Drilled by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 12


Dew dampens my shoes as I cross the campground to the spot where Apollo has been stacking the wood he chopped for the fire. Side note, I’m looking into who I can petition to get a lumberjack fetish porn site started. The way that man’s arms bulge when he swings the ax…my cock surges in agreement.

Clearly, I still haven’t found a way to cope with the lack of porn and sex out here in the woods.

The morning sun is just starting to warm the air, chasing away the slight coolness from the night. I woke up before Apollo for the first time since we got out here almost two weeks ago, and I figured it might be a nice change of pace for me to get the fire and coffee going for him this morning instead of the other way around.

I grab an armful of logs of various sizes off the woodpile. The first ones I grab are a bit damp from dew, so I set them down and dig a little deeper into the pile to get some dry logs instead. As I’m digging through the woodpile, trying not to send the entire thing toppling—although it might be funny to see how much it would annoy Apollo—a soft sound stops me.

I cock my head. Was it a bird? I squint up at the trees towering over me, looking for the source of the sound. When I don’t see anything, I return to grabbing the wood. I find a few suitably dry logs and start to re-stack the rest carefully. The quiet sound comes again, and this time I recognize it as a cat’s meow. It’s not very loud, but it doesn’t sound far away. I squat down and search around for any signs of it. I peer around the stack and gasp at the sight of a skinny, brown cat huddled close, making itself into a small ball and putting its ears back as soon as it realizes it’s been spotted.

“Hey, little friend,” I coo gently. The cat hisses and scrunches itself smaller but doesn’t bolt. “It’s okay. I like cats. Actually, I’ve never been that crazy about cats, but I’m not one of those assholes who would ever hurt a cat.”

It eyes me with suspicion. I can’t say I blame the thing, that reassurance did sound pretty suspect, even to me.

“Are you hungry?” I ask, wishing I had some bacon or something with me to tempt it with. On that note, I would also like bacon for me. We’ve been eating most of our food out of cans. No sex, no good food, there’s not enough money in the world for this shit. At least Apollo and I have started to smooth things out, or this job would truly suck.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually, the cat decides I’m not a threat and slinks forward to sniff my outstretched hand. It bumps its head against my hand, and now that it’s not coiled up so tight, I notice that it’s skinny with kind of saggy nipples. So, probably a girl?

“Hi, sweetie. What are you doing all the way out here in the woods, huh? I don’t think anyone lives out here.” She meows and rubs her face against my fingers more aggressively now, purring so hard she starts to drool. I chuckle and use my other hand to stroke down her back, clearing off dead grass and dirt with each drag of my hand.

I don’t know how she ended up out here, but she’s too friendly to be feral and too skinny to be surviving all that well. Making a snap decision, I gently scoop her up. She makes a surprised mrrrow sound and then nuzzles into my chest.

I carry her to the cabin and juggle her carefully so I can free one hand to open the door. Apollo is sitting up in bed as I step inside, his bare chest on full display as he rubs the sleep from his eyes, his sheets pooled in his lap.

Logs—that’s what I decided to name her during the short walk from one side of the campground to the other—meows nervously and burrows closer to my chest.

“What the ever-loving fuck is that?” Apollo grumbles, eyeing the bundle of trembling cat in my arms with concern.

“Shh, you’re scaring her,” I scold him, petting her head soothingly with one hand while cradling her in my other arm.

“It’s a wild animal. Go put it back outside,” he says gruffly, pointing toward the door.

“Do me a favor and fuck off.” I don’t want to scare the cat any more than she already is, so I keep a pleasant tone, even giving Apollo a sugary smile, which seems to amuse him.

“Seriously, go put it back outside.”

“Seriously, no.” Ignoring his grumbling, I carry the cat over to my bed and set her down.

“She probably has fleas…and rabies,” he points out.

“She doesn’t have rabies.” I roll my eyes. “But you’re right, I should get some of that flea gel stuff at the pet store.”

“What pet store? We’re in the middle of the woods.”

“No shit, Sherlock. I need your keys.” I hold my hand out expectantly, trying not to laugh when Apollo’s scowl deepens. No one should be that damn hot and funny when they’re annoyed.

“We can’t keep the cat. Look at it, it’s all mangy and shit.” He waves at Logs, who returns his scowl, grumbling back at him in a very raspy growl.

“Aw, look, she likes you,” I say sweetly, ignoring his continued protests. Obviously, I’m keeping the cat, but I do like his subtle use of the word we, probably a little more than I should, considering I’m sure it was a slip of the tongue. God, I’d love his tongue to slip somewhere.

