The Recluse Heir by Monique Moreau


My first taste of him had my head swimming. The way our tongues danced together was a revelation. A whole new world opened up to me, like those novels I read in school of walking through a closet or falling down a rabbit hole. Surely, I was living in an alternate reality. Everything was upside down and topsy-turvy.

What we were planning to do was insane, but Luca was right. It was the only way. After what happened in the club, it wouldn’t be fair to marry Nicu. I’d gone too far. Touched another man, kissed him, let him grab my butt and smack it. The last one had a possessive edge to it that I liked more than I’d ever admit aloud.

As much as my family might get upset, I’d been given the chance to follow my own path while doing right by them. My hands shook from nerves at the thought of losing my virginity. Sitting beside Luca in the tight confines of his car, I inhaled the familiar fragrance of his cologne with the scent of fine wool from his jacket, and the quivery feeling settled.

I’d been with Luca in a car before, of course, but this time was different. The small, sleek Ferrari fit the kind of ride we were taking. It was luxurious to the point of being sensual, like him. We sped through the city streets and suddenly veered into the entrance of an underground parking lot.

“Where are we going?” I asked, a little alarmed.

“We’re going to the penthouse. I can’t wait the forty minutes it will take to get to Westchester. Anyway, it’s better here. I’ll leave the door unlocked so that Alex can discover us in the morning.”

“What do you mean by discover us?” I squeaked out.

His fingers curled over my bare knee. “Courage, baby, courage. Alex is supposed to come over tomorrow morning to go over business. It’s perfect. Once he sees us, the deed will be done.”

“Oh, God,” I stammered out, my nerves rushing back. My breath came out, shorter and shorter.

He pulled into a space, pulled on the brake, and turned toward me. “Calm down, everything’s going to be okay.” After pushing his seat back, he unclasped my seatbelt and dragged me onto his lap. Immediately, his warmth seeped into me and my trembling abated.

Pushing his jacket off my shoulders, he murmured, “Like I said, I love that you’re rule abiding, and I have plans for you to abide by my own set of rules soon, beautiful. I’ve had a lot of experience doing the opposite of what I’m told, but you don’t. It’s normal that you’re nervous, but you have to trust me, okay?”

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered. Firming my voice, I replied, “Yes, yes, of course, I do. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust you.”

“I won’t let you down, but you have to be brave tonight. Tomorrow, you have to be brave again and let Alex catch us. Don’t worry about his reaction. He won’t hurt you, and I’ll take care of him. But tonight, you have to open your beautiful thighs for me, relax, and let me in.” He cooed into my hair, “It’s going to hurt when I pop that tight cherry of yours but, afterward, the pain will go away and I’ll make you feel so good.”

“Okay,” I said. My heart melted. He wasn’t saying anything I didn’t know, but his need to reassure me was adorable.

He kissed the tip of my nose, then dipped his head and grazed his lips over mine. Once, then twice. It was a tight fit in the car, but I loved that all boundaries were obliterated. I moaned and opened for more. Sweeping his tongue inside, he took my mouth until I forgot everything but him. His hand caressed my breast a few times before cupping it tenderly. He did this thing with his finger, swiping it over my nipple with the perfect amount of pressure until I was squirming in his lap.

Breaking our kiss, he groaned into the crook of my neck and peppered kisses up the side of my throat before pulling back. Closing his eyes, his head thumped against the leather seat. “Let’s get out of here before I end up taking you in my car.”

A nervous giggle slipped out. His eyes popped open, the silver-gray under his hooded lids twisted something hot and bothered in my belly.

“Fuck…that sound. You don’t know what you do to me.”

Shaking his head, he shut off the engine and threw the door open. We took an elevator that went straight up to the top floor. We must be in the Time Warner building, where the infamous Lupu penthouses were. Everyone knew that Alex’s father had bought the top floor of both towers. Alex and his wife, Nina, lived in one penthouse and Tatum lived in the other one. Nicu and Luca occupied the two penthouses in the second tower.

The elevator doors slid open, and I anxiously peeked out before scurrying out to follow Luca. Logically, I knew Nicu was either still at The Lounge with Jewel or driving her home, but misguided guilt settled in my chest. Nicu didn’t care for me; he was about as attached to our engagement as I was. But I felt like I was betraying him. I took a long bracing breath. Again, I had to trust Luca. In the long run, what we were doing was best for Nicu as well. Now he’d be free to find someone he cared about. If I didn’t know how much contempt Jewel had for mafie men, I’d selfishly hope that they’d hook up.

