Vicious Promise by M. James


Ican’t remember the last time I was so furious with anyone.

Sofia doesn’t seem to grasp how frail of a thread her life hangs by. How I’m the only one keeping that thread intact—how much Don Rossi would like an excuse to call this whole expensive mess off, and just have her killed.

A bullet is cheaper than a wedding ring. And a divorce will cost her life.

That was the last thing he’d said to me, in that meeting when I’d lied to him about Sofia’s virginity. And now I’ve had it with her. I’ve spent the last week rescuing her, protecting her, lying for her and walking into a marriage I don’t want for her, and now she’s got me so messed up that I can’t even get a good casual fuck to unwind. My balls and my brain are both boiling over with frustration, and now I have to deal with her disappearing in the middle of our fucking rehearsal dinner, with all of my and Don Rossi’s families there, with the highest ranking members in attendance, leading to questions about where my beautiful bride-to-be has gone and embarrassing me in front of everyone.

She’s going to learn tonight how to behave. How a proper mafia wife acts in public. How much danger she’s really in.

Sofia doesn’t speak a word for the entire ride back to my apartment. She stays on the far side of the limo, her arms wrapped around herself, and frankly I don’t care. I’ve tried giving her space, I’ve tried catering to her emotions as much as I can manage, and now she needs to understand, once and for all, that everything she knew before is over.

Her life depends on it. And I can’t have the Don believing that I can’t control my wife.

“Out.” I say coldly the minute the car pulls into the parking garage. I don’t even wait for my driver to come around and open the door. I open it myself, waiting on Sofia as she looks up at me with a hint of defiance still in her lovely dark eyes.

“Luca, I—”

“Out!” I can feel the thread of my control beginning to fray.

She scrambles out of the car, paling slightly as she waits for me to stride ahead towards the elevator.

Contrary to what I’m sure she believes, I don’t enjoy raising my voice. I don’t like the idea of my wife being afraid of me. Truthfully, I’m not sure what emotions I would like for her to have towards me—ambivalent obedience, maybe. If we could get to that by the end of the night, I’d be tempted to start singing a hallelujah chorus.

The elevator ride up is in silence as well. Sofia doesn’t speak a single word until we step into the penthouse and the lights come up softly in the living room.

“You promised,” she says accusatorially.

I cross my arms, facing her with the last shred of my patience. “Promised what exactly, Sofia?”

“You promised not to lay a hand on me again!” She chews on her lower lip, her eyes widening. “You lied to me.”

You promised not to try to run away. Not to leave. To obey me—”

“I never promised to obey!”

“Well, you’re going to tonight. You’re going to learn, Sofia, that I am in control here. Not you.”

She glares up at me, her eyes still spitting some of that fire I’m coming to know so well. It turns me on more than I want to admit.

“Are you going to walk to the bedroom, or am I going to have to carry you?”

Her eyes go even wider in her delicate face. “You promised—” she splutters, and I smile coldly at her.

“You’ve broken part of your agreement already, Sofia. And don’t bothering telling me again that you weren’t running away. Maybe you hadn’t planned on it, and maybe you didn’t even mean to, but some part of you was trying to get away.”

“I was overwhelmed, and—”

“I don’t care.” My voice is as flat and toneless as I can manage. “And I asked you a question.”

The last thing I want is for her to see how she’s affecting me. How much I want her right now, how ridiculously, stupidly arousing her defiance is. The last fucking thing in the world that I need right now is for Sofia to know she has that kind of upper hand.

“I’m not going to your bedroom.” She bites off each word as if it were its own sentence, glaring at me despite her obvious uncertainty as to what’s going to happen next.

I smile coolly at her. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to.”

She blinks at me, as if she’s not quite sure what I mean, and before she can open her mouth to hurl some other statement at me I cross the space between us, throwing all sense of restraint to the wind. I reach out for my lovely, stubborn, reckless, infuriating fiancée and grab her by her upper arms, hauling her against me and kissing her with all the force and passion that I can’t put into tomorrow’s kiss at the altar.

And God, it feels so fucking good. Her body bows against mine for just a moment, before her thoughts have a chance to catch up, and her lips are so soft. They sink into mine, full and warm, and the instant I pull her against me my cock is hard as hell, my erection raging within the confines of my suit as I fight the urge to take her right here and now.

