It Started with a Crack by Piper James



One Month Later…

Noah: When are you coming home? I miss you.

Me: It’s ten a.m.

Noah: Yeah, that means you’ve been gone two whole hours.

Me: Don’t you have your own job you’re supposed to be doing?

Noah: I called in sick.

Me: Oh, I’m sure your brothers bought that. What did you tell them? That you’re puking, or something?

Noah: Nope. Fever. I feel like my whole body is on fire.

Me: Did you take your temperature? I think there’s a rectal thermometer in the bathroom.

Noah: The hell, there is. Nothing is going up my butt.

Me: That’s what she said.

Me: *laughing emoji*Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Noah: I’m lying here dying, and you’re making lame jokes.

Me: You were fine when I left this morning.

Noah: That was before I started thinking about running my tongue over your wet pussy.

Noah: My body went all feverish and all the blood rushed to my cock. It hurts, Dakota. I need you to come home and nurse me back to health.

Me: I’m sure they have medication for that. Call your doctor.

Noah: Nope. I Googled. The only cure is feeling you come on my mouth.

Me: Jesus.

Noah: Please, Dakota. I need you.

Me: I have to draw up closing documents for three properties, then I can leave. Give me an hour?

Noah: Hurry. I think my condition might be terminal.

* * *

It feltlike an eternity had passed by the time I finished drawing up the documents and sending them to be electronically signed by the client. The investor for whom Geraldine had brought me in to assist had ended up buying three properties, and just as she promised, we were splitting the commission.

I’d also sold the other two properties I’d listed at the end of last year, and Belle had hired me to handle the purchase of four homes she was buying for her foundation.

The market had definitely picked back up, my finances were back on track, and I was deliriously happy living out at the ranch with Noah. Life was good, and for the first time, I felt safe, secure, and settled.

And satisfied. Noah was incredibly gifted with his mouth, and he treated me to its skill almost daily. We’d had sex in every room in the house, on the back porch, on the front porch, and up against a tree in the woods that surrounded the property. Thank God, the place was isolated out there in the country, or else the neighbors would’ve gotten an eyeful.

Even when we weren’t fucking like rabbits, Noah was the perfect boyfriend. He was attentive and affectionate, he cooked for me regularly, and he was an amazing cuddler. When we settled on the couch to watch television, he wrapped his entire body around mine, leaving no space and zero doubt that he was right where he wanted to be.

We laughed, we had long talks and hilarious debates, and every night, Noah read to me from one of his steamy romance novels. And of course, he always insisted we act out the spicier scenes, laughing our asses off when something the author described was physically impossible.

Noah brought fun to my life. He brought joy and comfort and peace.

I was in love with him. I’d known for a while, now, but I hadn’t had the nerve to say it out loud. I didn’t want to make things awkward, or have him say it back because he felt like he had to. So I tried to show him how I felt in different ways.

Getting up at five a.m. to make crepes for breakfast. Giving him a blow job while he ate them. Picking up his dirty socks and not complaining about it—well, at least not too much. Using my back-scratcher as it was meant to be used, not as a weapon to take him out. Letting him hold the remote. Laughing at his corny puns.

Ordering new romance novels and having them delivered to the jobsite he and his brothers were currently working at…okay, that one was purely for my own enjoyment. I’d gotten several threatening text messages when Ryder had accepted the package and actually ripped it open before Noah could snatch it out of his hands.

Except all those threats backfired when I responded with a “yes, please” after he promised to spank my ass when he got home. Noah showed up ten minutes later, chest heaving with a huge tent in his pants, asking me if I was serious. That was a great day.

I had myself all worked up by the time I pulled into the driveway, imagining his hand slapping my ass as he devoured me. It didn’t matter how often or how many ways he made me come. It was never enough. I always wanted more.

I stepped through the front door, pulling up short as I spotted a white card on the floor. I picked it up, flipping it over to see Noah’s messy writing on the back.

Take off your shoes and go to the kitchen.

Smiling, I pulled my feet out of my boots and socks, dropping them by the door. I padded into the kitchen, where I found a big bouquet of yellow roses and another card.

Yellow roses symbolize friendship. You’re my best friend, Dakota. The best friend I’ve ever had. Smell the flowers, then go to your old bedroom.

My eyes stung as I leaned in to smell the roses. Reading those words had me all kinds of emotional. Noah was my best friend, too. He made me feel like there was nothing I couldn’t do, a brick wall of support that never faltered. Sniffing back the tears, I headed for the spare bedroom I’d originally claimed as my own.