Swinging the unlocked door open, Luca gestured for me to enter as the lights turned on automatically. Happy to get out of the hallway, I hurried inside and inhaled sharply. Whew, this place could be a spread in Architectural Digest or some fancy interior design magazine.

I wandered deeper into his apartment. Various shades of white dominated the room. Two identical long white leather couches faced each other with a white marble coffee table situated between them. Stepping onto a rug that had a modern, diamond-shaped pattern of white and an icy blue, I dropped my black clutch on the table. Facing me was an enormous fireplace made of black marble with white veining. The black was picked up in the base of the lamps dispersed around the large room.

The place was pristine, if a little cold and impersonal compared to his home in the country. The only touches of humanity were huge vases of white lilies and blue and white delphiniums on the mantle of the fireplace, the coffee table, and the pedestals on either side of the fireplace. And were those cherry blossoms? Yup, only Luca would find a place that forced cherry blossoms. As ridiculous as it sounded, the man had a thing for flowers. Besides the multiple gardens he had, I noticed the care that had been given to the bouquets of flowers scattered around his house in Westchester during my engagement weekend.

“It’s very…modern,” I faltered in my description as I turned to face him. My eyes widened at the two walls of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a sea of lights glittering in the inky black night sky.

“Different from my other home,” he mused. “I don’t spend much time here outside of work. I have my office here and we use it as our go-to conference room for business meetings.”

Walking toward the windows, I noted, “The view is amazing.”

He walked behind me, wrapped an arm around my middle and pulled me into the cove of his warm chest. His heat seeped into me, the warmth but also the intimacy of his gesture melting me in this sterile environment.

We both looked down into the gleaming lights of the city spread out below us.

“Once the buildings were done, my father said it had been worth the investment for the view alone. He was so proud of having gotten in early and locked down all the penthouses for the Lupu clan. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I never took to this place. That, and the fact that I hate the city,” he confided.

“I’m not a huge fan of cities, either. Might be the six years I spent on a posh prep-school campus in New England. Although Jewel hated being away from the bustle of New York. She missed the noise of the traffic. It took her months to learn to fall asleep.”

“Do you think you’ll be happy in my other home?”

“Of course. I’m already in love with your garden, and your pool.” My voice dropped as I finished, “And your shower downstairs.” And just like that, the air between us shifted. I felt his muscles tighten behind me, like a predator on the alert. And I was his prey.

Burrowing into the side of my neck, he murmured, “Is that right? You can’t imagine how much I wanted you that day. Truth is, I wanted to touch you the moment I laid eyes on you, creeping around the corner to escape that suffocating party. But downstairs, the spirit you showed, the courage of watching me…and then when you lifted your skirt and thrust your hand down your innocent white panties…” He groaned into my skin, the hot breath and vibration of that sexy sound making its way down my spine.

His hand slid up my torso and cupped my breast, thrumming my nipple to a hard point. “You’re a good girl, but you can be such a bad girl at the same time. Christ, it was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.”

Bending slightly, he hooked his arm beneath my knees and swooped me up in the air. I let out a squeak as I grabbed hold of his solid neck. Giving me a long, scrutinizing look, his eyes roamed over my face from my eyes to my nose and mouth, and back up again.

“I’ll make it good for you, Cat. Ready?” he asked, his deep tone had a fistful of gravel in it.

Touched by his concern, I swallowed hard. I’d preserved my virginity much longer than many of my peers, that was for sure. Although I’d done it for my family, I was surprised to realize that I was feeling a little sentimental. I was glad that my first time would be with Luca and not a husband that I didn’t choose. It was a moment of empowerment to take the clout behind this prized virginity and wield it like a weapon to forge my own path.

“I’m on the pill if that makes a difference as to what we do.”

His head dropped back on his shoulders and he let out a low moan that had me wiggling in place. “It makes a hell of a difference. I’m going to get my big cock in you bare, baby girl. You think you can handle that?”

Heat shot through my core. God, his dirty talk. I didn’t finish nodding before he was moving, gliding swiftly over the marble floor, down a hallway. Passing one door, he pushed open the next door with his shoulder and brought me into a large master bedroom. It contrasted starkly with the white of the living room.