My hand slides up into her hair, yanking the pins free that hold it up, and her now-brunette curls come loose around her face in a tumble of soft perfumed hair that makes me groan against her mouth as I feel it slipping through my fingers. I slide my tongue over her lips, prying her mouth open as I grip the back of her head, wanting to taste her, to feel the warmth of her tongue against mine, to breathe her in—

“Fuck!” I jerk backwards as I feel the sharp pain of her teeth sinking into my lip again, and I glare down at her, seething with pent-up anger and arousal.

She doesn’t slap me again, at least. But she stares up at me with those defiant eyes, somehow more beautiful than ever with her lips slightly swollen and pink from my kiss, her soft brown hair tumbling around her face, and in that moment I can’t remember ever wanting to possess anything more.

Sofia is mine. My wife. My bride. Mine.

My arm goes around her waist, still holding her against me. She’s not struggling, but I can feel how tense she is—with fear or anger or desire, or possibly all three. “You promised,” she hisses again, and I look down at her, my mouth twitching with amusement.

“I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Sofia. Your precious virginity is safe. After all, even if I planned to take it, I wouldn’t deny myself the pleasure of doing that on our wedding night. I’m not even going to give myself the enjoyment of stripping you naked so that I can see what I’ve bought before tomorrow.”

“You haven’t bought me!” She squirms in my arms, trying to hit my chest, but she’s too close to me for it to be effective. Her fists barely do more than bounce against my hard, muscled pecs, and I chuckle deep in my throat as I watch her writhe in my grasp.

“Oh, but I have, Sofia. And I don’t mean that ridiculously expensive ring on your finger, or the thousands of dollars of new clothes hanging in your room, or the fancy party being thrown tomorrow night to celebrate a wedding that neither of us really wants. I gave you your life. And yet you have the absolute audacity to embarrass me in front of everyone tonight!”

“I didn’t mean to—” her lips part, and I want nothing more than to kiss them again.

“You have to mean everything you do in this life, Sofia. There is no room for mistakes, no room for I just didn’t think.”

“I didn’t ask for any of this!”

“Neither did I.” I stare down at her, my own chest heaving with frustration. I reach down, my hand sliding over her waist and down her hip, bunching in the lace of her dress there. “You can argue all you like that I don’t own you, Sofia, but all it would take is one phone call, and you’d be as good as dead. You’d spend your last few days looking over your shoulder until the bullet finally came. You’d end your life in a cold wet alley, or in your kitchen, or maybe in this very living room, if Don Rossi wasn’t patient.”

My hand slips under the fabric of her dress, and for the first time I feel the warm smoothness of her thigh, the firm silkiness of her skin. She gasps softly, and I feel my cock throb with need at even that tiny hint of desire.

“Some part of you knows it, Sofia. Your body knows it, even if you keep denying it.”

I trail my fingertips up her inner thigh, repressing a groan at the heat that I can feel there, radiating over my hand.

“And by the end of tonight, there will be no doubt.”

“What do you mean?”

Her voice is a tiny whisper, curling in the air between us like smoke.

“I mean this, Sofia.” My hand slides up her inner thigh, feeling the soft curve of it that fits into my palm. Her body jerks against me when my fingertips press against the silk of her panties, and my arm tightens around her. I can feel how wet she is even through the fabric. “You want me. You’re telling me that I don’t own you, that you don’t want any of this, but this tells a different story. What will I find if I slip my fingers under here, hmm?” I stroke my fingertips over the space between her thighs, and to my delight, she makes a small sound that’s almost a whimper.

I’m so fucking hard that it hurts. But tonight isn’t about my need to come, or how much I want to sink myself into the heat that I can feel burning against my fingers right now. It’s not about bringing Sofia pleasure, either.

It’s about making her understand her new reality, and her place in it.

“Nothing,” she whispers, squirming in my grasp. “Luca, please—”

“Please, what?” I smile down at her. I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, fluttering like a caged bird. I raise my voice a little, mimicking her breathy tone. “Please, Luca, slide your fingers inside my panties? Please, Luca, I’m so wet, I need to come?”

