The Recluse Heir by Monique Moreau


In the end, we eloped.

At her parents’ house, I somehow managed to convince Cat to come home with me. Considering I didn’t deserve it, it felt like a walking miracle when we stepped down the stoop of their house, carrying a suitcase in each hand. And home we went to Westchester. We needed to reconnect and recharge our relationship. I wouldn’t stand for the inevitable interruption from one of my brothers or Tatum, so I spirited us away to the place where we’d first met.

I did everything in my power to make her happy, but one little problem cropped up. Cat was bothered that we weren’t married. It took a while for me to pick up on it, since it hadn’t been an issue the first time around. She received a nasty tongue-lashing from the mafie gossip mill. There was some vicious talk on a private group chat. Screenshots were made and sent to Cat. It had put her on edge, which, amid her excitement at starting school, was saying something. I was both livid and helpless since I couldn’t intervene on her behalf. Whatever shit went on between the women was generally out of our hands.

One night, I woke up to her sniffling in the dark. I wasn’t about to have my woman crying in our bed and decided, right then and there, that we would have our wedding. Our ceremony. One that was free from petty negativity. Afterward, we’d have the big wedding everyone was itching for, but I wanted us to have a moment that was only for us, without the bullshit that was typical of weddings. Well, at least big mafie weddings.

The next morning, I declared my intentions to a red-eyed Cat, and the smile that broke out on her face brought me to my knees. I ate her out and then fucked her on her hands and knees before we got dressed and went down to City Hall to fill out an application. With marriage license in hand, we walked out together, and I drove her to school. We had to wait a mandatory twenty-four-hour period.

Afterward, I called my brothers, Tatum, and Sebastian to let them know that we’d meet at City Hall the following day. Alex would bring Nina, and Sebastian would bring Emma, my half sister. After discussing it, Cat decided not to tell her family. She texted Jewel, whose response was practically hysterical. She was a good friend, and thank fuck, because I wanted Cat to have someone by her side. Although, I shouldn’t have worried, because Nicu texted Tasa, who came down from upstate New York with her husband.

Friday morning, we got up bright and early. She wore a white summer dress with Romanian red embroidery on the front and the cuffs, her hair falling in long waves. I wore a dark suit, as I did most days, and added a red pocket square to match her outfit.

We skipped up the steps of City Hall to the bronze door with the words “New York State Building” emblazoned on top and made our way to the marriage bureau. Everyone was already waiting outside. My brothers and Tatum slapped me on the back. Tasa gave me a pat on the cheek, which was patronizing considering I was older than she was.

Cat and I went inside to present our identification and take a ticket. When we returned outside, the women surrounded Cat while the men encircled me.

Nina stepped away for a moment, came up to me, and kissed me on both cheeks. “We didn’t bring crowns. That’s for the religious ceremony, but I did bring this.” From behind her back, she brought forth a delicate crown of small flowers with ribbons flowing down, like they would’ve had at a wedding in my grandmother’s village. “I wanted to ask you first before presenting it to Cat.”

My eyes sought out Alex’s, and I gave him a nod of gratitude. My voice came out scratchy when I replied, “Thanks for checking with me. She’ll love it.”

She gave me a bright smile and bounded off to Cat, who let out a little shriek when she saw the crown of flowers.

“You did good marrying her,” I said to Alex, knowing what a hard road it had been for him to shake off the burden of family tradition and marry an outsider. Not that Nina ever felt that way, having lived next door to us and been my sister’s best friend since she was a toddler. Until Nina came into his life, I hadn’t realized how heavily the mantle of power sat on his shoulders.

“Thanks, fratele,” he said gruffly. Throughout my life, I saw Alex as an impenetrable, unmovable force that I had to fight or differentiate myself from, but he was simply a man in love. Like me.

Nicu, my bratty little brother, smacked me lightly on the chest. “You did it. It’s a goddamn miracle, but you finally did something right.”

“Shut up,” I grumbled good-naturedly. Not that we would ever stop arguing but revealing to him the cracks in our father’s character and killing Simu together had solidified our relationship.

“Can’t wait till it’s your turn to fuck up with a woman,” I joked.

His eyes slid over to Jewel, standing beside Cat. They returned to me as he swore, “That’s never going to happen.”

His eyes gravitated back to Jewel.

“Good luck with that,” I said.

Tatum held out his arm and we gave each other a man hug, slapping each other heartily on the back.

“I could never have done what you did,” he stated gruffly, referring to the blood bond.

“That’s only because you don’t know how to draw outside the lines,” I replied with a smirk.

“I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come,” he declared.

Sebastian came and congratulated me. Shaking his hand, I stared at him and Tatum, and said, “It’s good to have all my brothers here.”

The clerk called out our number, and we entered as a family unit. Greeted by light-blue walls with pink molding and a modern-style chandelier, we approached the marriage officiant waiting for us at the podium. Our family and friends fanned out around Cat and me like a protective band as she started the ceremony.

I took Cat’s hands in mine, letting every ounce of everything I felt for her pour out of me.

From the office windows, beams of crisp sanctified sunlight sparkled in the air. Hushed silence descended. Staring into each other’s eyes, it was time to exchange our vows.

The officiant asked, “Is there a witness?”

Alex stepped up confidently. “That would be me.”

Nodding, she turned to me and began, “Will you take this woman as your wedded wife, to have and—”

“Yes,” I growled, cutting her off. Facing Cat, I said the words I’d memorized. “I, Luca Lupu, take you, Cătălina Popescu, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” Then, eyes blazing into her, I veered off script. “I will protect you and love you until my last breath. I fucking love you, Cat. I’d die for you. I’d burn and kill for you, and I’ll be by your side till death pulls me from your arms.”

I heard Nicu choke behind me, but my gaze remained on her face.

Her velvety, warm eyes anchored me with adoration as she replied, “I, Cătălina Popescu take you, Luca Lupu, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. And I’m crazy in love with you, too. You have my heart forever.”

My head swam, my ears buzzing so loud I didn’t hear another thing the officiant said until, “… and you may now kiss the bride.”

No need to be told twice, my fingers fisted the back of her head to hold her steady as I buried my tongue in her wet, hot mouth. One long kiss was not enough. I wanted more. So much more. I let out a frustrated growl, and Cat responded with a soft whine of need.

“Mine,” I swore on her lips before pulling back.

If no one was present, I’d have pushed her into the green banquette seats lining one wall and claimed her, because now, she was mine completely. There were no barriers left. Nothing to keep us apart. We had it all. The blood bond. The wedding. Sure, we’d have another one for our families and to shut up the mean old ladies, but this was for us.

From here on out, our fates were sealed. She was mine and I was hers. Forever.