Here, everything was dark, various shades of midnight blue with accents of azure and cobalt. The centerpiece was a huge, canopied bed with large swaths of patterned blue damask that were gathered at each intricately carved wooden post. It gave off the air of a throne. A very dramatic location for the deflowering of a virgin, I thought as he placed me on my feet right beside the bed.

My nerves returned at the sight of the huge bed and the fact that we were on the verge of the big moment. What if I didn’t do it right? What if I didn’t satisfy him? I felt his erection rub against my belly as I pressed against him. I’d seen him jerk off, so I already knew he was massive. What if it didn’t fit? I shook my head. No, that was impossible. They all fit in eventually. Didn’t they? But what about with virgins?

Concentrating all my attention on his tie, I fiddled with it as I confessed, “I don’t really know what to do…”

A long breath blew out from his sculptured lips.

His hands smoothed down the sides of my body, settling on my waist. “It’s normal, beautiful, but I’m not going to rip into you right out of the gate.”

A wave of relief tumbled over me and my shoulders slumped forward in relief. His hand cupped my cheek gently.

“First, I’m going to prep you with my tongue and my fingers. Make you come and scream my name until you’re primed and begging for my cock.”

“Oh,” I replied, heat flashing through me.

He chuckled, bringing his lips to mine and simply leaving them there for a bit, as if to acclimate me to his touch before he made his next move. “All you have to do is follow my lead.”

I gazed up at him from beneath my lashes. “And you’re sure that you’ll…get off? Even with a virgin?”

He dropped his face into the crook of my neck and laughed. “I’m sure. Baby, you’re going to be so tight and wet that getting off won’t be my problem. Holding back until you get off will be the real challenge.”

Scorching heat flushed my cheeks and coursed down my throat. His filthy mouth morphed my nervousness into a thrill that ran down my spine. His thumb found my nipple and thrummed it in the most distracting fashion.

“Beautiful, I’m dedicated to your pleasure. I’m going to learn every single inch of you and mold this pussy until it flutters with anticipation every time you set eyes on me.” His hand pressed between my legs, a finger tapped my clit and my body jolted against him. “This sweet little body will know whose fat cock makes it come. And I will satisfy you. Each. And. Every. Time.” A shudder racked through me. I pushed into his hand, seeking more. More. I needed more.

* * *

She shook in my arms,but the way she writhed her hot pussy against my hand, I figured she’d turned the corner on her nerves. When I dropped her to her feet, her eyes bounced around my bedroom like I’d thrown her into a BDSM dungeon. It was to be expected. Cat was giving up her virginity and it wasn’t our wedding night. But, courageous girl that she was, she was willing to break that sacred rule and plunge into unknown territory. For us. For me.

With closed-mouth kisses, I caressed my lips over hers, putting her in charge of the pace. I wasn’t going to maul her like a beast. No, I had every intention of relishing her and making her go mindless with pleasure. From the way she thrust her hips and ground her mound against my palm, she was on the right path. The chemistry between us was already explosive, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. Here she was, a nervous virgin, but already she began following her instincts.

I was so damn proud of her.

Once she opened to me, I brushed my tongue inside, stroking leisurely until her fingers curled into my shirt. She’d already loosened my tie, so I finished the job as she whimpered in frustration. I took our kiss deeper and she responded in kind. Dragging the straps of her dress down, I peeled it off her body. My fingers made contact with hot skin. So smooth and silky. I found a beaded nipple and flicked it. She jerked against me with a throaty moan and then pressed closer.

Goddamn. So responsive.

Losing a little patience, I fisted her hair, crushing the satiny locks in my big hand. So absorbed in our kiss, she didn’t balk at my rougher touch. I slipped under the hem of her dress and palmed her ass. Twisting the string of her thong between her ass cheeks, I yanked it, released, and yanked again to give her pussy a little friction. Hips bumped against me, her back arching in response.

Pushing down on the dress gathered at her waist, she wiggled her lithe frame until it fell in a pool at her feet. My gaze scoured her gorgeous body. Braless, her high tits and peaked nipples made my mouth go dry. My eyes skittered to the black garter belt hugging her thighs down to the delicate black fishnet stockings encasing her slender legs. A triangle of black satin covered her tightly sealed pussy.