“No!” Her face flushes bright red, but my fingers are already at the edge, slipping beneath the silk. “That’s not what I mean, Luca, please, I—” She gasps as I brush over the crease of her inner thigh, edging towards that soft, wet flesh that I’m aching to touch. “No one’s ever—”

“I know,” I murmur, my voice dropping an octave, hoarse with desire. “I know how inexperienced you are, Sofia. How I’ll be the first to touch you in every way. It only makes me want to possess you more, to show you how completely and utterly you’ll belong to me, once you give in.”

“I won’t—”

“No?” My fingers slide over the soft outer folds of her pussy, and I feel her quiver in my arms. “You’re so wet that I can feel it here, too. And here—”

Sofia cries out in shock and surprise as I slip my fingers between her folds, and I have to grit my teeth against the shock of lust that runs through my own body at the feeling of her wet heat, my cock straining against my pants. I can’t stop myself from pushing it against her thigh, a wave of satisfaction filling me as I see her eyes widen when she feels the thick ridge of it. “You’ll beg me for it one day,” I growl down at her, my fingers sliding up through the slick heat between her legs until I find her small, throbbing clit. “You’ll beg for my cock instead of my fingers. But tonight, you’re going to beg me for something else.”

“What? I—”

I yank my fingers away from her, spinning her around. With one swift movement, I push her forward over the side of the leather couch, her hands going out to catch herself as I bend her over the arm. She starts squirming immediately, but I keep my hand on her lower back, holding her in place as I yank up the skirt of her dress.

“You said you weren’t going to—” Her fingers scratch at the leather, trying to push herself up, but I have her pinned down.

“I said I wasn’t going to fuck you, and I meant it.” It takes me all of a second to pull her panties down around her thighs, and the sight of Sofia bent over my couch, the silky fabric twisted around her thighs as her bare ass and the soft pouty lips of her pussy are bared to me for the first time is enough to make me feel like I might lose control altogether.


“Lie still, or I’ll tie you up,” I warn her. I reach out with my right hand, the left still pinning her down with the skirt of her dress bunched in my fist, and run one finger down the crease between her thighs, gleaming wet with her arousal. “There’s so many things I could do to you that don’t involve my cock, Sofia. It could be my tongue here instead, tasting you, licking you until you writhe and beg and moan, teasing you until you’re desperate to come. Do you know how many times I can make a woman come with my tongue, Sofia?”

She shakes her head mutely, refusing to turn and look at me.

“I’ve lost track.” I slide my finger down. “I could make you come, though, Sofia, over and over again. I could leave you breathless and exhausted before I ever get to the point of my cock being inside of you. And by the time I was ready to fuck you, you’d be begging for it.”

“Never,” she whispers. “I’ll never beg you for anything.”

“No?” I step between her legs, nudging them apart with my knee as I press my fingertip against her clit. I’m rewarded immediately with her soft gasp and whine, and I can feel her throbbing against my finger. “Have you ever been this wet before? Have you touched yourself, maybe, and felt this?”

“I’ve never done that, I—”

“Don’t lie to me.” I pull my finger away immediately. “That’s another rule, Sofia. You can’t run, and you can’t lie. I’ll know if you do.”

She’d never in a million years admit it, but I can see her back arch when I pull my hand away, her thighs spreading just a little as she feels the loss of my touch.

“Everyone masturbates, Sofia,” I murmur, returning my hand to her wet, swollen pussy. I cup her in my hand for a moment, letting my middle finger sink between her folds as I press the tip to her clit again. “I know you’ve touched yourself here. I know you’ve made yourself come. Maybe you even fantasized about something like this, about a man who would make you give in to all the desires that you’re afraid to admit to. All the things you’ve wondered about but were too afraid to find out for yourself.”

“I never, I didn’t want—” She writhes under the pressure of my hand on her back again, but I can feel her pushing back into my touch, wanting more.

“But you do.” I slide my hand under her dress, stroking her lower back as I start to rub her clit in slow circles, enjoying the feeling of it throbbing under my touch. “The evidence of it is all over my hand, Sofia. It’s dripping down your thighs, you want it so badly. You want me to make you come with my fingers, with my tongue, even with my cock, although you think you’d never admit that. But we’ll start with fingers, tonight.”

