It Started with a Crack by Piper James

Chapter Seventeen


Noah: I’m at the store. Steaks or spaghetti tonight?

Me: So, we’re back to texting now? Thank God. Also, is that a serious question?

Noah: Yes and yes. I need to know if I should grab these T-bones or some ground beef.

Me: I’ll grind your beef if you come home with anything other than those T-bones. And potatoes to bake. With cheese and sour cream.

Noah: Bacon bits?

Me: Of course.

Noah: Yes, Mistress. Please don’t grind my beef. I’ll be good. I promise.

Me: Stop.

A chuckle burst out of me despite my effort to suppress it. Noah had taken to calling me “Mistress” a few days ago. I’d threatened to whip his ass for eating the last brownie from the batch he’d made, and he, of course, asked me if he would be bound and gagged for the event. It had become a running joke between us, and honestly, I didn’t hate it.

Once we got past the awkwardness the morning after that drunken kiss, things between us had only gotten better. Easier. More comfortable.

At least, that’s how I tried to act anytime I was around him. Casual. Cool. Like I wanted nothing more than to be his buddy.

But no matter how many times I told myself things were perfect the way they were, that I had no business lusting after Noah Perry, I couldn’t control the way I felt. My heart skipped a beat any time he walked into the room. My insides clenched with every smile. My underwear dampened with every innocent touch.

And it didn’t help that I was actually getting to know the real Noah—the man beneath that slick player exterior. He was funny as hell and just as sweet, when he wanted to be. He was considerate, kind to strangers, and more sensitive than he’d ever admit to anyone. I caught him crying during a sappy romantic comedy we’d watched, and he swore it was just allergies. When I laughed, he chuckled with me, wiping his eyes and telling me real men could show emotion without embarrassment.

And, fuck, I was having a hard time coming up with reasons not to sleep with him. If he so much as cocked and eyebrow at me in invitation, I’d probably tackle him to the ground and ravish him. But he hadn’t. Other than his teasing jokes about bondage games, he hadn’t given me any indication that he wanted more than we had—a growing friendship.

Noah: Yes, Mistress. This is me, stopping. Because I’m a good, good boy.

“What are you grinning about over there?”

I looked up from my phone to see Ember giving me a questioning look. I came to visit her at her boutique, Glowing Embers, because I thought she could distract me from obsessing over Noah for a little while. But she’d been busy when I got here, and Noah started texting, and…well, I was obviously still obsessing.

“Noah,” I said wiggling my phone in the air.

She cocked her head and study me for a second, and I felt my cheeks heat. Her eyes widened the tiniest bit, and a devilish grin tilted her lips.

“Ooh, you have a crush on him.”

“I do not,” I insisted a little too forcefully. “We’ve become friends. That’s all.”

“Then why are you blushing?”

“I’m not. It’s hot in here.”

Her face fell for an instant, but she quickly smoothed out her expression. “The thermostat is on the fritz, but it’s not that hot in here. Just admit it, Dakota.”

“There’s nothing to admit,” I said, cursing at the slight crack in my voice.

“Have you slept with him, yet?”

“What? No.”

“Have you kissed?”

“N-no,” I stuttered.

“Oh, you lying little bitch. You did kiss him. Spill.”

I sighed, my shoulders drooping. I knew Ember, and there was no way she was going to let this go.

“Fine, but this stays just between us, okay?”

“And Belle and Sage,” she amended.

“What? No. You can’t tell them. They’ll tell Ryder and Chase, and—”

“Ugh. Fine,” she cut in. “I won’t tell anyone.”

Taking a deep breath, I let everything out. My resolve to make the roommate situation tolerable. Our slow-growing friendship. That kiss at the bar. How I felt about it and Noah’s avoidance of the subject, which led to my avoidance of the subject.

Ember was shaking her head before I even finished. “Come on, Dakota. If you want him, do something about it.”

“The problem is, he doesn’t want me,” I said. “Haven’t you been listening?”

“Oh, I’ve been listening, alright,” she said. “And all I heard was that you’re being a pussy and not going after what you want because you’re scared.”

“I’m not—”

“Dakota,” she cut in. “The man made out with you in a public place. He wants you.”

“Then why hasn’t he said anything?”

“Probably for the same reason you haven’t,” she said, shaking her head like I was some kind of idiot. “He thinks you regret it, so he’s avoiding the subject.”

“I don’t know, Ember,” I said, but a tiny spark of hope ignited inside me.

“And you won’t until you try. You don’t even have to be overt about it if you don’t want to. Drop a few hints, but don’t be too subtle—men can be clueless when it comes to that shit. Make it obvious you want him, and let him take it from there. I’m willing to bet he’ll have his dick inside you before you can say gimme.”

“Do you really think it’ll be that easy?” I asked, my heart picking up speed.

“Easy-peasy,” she said, snapping her fingers. “It doesn’t have to lead anywhere, Dakota. It can just be sex. If you don’t want to risk your heart, then don’t.”

“You make it sound so simple,” I replied, giving her a little shake of my head.

“It is that simple,” she said.

Could I do that? Sleep with Noah and keep it strictly casual? I wasn’t sure, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to try. All I’d needed was the flimsiest reasoning, and I was jumping aboard, full steam ahead.

Putting my head together with Ember, we came up with several ways I could let Noah know I wanted him. And if he didn’t respond, well, then I’d know I was right and he wasn’t interested. But if he did respond…

I’d finally get what I’d been daydreaming about since that kiss.

Okay, fine. Since the night I met him.

My hands exploring his entire body. His hands and mouth discovering every inch of mine. His cock…

God, I hoped Ember was right. Because if he didn’t react to what I planned to do, I was going to be devastated. But the possibility wasn’t going to stop me from trying.

The risk was definitely worth the reward.