Dammit. Seriously, I may need to find a solution to this porn problem.

“Ridge,” he growls my name, sending a little shiver up my spine.

“Pol, I think you would’ve figured out by now that I’m just as stubborn as you are. Now we can either stand here arguing, and then you can give me the car keys, or you can just give me the damn keys and save us both some time.”

He gives me the keys, but not without more muttering under his breath about what a pain in the ass I am. I resist the urge to taunt him about having won the exchange. No need to rub salt in the wound after all.

“Be nice to her while I’m gone,” I instruct, pointing at him sternly.

“I hate cats,” he complains.

“She’s cute,” I say, looking back at the scraggly animal. Well, not cute cute, but she has a certain charm about her.

“Mm,” he hums, obviously not agreeing but willing to let the subject drop.

“I’ll be back.”

The screen door bangs shut behind me, and then I’m in the car and driving away.

It takes nearly an hour to get to any sort of civilization, and even then, I have to settle for buying pet supplies at the feed store rather than a proper pet shop. By the time I get back to the campsite, it’s still fairly early, but I’m surprised not to see Apollo sitting by the fire or even starting on work for the day.

Hopefully, he didn’t take the cat somewhere into the woods to release it. I gather all the bags of cat supplies—as well as some candy and other goodies I snagged at the store—and jog up the steps into the cabin.

I screech to a halt at the sight of Apollo fast asleep, still bare-chested, snoring away…with Logs curled up on his chest, matching his snoring with loud purrs of her own. So much for hating cats.

I set the bags down quietly, trying not to wake either of them, and then I grab my phone to snap some pictures, either for blackmail or private swooning, I haven’t quite decided yet. With the morning sun streaming over them, they look warm and peaceful. If the bed was bigger than a matchbox, I might be tempted to climb in and curl up next to the two of them.

I snap at least a dozen pictures before putting my phone away and staring at Apollo again, my heart absolutely aching with longing. Why did I have to date Anna? If it had been anyone else, I’d still have a chance with him.

My throat gets tight, and I try to swallow around it, doing my best to ignore the emotions burning in my chest.

My body is on autopilot as I lean forward, gasping when my lips brush against his without any prior intention to kiss him. But fuck, his mouth is soft and warm. For just a second, I sink into the feeling…and then Apollo’s eyes pop open…



I was in the middle of a dream about Ridge, naked and writhing under me. And now…am I still dreaming? His mouth is hot against mine, kissing me a hell of a lot more gently than we kissed before. Compared to the roughness in my dream, the tenderness is jarring.

I sit up, bumping my forehead and nose against his. The cat, which I forgot was asleep on my chest, digs its claws in with sharp pinpricks.

“Motherfucker,” I curse. The cat yowls and darts under Ridge’s bed on the other side of the room. Okay, so not dreaming.

I blink my eyes, trying to clear the haze from my brain, and vaguely registering the horror in Ridge’s expression.

“I’m sorry.”

Sorry he kissed me? Why did he kiss me? There’s a part of me that’s been remembering silly, immature, try-anything-once Ridge from our teen years. I assumed that’s all the sex was to him, a passing thing that would ultimately get boring, but not until it destroyed any chance of reconciling our friendship as well as my relationship with my sister.

That sleeping kiss felt like anything but a passing fancy. But what does that mean? My head is spinning, and it’s all too much to think about, foggy from sleep with Ridge hovering in my space, his lips still only a few inches from mine.

Fuck it.

I lunge forward, grabbing him by the back of the neck and dragging him on top of me as I seal our mouths together a second time. The bed creaks and groans under our weight. I lick into his mouth, and he moans around my tongue.

We grope at each other wildly, my hands tugging at clothes without actually removing them, sucking and biting each other’s lips.

“I want to fuck you,” I groan, grabbing his ass through his jeans and thrusting against him, the hard shape of my arousal grinding against his.

“I fucking love Stone right now,” he murmurs, and I growl, going still and digging my fingers harder into his ass.

“What?” I rumble, which seems to amuse Ridge. He chuckles and nips at my bottom lip.

“My toolbox,” he says as if that explains things.

“What?” I ask again, less agitated but more confused about this one.

“Jesus, Pol, you can’t get me this fucking horny and expect full sentences.” He shoves himself off of me, getting to his feet and looking around the room until he zeros in on his toolbox sitting next to the door. “Stone put condoms and lube in my toolbox as a joke,” he explains with a grin, striding over to it and stooping down.

