It Started with a Crack by Piper James

Chapter Twenty-Three


Noah: I want to take you out.

Me: Shouldn’t you be working?

Noah: Union break.

Me: You’re not in a union.

Noah: Just formed. I’m the only member. Why are you changing the subject? I want to talk about our date.

Me: I don’t remember being asked.

Noah: Dakota—wait what’s your middle name?

Me: Indiana.

Noah: You’ve got to be joking.

Noah: You’re joking, right?

Me: I don’t know if I should be offended right now.

Noah: I’d be offended if my parents named me Dakota Indiana Jones.

Noah: Visit any creepy temples lately?

Me: Ha, ha. You’re hilarious. Really. You truly are.

Noah: Wait. It’s not really Indiana, is it? Fuck. I’m sorry.

Me: No. It’s Tommylee.

Noah: Now, I know you’re fucking with me. Tommylee Jones. Good one.

Noah: Dakota??

Noah: You were fucking with me, right?

Me: *laughing face emoji* You’re so easy. It’s Faith. For real, this time.”

Noah: God, you’re annoying sometimes.

Noah: Dakota Faith Jones, will you please do me the honor of allowing me to take you to dinner?

Me: Are you sure you want to? Because I’m so annoying, ya know.

Noah: Dakota.

Me: Fine. I’ll go to dinner.

Noah: Great! Be ready at seven.

Noah: Isn’t this awesome? I don’t have to come pick you up or meet you at the restaurant, or anything. We’ll just get out of bed, get dressed, and go.

Me: Get out of bed?

Noah: Yeah. Pretty sure I’m going to strip you naked and lick every inch of your body the moment I see you after work. And after I’ve tasted every inch, I’m going to make you come on my mouth. Maybe twice, because I can’t seem to get enough of you.

Noah: That’s why we’re not leaving until seven. I need at least an hour and a half to fully worship you.

Noah: Dakota?

Noah: Shit. Was that too much? It was too much, wasn’t it? I’m sorry.

Me: Sorry. I think I blacked out for a minute.

Noah: In a good way?

Me: I’m leaving work an hour early. I’ll be home by four-fifteen.

Noah: I’ll get there as soon as I can. Don’t you dare start without me.

Me: I can’t make any promises.

Noah: I’m serious. No touching yourself unless I’m there to watch and participate.

Me: Bossy.

Noah: More like greedy. I want all your orgasms. I licked them, so they’re mine.

Me: Fuck. I can be home by four. Don’t make me wait long.

Noah: I won’t. I promise. I’ll be the one wearing the fedora and brandishing a whip.

I chuckled at Noah’s Indiana Jones reference and tossed my phone to my desk. At least the joke managed to cut through the thick haze of sex that clouded my brain as I read his message about licking me for the twelfth time.

But then, I pictured him barging into the bedroom wearing a beige button-down, a brown leather jacket, tight pants, and a fedora while he rescued me from the evil minions who’d just so happened to have tied me to the bed…

“Stop it,” I breathed, shaking my head to clear the image.

“Hey Dakota, can you please come in here for a minute?”

I jumped at the sound of Geraldine’s voice. I’d forgotten I wasn’t here alone as I fantasized about Noah. Fuck, I was supposed to be working.

“Yes, Geraldine?” I asked as I poked my head into her office.

“Hey, listen. I’m headed to Dallas tonight with my husband for a last-minute work conference. He’s begged me to come with him, so I’m closing up shop early today. You don’t have a problem working from home for the rest of the week, do you? I’ll give you a key in case you need to get in here for anything.”

“No. No problem,” I said, taking the key from her hand.

“Good,” she said, smiling. “Head on out, and I’ll see you next week!”

“Have fun,” I said with a smile before grabbing my purse and leaving.

It was only ten-thirty in the morning, and Noah wouldn’t be home until at least four. I wasn’t sure which jobsite he was working at today or how busy he was, but fuck it. He started this.

As soon as I got home, I changed into a patent leather get-up Ember bought me for Christmas as a joke. The teddy barely covered anything, with a deep V that opened nearly to my belly button. A zipper started where the V ended, running all the way around the crotch to the ass. The halter-top cut left my back bare save for a single strap that belted around and buckled under my breasts, pushing them up and making my cleavage look amazing.

I’d never even tried the thing on before, but damn, I actually looked good in it. I held up my phone and snapped a picture in the mirror as I partially unzipped the zipper at my pubic bone. I typed out a text to Noah and attached the picture.

