Illicit Affairs by Holly Dixon


  • “A complete tit.”— A complete idiot
  • “Bloody Nora!”— Expression of surprise
  • “Don’t act the goat.” — To behave in a silly way
  • “For a game of soldiers.”— Used by somebody who does not want to do something because it is annoying or involves too much effort
  • “Help ma boab!”— Term of surprise
  • “Jesus, Mary & Joseph!”— Term of surprise
  • “My heid’s mince!” — My head is scrambled. Term of confusion.
  • “Spaniel ears for tits.”— Saggy breasts
  • Ae— Of
  • Aye— Yes
  • Bellend— Vulgar term. An annoying or contemptible man.
  • Bloody— Term used to add emphasis to something
  • Braw— Good
  • Chip— A French fry
  • Couldnae — Couldn’t
  • Cuppa— Cup of tea
  • Da— Short for Dad
  • Didnae— Didn’t
  • Doesnae— Doesn’t
  • Eejits— Vulgar term for a couple of idiots.
  • Fanny— Vulgar term. Can be either a silly person or used to described a woman’s genitals
  • Fud— Vulgar term. A foolish person
  • Gob— Mouth
  • Hen— A girl or young woman.
  • Ken— Know
  • Knobbed— Can be used to describe sex or the action of being hit over the head
  • Knobbing— To have sex with someone
  • Lass— A girl or young woman.
  • Ma— My. However, can also be short for Mum.
  • Mare— More
  • Maw— Short for Mum
  • Nae clue— No clue
  • Naw— No
  • NHS — National Health Service
  • Old Geezer— British term for an old man.
  • Oot— Out
  • Pish— Vulgar term for the word piss.
  • Ruddy — Term used instead of bloody. Used to add emphasis to something.
  • scrambeed eggos— Scrambled Eggs
  • Soz— Sorry
  • Tinky— Dirty
  • Top Shagger— Vulgar term. A person who has sex, especially one who has numerous casual sexual encounters.
  • Twat — Vulgar term to describe a silly person or a woman’s genitals
  • Wee —Little
  • Wise-arse— Used similarly to smart-ass
  • Ye— You
  • Yer or Ya — Your/ You’re
  • Yin — One