While he pops it open and starts to rummage through it, I shove my pajama pants off and kick them to the floor. My cock slaps against my stomach, hard and aching, precum dribbling from the slit as I wrap a hand around myself and start to stroke. My heart hammers riotously against my ribcage, heat swelling in the pit of my stomach, straight down to my balls.

Ridge turns back around with supplies in hand, his eyes dropping to my erection and his face flushing. “Fuck,” he mutters, striding back across the small cabin in only a few long steps. He drops the supplies on the floor next to the bed, and I wrap my free hand around the front of his shirt and tug him back down on top of me.

This is so much better than overthinking shit. Action, physical action, this is what it’s all about.

The rough denim of his jeans drags against my cock as our tongues battle, and I clumsily haul his shirt up over his head, breaking the kiss just long enough to toss it blindly aside and crash back into him.

The bed protests and groans with every jostle of our bodies. Apparently, this old, rickety-ass camp bed wasn’t made for four hundred pounds worth of man to be bouncing around on top of it. Go figure.

“Floor,” I murmur against his mouth.

“Mmhmm,” he agrees, rolling off of me and dropping to his knees next to the bed. I swing my legs over the side, intent on joining him on the dusty, wood floor, but before I can, he shuffles forward and looks up at me, his hands on my thighs, his lips damp and swollen, parted as he stares hungrily at my dark-pink precum-slicked cock.

He licks his lips, and my cock jerks, a surge of heat and lust rippling through me and tightening my balls. Another pearl of precum forms on my slit, and Ridge eagerly leans forward to lap it up.

“Ungh,” I groan, burying my fingers in his hair, my hips jerking involuntarily.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been dreaming of this?” he asks, wrapping his hand around the base of my cock and mouthing at the tip with soft, open lips.

I’m not sure I could process his words in the best-case scenario, but with his hot breath ghosting over the head of my throbbing cock, my balls heavy and begging to explode, yeah, there’s no deciphering them. So instead of trying, I just make a noise of agreement and let my head loll back as he stretches his lips around me and takes me into the hot, wet depths of his mouth.

“Holy fuck,” I gasp, tightening my grip on his hair and curling my toes against the gritty floor. He hums around a mouthful of my cock, sending vibrations down my shaft that make me pant and groan.

Ridge takes me all the way to the back of his throat without protest. No, greedily. The breath from his nose ruffles my pubic hair, his throat relaxing and constricting around me as he works to swallow me deeper.

My muscles tremble, and I clench my jaw against the tightening in my groin.

“Shit, stop,” I pant, my body disagreeing with my plea as I use my hand in his hair to hold him right where he is for a few more seconds.

When I let him go, he pulls off my cock and drags in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring, spit pooled on his mouth and chin. He uses the back of his hand to wipe it off, looking up at me with a filthy smile.

“Here.” He picks up the condom and lube and hands them to me before getting to his feet and fumbling to unbutton his jeans. “I don’t mind it a little rough, so don’t bother with ages of prep.”

“Perfect,” I say gruffly, tearing open the condom and rolling it down my shaft while he shoves his pants and underwear down in one swift motion and then kicks them off. I didn’t get a good look at him the last time…well, either time. It was too dark in the woods, and fuck knows I wasn’t stopping to enjoy the scenery the other night in his bed. Obviously, I saw him naked in the shower and when we went swimming, but this is different. This is Ridge standing in front of me in broad daylight, his cock as hard as mine, his skin flushed, an urgency about him that tells me he’s as desperate for this as I am.

He fists his cock, giving himself a few hurried strokes as if he can’t help himself. The head of his cock swells with each upstroke, precum drooling from him as liberally as it is from me.

The bed frame squeaks again as I stand up. Ridge’s eyelids droop, a half-drunk expression on his face that I’m sure matches mine. I stalk toward him, and even in the midst of all of the heat sparking between us, a playful smile dances over his lips and he takes a step back, daring me to chase him.

My heart flaps like a caged bird, my own lips twisting into a grin. There isn’t really any place for him to run, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t determined to make a game out of it, dodging me and taunting me, teasing his tongue against my lips before backing away again until I’m growly and frustrated, so fucking horny for him I can hardly see straight.

With a rumble from deep in my chest, I manage to catch his arm and push him against the nearest wall, face first. Before he can get away again, I cage him in with my body against his, my sheathed cock against the curve of his ass, using one hand to pin both of his to the wall.

“Caught you,” I taunt, nipping at his earlobe and feeling him shudder against me.

