The Recluse Heir by Monique Moreau


Dressed to the nines in a pin-striped suit with a sharp blue-and-gray tie, I waltzed into the French restaurant in Tribeca where we frequently met with Nelu. It was owned by a Romanian Frenchman who was not partial to either clan. It wasn’t open yet, but employees flittered about getting the place ready.

Nodding to the owner, my brothers, Stegan, and I made our way to his office near the kitchen. Opening the door, we were confronted by Nelu, sitting at a large ornate white antique desk with Simu at his shoulder and Cristo pacing the length of the room. My gaze narrowed in on Simu, remembering that he’d once dared touch what was mine. A third man leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. There was no bottle of țuică and shot glasses, which was traditionally served at meetings. A little dig at us, a reminder that we were in the doghouse in the latest episode of the decades-long struggle between our clans.

The men’s eyes snapped to us, narrowing in on Stegan.

Nelu’s upper lip curled in a sneer.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Cristo snarled, lifting his chin toward Stegan. Cristo despised him, which wasn’t surprising since Stegan beat him to a pulp and discovered the ruse they’d played on Alex to force him into an engagement with Cat.

The man leaning against the wall came to standing, glaring at Stegan with murderous intent. I recognized him now. He was the brother of the bodyguard Stegan had killed when he’d rescued Una, Cristo’s girlfriend, from being beaten half to death. Never understood what a fine-looking woman like Una saw in Cristo. Sure, he had that easygoing, frat boy look, with his floppy brown hair and brown eyes, but the man was a menace with a nasty temper.

“A little reminder that you aren’t as pure as the driven snow,” Alex drawled, strolling in with utter confidence.

Just as relaxed, I walked in beside him. Nicu flanked his other side. Cristo stumbled back a step, flustered. He’d been ready to gloat, expecting Nicu to be angry, humiliated. Instead, we showed a unified front. The three of us made quite an impression. We stood tall and dressed to kill, from our styled hair to the gleam of our wingtip shoes. Regardless of anything that went down behind the scenes, nothing would shatter our unity, and we represented that.

Alex leisurely took a seat, as if he weren’t surrounded by four men who were at this moment plotting our deaths in excruciating detail.

“Nelu,” he greeted with a nod of his head.

“What the fuck, Alex?” started Nelu. “First, this putoi rejects my beautiful daughter. Then he adds insult to injury by taking her virginity behind our backs. His brother’s fiancée no less. What is the meaning of this?” His voice was a bellow by the time he finished, the veins on his neck popping out.

Alex raised his hand. “I’ve told you once, and I’ll tell you again, there’s no need for profanity. When you played that little trick on me, cornered me like a hog in a pen, I didn’t revert to gutter language.”

We cursed as much as the next man amongst ourselves, but this was Alex reminding them of their humble origins. Going toe to toe against a Popescu required using any means to get on top because they were the first to play dirty.

Nelu made a disgusted noise and leaned forward, teeth gritted. Simu pressed closer to Nelu’s shoulder at Alex’s subtle insult of the Popescu coarseness. I curled my upper lip at him in a snarl. His very presence irritated me, and he was going to do what he could to make my life difficult. Only, it wasn’t my life anymore. Cat was involved, and that narrowed down my options.

Alex placed his elbows on the desk and steepled his fingers. “You’re upset because you’ve been caught unawares, but if you looked at the signs, you would’ve seen what was in front of your eyes. Instead, you were blind, Nelu.” He tsked. “Did you not think it strange that Nicu never once asked to visit or spend time with Cat? Or that he chose Luca to personally escort Cat around? Nicu was aware of what was going on at every stage,” he finished with a shrug. “They’ve had his blessing from the beginning.”

This was why Alex was şef. He was always one step ahead. He had the brilliant ability to twist and manipulate any situation to serve his interest. And he was a consummate liar when he needed to be. This moment was a prime example. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve believed him because of his blasé tone alone.

Alex shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say? My brother caught sight of Cat at the engagement party. She is a beauty; you were right about that. Wanting to see if she was worthy of his attention, he asked Nicu’s permission to pursue her. He’s a cautious one, that Luca. He wanted to get to know her, so he asked if he could drive her. During those rides, he discovered that the feeling was mutual. He then approached me with the idea of the blood bond. Figuring it was the easiest solution to the matter, I gave him permission, and now, here we are. I understand what a shock this is to you, but we’ve been in on it from the beginning. He saw, he came, he conquered.” Not looking at me, he snapped his fingers as he asked, “Luca, help me out here. Who said that again?”