On the bed, I found the lingerie I’d worn the day I’d decided to seduce him, a rectangular box, and another note.

You trusted me to bring you nothing but pleasure when you wore this sexy-as-hell outfit. Put it on and open the box. Inside is a symbol of my unbreakable, unshakable trust in you. I put myself in your hands knowing you’ll never break me. When you’re done, go to our bedroom.

The tears I’d pushed down came back in full force. They trailed down my cheeks as I stripped out of my clothes and put on the nightie and thong. Lifting the box, I flipped open the lid and gasped.

Nestled inside, resting on a bed of velvet was a delicate crystal skeleton key. It was finely cut, its facets reflecting the overhead light as I lifted it to read the inscription etched along its length.

It was always you holding the key.

I swallowed thickly, setting the delicate piece back into its box. Placing it gently back on the bed, I rushed into the bathroom, dried my tears and blew my nose. Splashing some cold water on my face, I patted it dry. Taking a few deep breaths, I left the bathroom and walked past the bed, leaving the precious gift there to see what awaited me in our bedroom.

Noah wasn’t there, either, but I spotted another note and small velvet box on his nightstand. My heart was pounding in my ears as I walked over and picked up the card. This one was bigger, filled with words I could barely read through the tears swimming in my eyes.

You have my friendship. You have my loyalty and trust. And now, I give you my truth. You, Dakota Indiana Faith Jones are the light of my life. You are my sun, and I constantly and unfailingly revolve around you. Your brilliance brightens my soul. Your fiery passion warms my heart. And with this gift, I promise to be faithful to only you, as long as you’ll have me. Open the box.

A laugh had burst out of me at the Indiana Jones reference from our conversation so long ago. But by the time I got to the end, I was nearly sobbing. I hadn’t expected all this, not after the joking tone in Noah’s text messages, promising me orgasms to get me here.

I picked up the box, gasping as I lifted the lid. Inside were a pair of large diamond solitaire stud earrings and a chain with a diamond-studded heart pendant. They were dazzling in their brilliance, and I started to feel a little lightheaded as I stared at them without breathing for far too long.

“Do you like them?”

I spun around at the sound of Noah’s voice, inhaling sharply as my heart stuttered in my chest. He smirked at my obvious distress, knowing he’d startled the shit out of me. He was leaning against the doorjamb, wearing nothing but a pair of loose sweats and that gorgeous smirk.

“I love them,” I said once I finally caught my breath. “I love all of this. Thank you.”

“What else do you love?” he asked, pushing off the jamb and stalking forward.

“Wh-what?” I stuttered, gripping the jewelry box tighter in my hands.

“What else do you love?” he repeated, his voice dropping an octave as he neared me.

Reaching out, he uncurled my fingers and took the box, setting it back on the nightstand. My mind was spinning. What is happening? And why can’t I breathe?

“I did all of this to show you how I feel,” he whispered, lacing his fingers through mine. “I did all of this to make you see how much I care about you. How much I cherish you. Look at me, Dakota.”

My eyes flicked up from our clasped hands to meet his. His gaze ignited a fire inside me, quenching the fear that had speared through me when he’d started to speak. Fear that he would say what I thought he was going to. Fear that he wouldn’t. But looking into his eyes, I didn’t need the words. And I realized that I’d known for a while, had seen it there dozens of times, but I’d refused to entertain the idea because of some preconceived notion that it was too soon.

“I love you, Dakota.”

My heart tried to thump its way out of my chest as I blurted, “I know.”

My eyes flew wide, and Noah threw back his head and laughed.

“Shit, I didn’t mean to say that,” I said.

“Of course, you know. You know me better than anyone, because I’ve trusted you enough to show you every side of me. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And you’ve trusted me enough to do the same, which is why I know you love me, too, even if you won’t say it out loud.”


“You don’t have to say it,” he cut in. “I’m not trying to pressure you, Dakota. I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

“Shut up,” I growled, pulling my hands from his grip and throwing my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips to his in a brief kiss, then pulled back to look into his eyes. “I do love you. More than I ever thought possible.”

With a loud whoop, he picked me up and spun me around. Laughter burst out of me with a fresh bout of tears. Despite his assurances that he knew, he apparently needed to hear the words just as much as I did.

A yelp erupted from me as he tossed me to the bed. Wrapping his fingers around my ankles, he yanked me toward the edge, and then pushed my knees apart with his warm hands.

“I promised you something to get you to come home,” he growled, running his palms up my thighs before jerking my thong aside. “And I always keep my promises.”

And keep that promise, he did.