Ridge wiggles, feigning an attempt to break free. The muscles in his arms flex and bulge, and I hold him a little harder, pressing myself against him, loving the playful physicality of it. It’s everything that’s been missing from sex with anyone else in the past, and somehow, he knows. Or maybe it’s what he’s always been desperate for too.

With the bottle of lube clutched in one hand, I manage to pop the cap open with my thumb and messily drizzle some into the crease of his ass. With one hand still holding him in place, I slide the other between his ass cheeks.

His hole flutters under my fingers when I find it, clenching and relaxing as I suck on the pulse point in his throat, sinking my teeth in just hard enough to draw a gasp from him.

“Fuck, yes,” he groans.

He said he likes it rough, so I don’t bother trying to be gentle, sinking two fingers into his tight hole and drawing another desperate sound from him. His inner muscles tighten around my fingers, and my cock twitches against his ass cheek.

I fuck my fingers in and out, giving it to him a little rough just like he wanted. Ridge pants and moans, grinding himself against my fingers with every hard thrust.

“More. Give me more.”

I do it harder, twisting my fingers around to find his prostate and nailing it as hard as I can. He lets out a wail, his hands curling into fists against the wall. When I’m satisfied he’ll be able to take me, I slide my fingers out and release my hold on his hands.

Ridge braces himself against the wall and shoves back against me. This time I let him move me, but I don’t go far. Wrapping one arm around his chest, I tug him along with me, wrestling him in the direction of his nearby bed.

He grunts and grapples with me, our mouths bumping together without properly kissing, our playful groping becoming rougher as we both lose patience for any amount of foreplay. When we reach his bed, I force him forward, both of us dropping to our knees before I bend him over and push his legs apart.

Ridge moans, twisting the sheets in his fist and turning his head to one side to watch me as I grab the base of my cock and notch myself against his slicked entrance.

We both groan as I push my way inside, his inner muscles gripping me and dragging me deeper, sucking me in as greedily as his mouth did.

“Ridge,” I gasp his name, digging my fingers into his hips and letting my head loll back as I bury myself balls deep inside him.

He rolls his hips, meeting every one of my thrusts eagerly as we find a rhythm together. The bed frame squeaks with each rut, our skin slapping together and our ragged, heavy breaths filling the air. The scent of sex and sweat tickles my nose, mixing with the earthy, dusty smell of the cabin itself.

I’m mesmerized by the way the muscles in Ridge’s back and arms flex and move, the way his sweat glistens on his skin in the sunlight that’s streaming in through the nearby window. Every strangled, desperate, lust-filled sound that I manage to force from his throat, one thrust at a time, makes me tighten and ache.

I fuck him harder, faster, rutting into him like a wild animal in heat, and he gives as good as he gets.

“More, more, more,” he begs, grinding himself against me.

I fall forward, blanketing his body with mine, wrapping my arms around him, and I give him more. My thighs quiver with the effort, gusts of breath forced out of me with every powerful snap of my hips.

“Fuck, yes. Yes. Yes.” Ridge moans, arching into me as he claws at his sheets. I find his mouth with mine. The angle sucks, but that doesn’t seem to bother either of us, bumping our lips together in forceful, clumsy kisses, swiping tongue against tongue, nipping and panting and making beastly noises.

“I’m close,” he gasps, clutching the sheets harder, his body tensing and trembling under mine. “Pol, fuck, just like that. Yeah. Oh, fuck…ungh.”

I can feel his inner muscles constrict around me, gripping my cock so tight that I see stars. And then they start to pulse, rippling around me while Ridge lets out a low moan and stills under me.

The rhythmic throbbing of his channel around me pulls me over the edge right along with him, my orgasm tightening in the pit of my stomach just before my balls constrict and my thrusts stutter. I press my face against the side of his, clenching my eyes closed and gasping out the intense pleasure that washes over me.

It feels like it goes on forever, wave after wave of pleasure hitting me, the condom filling with my hot, sticky seed while Ridge’s release splatters to the floor at our feet.

“Holy fuck,” he mutters as we both fall forward, breathlessly collapsing onto the floor next to his bed, Ridge still hanging half off of it but not seeming to have the energy to do anything about it.

I sag next to him, propping myself against the bed as well and trying not to cringe at the gritty feeling of dirt and dust under my ass.

The silence in the room after all of that feels almost deafening. Maybe because it’s the sound of the realization that sex that good isn’t the kind of thing friendships come back from.

So where does that leave us exactly?