Veni, vidi, vici. It was Caesar, şef,” I replied smugly.

Cristo threw his hands up and roared, “Are you out of your goddamn minds? That’s not how this works. You don’t go behind the family you contracted with. She’s not an object you can toss around from man to man.”

I jerked, about to grab for him and pummel him into the ground, when Nicu’s hand landed on my chest. Clenching my fists tight, I forced myself to remain in place.

“An object like Una, you mean? You certainly batted her around like she was an object instead of the woman you supposedly loved. The woman who’d once carried your baby.”

“That’s different,” he snapped.

Stegan growled behind us.

“Is it?” Alex tossed back. “Pray tell, illuminate us exactly as to how? They’re both women.”

“Cat is a princess,” snarled Cristo. “And my baby sister. An innocent.”

“Oh, so the fact that Una isn’t a princess and chose to have sex with you meant you had the right to beat her up. I struggle to understand the thread of logic in your argument, Cristo.”

Turning to Nelu, he continued, “I’d think you’d be impressed. This is, after all, a play out of your playbook. You see, we’re learning from the Popescus.”

“Fuck!” thundered Cristo. Nelu raised a hand to silence his son. Eyeing Alex, he said, “Well played. So, this was revenge?”

Alex spread his hands, palms out. “God forbid. This is about love, Nelu. This is a love story, and who doesn’t adore a love story?”

By pivoting this as a star-crossed love story, the only part of this farce that was true, Alex was minimizing it. If he admitted to revenge, then retaliation could be expected. But it was not uncommon to hear about couples creating a blood bond against the wishes of their families for love. It was an age-old fairy tale that existed since the inception of the blood bond.

“No harm, no foul,” Alex went on. “At one point, you preferred Luca. Nicu was always your last choice.” He motioned toward me. “Well, now you have him. You’re welcome.”

By controlling the narrative, and making it seem as if my brothers were aware of my intentions and had given their blessing, all in the name of love, our şef corroded the platform on which Nelu could demand restitution. Nelu would try anyway, but it would be far less than he had hoped to get out of us.

“Why didn’t you approach us the honorable way instead of sneaking around and stealing what wasn’t yours to take?” Nelu asked, tilting his head to face me.

“Do you not know me, Nelu? Since when do I follow the rule book? I’ve never pretended to be honorable. I’m a gangster and I take what I want when I want it. End of story,” I said, keeping my gaze locked on him. His cheek twitched with irritation, but he held his anger in check remarkably well. Then again, he wasn’t the one with the temper. That would be Cristo.

As if on cue, Cristo butted in, “I’ve never liked you, and I like you even less now. Should’ve known you’d do something underhanded like this. I was fucking glad when Nicu was chosen, even if he’s a cold bastard. Better him than you, in my opinion.”

“Let’s not pretend any one of us has clean hands, shall we,” suggested Alex.

I jabbed my finger toward Cristo. “See, right there is why I didn’t come forward. With Nicu on the hook, you wouldn’t have allowed me to marry Cat, even if it made her happy. No, you’d spite her to spite me. Don’t deny it, Cristo. You might love your sister, but you’re as vindictive as they come.”

His face turned a mottled purple with rage. “Fuck you! Don’t you dare question my love for my sister. You have no idea who I am to my family. And if I didn’t let her marry you, it’s because I know what’s best for her, and it sure as hell is not you!”

“Yeah? Like you knew what was best for Una? Because you declared your undying love to her at one point. Is that how you treat the people you love? If so, then thankfully, I’ve gotten Cat out of your hands.”

Gripping the air as if it were my throat, he warned, “I’m going to kill you.”

Suficient,” snarled Nelu to his son. Enough. That seemed to set him back a step. Chest heaving, he stumbled back against the wall, his spine slamming against the plaster.

When I said he’d never accept me as an alternative, I wasn’t lying. Even if I had told my own family, even if every one of Alex’s lies had been true, I wouldn’t have approached the Popescus.

Unbothered by Cristo’s outburst, Alex continued, “I say we keep the wedding date the same. Considering the animosity Cristo has displayed over this union, I think it’s best if Cat stays with us until the wedding. I don’t trust him not to hurt her.”

Cristo made a choking noise and propelled himself off the wall, but Simu shoved him back.

Pulling up the sleeve of his jacket, Alex checked his watch and came to standing. “Well, I’d say we’re done here, Nelu.”

Nelu put a staying hand on Alex’s forearm and replied, “Not so fast.”

Alex heaved a dramatic sigh and returned to his seat. Looking thoroughly bored, he asked, “Yes, what is it?”