Me: Geraldine had to close the office early. Now, I’m at home. All alone. Whatever shall I do?

I stretched out on my bed and stared at my phone, waiting for Noah’s response. When nothing came through, I started to worry.

Shit. Is this too much?

Despite our round of flirtatious texts earlier, he was supposed to be working. Maybe he was busy, and hadn’t checked his phone. Or maybe he had, and was annoyed that I was trying to tempt him in the middle of his workday.


I hated second-guessing myself, but I was starting to feel really stupid for sending him that picture. I pulled it up to look at it again. It looked sexy to me, but maybe he didn’t think so. Maybe—

I was just working myself up into a real lather when the loud bang of a door slamming echoed through the house, startling me and sending me into a panic. A panic that quickly morphed into excitement as a familiar voice bellowed my name.

He’d come.

I dropped my phone to the night stand and was just stretching back out when my bedroom door flew open. Noah stood there heaving, a fire raging in his eyes as he unbuckled his belt and moved toward me.

“That was a dirty trick,” he said, pulling his shirt over his head, “sending me that picture when I’m stuck at work. Shit. It’s even sexier in person.”

I squirmed a little as his finger traced the edges of the leather, down the V and back up the other side, before trailing down to fiddle with the zipper. His other hand unfastened his jeans and pushed them down with his underwear, letting his glorious cock spring free. My mouth started to water at the sight of it.

“Lucky for you, I’m my own boss.”

“Lucky me,” I said, my voice thick with need as his finger followed the path of the zipper between my legs.

“Get up. I want to see all of you.”

I obeyed the order without question, scrambling off the bed as he pushed his pants and underwear the rest of the way off and kicked them aside. His eyes burned a trail down my body before he grabbed my hand and spun me around so he could see the back. I heard a light growl as he moved in closer, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his chest to my back.

“Where did you get this?” he murmured as one hand fondled my breast while the other slipped under the leather to find my clit.

My head fell back against his shoulder, my nostrils filling with the scent of sawdust, sweat, and man. “Ember. Gag gift,” I stuttered, rubbing my ass against his steely hard shaft.

“Remind me to thank her,” he said, releasing me to plant one palm against my back. “Bend over. Brace yourself on the bed.”

I bent over as he instructed, planting my palms on the mattress. The position left my ass in the air, and Noah groaned as he reached between my legs and slowly unzipped the zipper. Slipping a finger inside me, he moaned again as he pumped it in and out at an agonizingly slow tempo.

“I know I promised to worship you with my mouth, and I still intend to. But right now, I’m going to fuck you just like this.”

His finger drove into me, sinking to the knuckle, and my core clenched down around it. His touch disappeared with another growl, and I heard him suck it clean. Next came the crinkle of a wrapper, and my heart thundered in my ears as my anticipation ramped up.

A second later he slammed into me, and something that sounded like a cat yowling burst through my lips. He paused, asking if I was okay, and all I could do was nod my head. He started moving again, hard and fast as one hand gripped my hip and the other wrapped my hair around his fist. He tugged it—not hard enough to hurt, but enough that the slight sting amped up my pleasure.

“You are so fucking sexy, Dakota. I love being inside your tight pussy. So wet for me.”

The words were panted out between heavy breaths. I’d never been a huge fan of talking during sex—I’d always found it awkward and embarrassing—but when Noah said the words like truer ones had never been spoken, my core flooded with moisture.

“Yes. That’s it. Come for me, baby. Show me how much you love my cock.”

Holy shit.

Lightning struck. Fireworks detonated. The very Earth, itself, exploded as my orgasm rocketed through me. My entire body vibrated with the power of it, and Noah shouted as his own release hit with the same force. My knees buckled, and his strong arms caught me.

He picked me up and cradled me to his chest as he sat on the edge of the bed. My arms circled his neck and he kissed me for the first time since he walked into the room. It was a gentle kiss, so sweet and tender, my eyes burned with unshed tears.

I knew I was falling in too deep, but I wasn’t strong enough to pull away. Noah was so much more than I’d ever imagined. Not only was he a fucking master in the bedroom, I liked him. More than I thought I could. Definitely more than I knew I should.

In that moment, as he held me and kissed me like I was the most precious thing in his life, I sent up a silent prayer that this was real. And that it wouldn’t end with my heart in tatters.