Her head drops forwards, her breath coming in small, mewling gasps as I increase my speed, my palm pressed against the heat of her skin. Carefully, I take my left hand off of her back for a moment, ready to capture her again if she tries to move, but I can see that she’s losing herself in the pleasure of my fingers already. I yank down my zipper, groaning aloud with relief as my aching cock springs free, and I see Sofia stiffen at the sound, arching backwards as if she’s going to try to escape again.

“Don’t you dare,” I hiss, my fingers going very still against her clit as I pin her down with my hand again. “I told you not to lie to me, and I won’t lie to you, Sofia. I’m not going to fuck you. But I will show you that you belong to me. All of you, from your lovely face down to this perfect pussy.”

She whimpers at that, slumping forward over the couch as my fingers start to move again, and her legs spread open despite herself. “Luca,” she gasps, but the sound of my name on her lips is different now, pleading instead of accusing.

“Are you going to beg, Sofia?” I lean forward, the head of my cock brushing against her inner thigh. I grit my teeth against the sensation, made so much stronger by a week without any pleasure other than my hand, and I feel my balls tighten as I stroke her clit faster, moving my finger in small quick circles as Sofia starts to moan.

“No!” she manages breathlessly. “I won’t—beg—you—for anything, I—”

“Not even this?” I tug at her clit gently between two fingers, slowing down my movements. “Not even an orgasm? I can make you come so hard, Sofia. Just from this. You can’t even imagine what I could do with my mouth, with my—”

“God, Luca!” Her voice rises to a higher pitch as she arches backwards, her ass pressing against me and forcing my hand to rub against her again. My cock is suddenly trapped between her thighs, sliding against the soft damp flesh as she grinds her hips down into my palm. I can feel how close she is, her pussy swollen with it, her arousal soaking my hand as her clit pulses against my fingertips.

I allow myself to enjoy it for just a moment, her submission to my touch even without words, the feeling of my rigid, aching cock rubbing against her silky thighs, and the feeling of her hot, wet flesh yielding to my fingers. I’m so close, and I’m just waiting for her to be on the knife’s-edge of climax, so close that she can’t stop herself from tipping over.

“You want to come for me, Sofia,” I whisper, leaning over her. “You know you do. You can tell me that you’re not mine all you want, but you’re lying. And you know what happens to girls who lie?”

“No,” Sofia whimpers. Her hips are twisting against me now, and I can feel her inner thighs trembling, her desire trickling against my palm as I rub her clit hard. “No, Luca—”

She’s on the verge of saying please. If she had, I think I might have let her come. The temptation is there to see my beautiful almost-bride tumble over the edge, to hear her moans and see her buck and writhe on my hand. But she clamps her lips shut instead, shaking her head even as her body strains against me.

“Girls who lie don’t get to come.”

I snatch my hand away right as she reaches the brink, her gorgeous ass arching upwards, her thighs splayed apart so that I can see the wet pink folds of the sweet, tight pussy that I so desperately want to sink my cock into. But instead I grasp the aching length in my hand, stroking once, twice, and a third time as hard and fast as I can, feet spread apart and braced as my hips thrust forward with a deep, shuddering need as I feel my long-overdue orgasm boiling up from my swollen balls.

Fuck.” I groan aloud, my voice hoarse as my cock throbs in my hand, and I see the first splash of my cum over her perfect ass. Sofia stiffens immediately, the heat of it startling her. “Don’t fucking move,” I growl, my entire body shuddering as I stroke myself harder, the sight of my cum pearling over her skin almost dizzying. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen, and I push the head of my cock against the soft cheek of her ass without thinking, groaning and still shaking with the sheer pleasure of it. As the last drop pearls against her creamy skin, I wipe the head of my cock on her ass, slapping it against her skin once enough to make her jump a little before I step back, looking down at her.

For a moment neither of us moves, and I’m treated to a longer look at Sofia Ferretti draped over my couch, her skirt up around her waist and my cum decorating her skin.

“You’re mine,” I murmur, my voice harsh and deep. “And now you won’t forget it.”