“There’s the matter of the blood bond.”

“What of it?” Alex replied with a hint of impatience.

“He took Cat’s virginity. There needs to be restitution.”

“Oh.” He arched an eyebrow. “What do you suggest?”

“Monetary restitution.”

“That’s not happening,” Alex replied coldly. “The issue has been resolved between the brothers. Nicu will not accept Cat. Luca has. If you want to withdraw from the marriage contract, that’s your prerogative, but I can assure you, that will not be acceptable to us.”

The suggestion was a low blow, but he’d preempted a strike with one of his own and hobbled Nelu’s advantage. Nelu wouldn’t consider withdrawing from the contract; it was too lucrative for him. Not only that, but he genuinely loved his daughter, and a broken marriage contract would leave her reputation in tatters.

“Then blood for blood.”

“Such as?”

“There’s an alley in the back of the restaurant. After we finish up here, each man takes a turn at Luca.”

I rolled my eyes. I expected such a suggestion from these fucking barbarians. At least my father’s training made me invulnerable to hits from people I despised.

Alex took his time staring at each man for a long moment. Pointing to the silent man leaning against the wall, he said, “Not him. I don’t even know who the hell he is, and he has nothing to do with this.”

“Fine,” Nelu replied.

“As for the three of you, you each get two hits. I don’t need lasting damage on the groom’s pretty face. If you can’t make him bleed after two times, that’s on you.”

“Three. We each get three hits or kicks,” burst out Simu.

I gritted my teeth at his demand. Little fuck, he’s enjoying this. I threw him an unrepentant grin to get under his skin. He could kiss my ass. I’d take any hit he threw my way, but I’d keep count, and, one day, I’d get even with the prick. Not only for the hits, but also for every single time he’d kissed Cat.

Alex eyed Simu with disdain. “I don’t even know why he gets a go at Luca. He’s not blood.”

“But he’s family,” replied Nelu.

Gaze zeroing back on Nelu, Alex said, “You and Cristo get three. Simu only gets two.”

“Accepted,” Nelu muttered, reaching out to shake hands. Alex clasped Nelu’s hand and they shook on it.

“Now, as for Cat living with you until the wedding, that’s not happening.”

Alex let out a chuckle. “Do I need to remind you what a blood bond is exactly? The wedding is a symbol of respect toward the woman as the newest member of our family. Luca here is sweet on her and wants to give her whatever her little heart desires.” He leaned over the desk. “But make no mistake, the second he breached her, she was his. His to do with as he wants. Considering the way Cristo spoke to my brother, I don’t see why he’d let her return to your family for any reason. Ever.”

Damn, fratele. It had been a while since I’d seen him in action. Nelu was known as a supreme negotiator, but Alex had done his homework and hit back with an argument to every one of his demands.

Nelu’s eyes narrowed on Alex. “We want proof that there’s a blood bond.”

“For your sake, I will not take insult at your request. What do you want? Bloody sheets or an examination by a doctor? What are we talking about here?”

“Meeting her and speaking to her will be enough. Alone. We want to make sure she hasn’t been coerced in any way.”

I saw red. Rising to my feet, I bellowed out, “And what, Nelu? Even if she’s been coerced, blood has been shed. There’s no changing the facts. You want to test the semen on her? Should I have made sure she didn’t shower before I left her in my bed? Let me save you the effort. I breached her. Talk to her, and you’ll find out I took her virginity. Check the sheets, and you’ll see I took her virginity. Test her, and the result will still be that I took her virginity.”

Nicu took my hand and guided me back to my seat with a calming hand. The gall of these people. They were the worst sort of mafie. They played dirty and smeared anyone in their vicinity. It was a sheer miracle that Cat came out of this environment intact.

Coolly, Nelu ignored me and repeated, “Seeing and speaking to her alone will suffice.”

I let out a snort of disgust.

“Very well, it will be arranged,” Alex agreed.

Nelu motioned to an antique bar cart crafted of whitewashed wood and burnished metal near the door. The silent bodyguard procured a bottle of țuică and shot glasses. Banging them down on the ornate desk, he poured the shot glasses.

Noroc,” saluted Nelu, raising his glass.

Noroc,” we responded in staggered intervals.

“Drink up,” Nicu muttered. “You’re going to need it.”

We threw the shots back, not one of us flinching from the harsh burn of alcohol.

And it was done. Now, I only had to make it through getting beaten up and Cat would be mine. Simu would make sure to hit me extra hard. On my end, I’d provoke him by reminding him exactly who Cat belonged to. Me.