A surge of ownership flooded me, leaving me shattered and almost trembling with anticipation. No man would ever touch her pussy, but me. I had no clue how hot that idea would make me. Yeah, I was a savage, but I didn’t care.

Suddenly ravenous, I tore at my shirt, renting the buttons off in one fell swoop, scattering them across the floor. After stripping off my clothes, I flipped the duvet down and laid back on my bed.

Patting the space beside me, I said, “Come here, I need to taste that cunt. Leave the tights on and straddle my face. I’m going to lick every delicious pink inch of you.”

Cat’s eyes were wide, fear and excitement warring for dominance. A little fear never hurt anyone. It would only add to the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Taking her panties off, she stood for another moment, stalled by nerves again.

Watching her battle them, lift her chin stubbornly, and choose me over fear, filled my ears with a roar of triumph. My hands trembled with anticipation. Her momentary pause heightened the preciousness of the gift she was bestowing on me. Fuck, I was a lucky bastard. This beautiful girl had turned to me to deflower her.

Breath rattled from my chest when I caught sight of that tight, almost-bare pussy until she covered it with her hand.

“Move your hand,” I demanded roughly, swiping at it. “Never keep me from what’s mine, understood?”

Lust flared in her eyes as she nodded.

Her hand slipped off, giving me a full-frontal view of the prettiest little puss I’d ever seen. The patch of blonde hair told me she was a natural, as I had suspected. It screamed untouched. An idea popped into my head and I asked Cat to hand me my tie. Her eyes bulged, but she bent down and handed it to me.

I placed it carefully by my side and prompted, “Come on, brave girl, let me tongue fuck that sweet, innocent pussy.”

“Really?” she breathed out, but her chest rose and fell faster, signaling her anticipation. Crawling up the bed to me, her tits swung from side to side, tight nipples begging for my mouth. Gingerly, she placed her knees on either side of my waist, looking at me for approval.

Oh, I approved alright.

Every fucking inch of her was magnificent, and it was all mine. Taking hold of her hips, I leaned in and lathed her nipples, sucking them into my mouth, leaving one a bright pink to administer the same treatment to the other.

Patting my chest, I directed her to move higher. I slid down and there she was in all her naked glory, suspended right above me. Her thighs quivered on either side of my head. She was so close that I could smell her sugary musk, leaving me salivating for a taste.

Parting her glistening lower lips, I said, “Right here. This is the opening to paradise, Cat, and I’ll never forget that you gave it to me first. But know this, no man will ever lick or fuck this pussy but me. Let it be known, from this day forward, that you are mine. As I am yours.”

I pushed one finger inside and holy fuck, but it was tight. Tight and slippery. My gaze flicked up to her face, scrutinizing every reaction. Her mouth popped open on a groan.

Good girl.

“I promise to hold and cherish and fuck you into oblivion every day of your life. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health, I will be there. Give me your hand.”

With the tie, I bound our hands together at the wrists. In Orthodox weddings, the priest bound the hands of the groom and bride together to symbolize their union through the happy and difficult times, similar to American wedding vows. If you told me a month ago that I would be in bed, binding myself to a woman for life, I would’ve lodged a bullet in your skull for the perceived insult. Yet here I was. Absolute certainty permeated every cell of my body. This was right. This was perfect, and it was due to Cat.

Surprise crossed her face.

“Are you serious?” she asked. “You don’t have to do this. I trust you…”

“I’m not a priest, but you deserve to have it done right, and this is as close to married as we can get right now. Bring your pussy down on my face,” I commanded.

The instant it was in reach of my tongue, I dragged the stiff muscle over her lower lips, stabbing inside, moaning at her taste. Sucking her clit between my lips, I locked eyes on hers just in time to see them glaze over, lost in lust.

“Oh my—” her next words were cut off by a choked scream. Her hand slapped the headboard above my head as her entire body shuddered. Grasping her buttocks, I brought her further down until all my senses were devoted to her pussy. Growling as if possessed, I delved in to teach her my ways. By the end of the night, her pussy would be trained to clench when I entered the room.

“Such a good little cunt you’ve kept nice and tight for me. I’m going to eat it and stretch it and make it bloody just for me. Now grind down on me, baby,” I instructed her.

Her breathing hiccupped, her clawing fingers searched for purchase, tearing my hair by its roots, but nothing would push me off my game. Her wild scratching goaded me on. I humped the air with my hips, the tip of my cock bumping into her lower back and ricocheting to my balls. Stroking my tongue in and out of her, she writhed above me and I had to hold her in place, laving and licking to my heart’s content.

She broke abruptly, screeching out my name, “Luca, Luca, LUCA!”

I was stunned by how fast she came but relished the taste of her orgasm on my tongue. When she was over the peak of her climax, I tilted her off me and onto her back. She lay sprawled out, head swinging from side to side. Our hands bound together the whole time, I slowly spread her pussy open, glistening with come and saliva.

She was as ready as she’d ever be. I worked my cock inside her about an inch. Fuck, the sight of her pussy lips stretching over my girth was almost too much. Clenching my teeth, I bore down another inch, and I continued to press my advantage when her virgin flesh decided to suction around my shaft like an airless vacuum. Resisting my intrusion. Attempting to keep me out. I kept going until I was halfway in but had to pause to regain my control because the drive to pound into her whipped through me.

Pinned beneath me, Cat had tensed. “You won’t fit,” she whined.

“Trust me, I will,” I assured her. I caressed a few strands of her hair stuck to her forehead. “Don’t worry, baby girl, it takes time and practice to mold you to fit my cock, but I’ll take care of you.”

Bending over, I kissed her thoroughly until she turned pliant once more. A rush of wetness eased my way and I resumed my efforts, withdrawing and easing in until I was fully sheathed.

She whimpered against my mouth. I hushed her and praised her, “You feel so good, beautiful. So slick and small and tight. Such a snug virgin hole you’ve kept for me. The pain will subside and soon you’ll be taking my cock like a pro.”

My filthy talk worked because she circled her hips, tentatively at first, but soon, she was flexing to meet my thrusts. Her little pussy sucked my dick on all sides, leaving me delirious. Christ, I’d hit the pussy jackpot. I had to steal my little brother’s fiancée, but it was worth any fallout. I’d take whatever punishment was meted out because I’d never regret this.

“Feel that, baby girl?” I thrust hard, balls slapping against her ass. “We are bound as one. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

Rutting into her, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. She felt too good, too slippery and tight. I jiggled my thumb on her clit and moved my cock inside until her gasp let me know I’d hit the right spot. Strumming that little pearl, I elongated my strokes. Her tender flesh undulated around my cock. Every muscle in my body screamed for me to take her rough, and just when I was about to lose the battle, she was coming again. Screaming out my name, her cunt throbbed and squeezed impossibly tight. Her little feet were latched to my lower back, heels digging into me. Nails streaked down my back, leaving trails of blood. Another gush of wetness and I was a goner.

I fucked her like I was mating her, like I was meant to breed her.

It was official.

Cat was mine.

Baring my teeth, I pummeled into her. Her inner muscles contracted, milking me, drawing the come out of me. I might be a dirty talker, but I was never a screamer. Until now. I boomed out a beast-like sound, more growl than anything else.

Headboard smashing against the wall, hips smacking, flesh squelching, I was dragged into an undertow of liquid heat. The cells of my body exploded, separated, and joined again to form another being.

I was reborn.

When I came back into my body, I found myself collapsed over Cat, who was moaning hoarsely beneath me. Lifting off her on shaky arms, I blinked down in disbelief. Her hooded eyes languidly met mine, cheeks flagged red, forehead beaded with perspiration.

My heart expanded. It was about to explode with this overwhelming feeling.

Holy fuck, was this love? I wouldn’t know, having never felt it before.

Shaking my head, I stuffed it down. It was too soon, too sudden.

Yet…it felt true.

Clearing my throat, I asked, “You okay?”

“Yeah,” she croaked out. “That didn’t hurt too much. You kissed me through the worst of it and then after…just…wow.”

I pulled out, my cock streaked in red. The sight made me want to beat my chest like a barbarian because nothing blared out “CLAIMED” more than that. Yeah, I got that I was sick. Perhaps I should have cleaned us up, but my muscles felt like lead, and I couldn’t have separated myself from her if I tried. She curled into me, satiated and purring like a cat. That settled it: I wasn’t moving an inch. A chuckle bubbled up from my chest. This girl would be my undoing, for sure.

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer.

Part one of our plan was a success.

Tonight was ours alone. Tomorrow, we had to face Alex.

Knowing him as well as I did, that was easier said than done.