Drilled by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 16


I ruck up my shirt to wipe the sweat off of my forehead as we all trudge through the woods toward the lake. The guys sound like a herd of elephants behind me as I lead the way through the overgrown trail.

As soon as we reach the clearing, they all let loose like wild animals, stripping themselves down to their underwear as they run for the lake. Of course Apollo brings up the rear, reaching the edge of the lake and calmly removing his shoes, followed by the rest of his clothes, leaving him standing on the edge of the water in nothing but a tightly clinging pair of red briefs. I tilt my head to appreciate the generous curve of his ass. Does he ever bottom?

My body tingles at the thought, my cock swelling unhelpfully considering I’m about to take my pants off in front of nearly a dozen people. Apollo looks over his shoulder, catching my eye as if he can feel me staring at him.

A flicker of heat passes between us, and I mentally calculate how many hours until everyone leaves so the two of us can pick back up where we left off with all of the naked touching and stupidly good orgasms.

Apollo’s lips twitch in an almost smile, which does ridiculous things to my heart.

“Are you guys coming, or are you just going to stand there and eye-fuck each other all day?” Cole calls, and I hear Apollo’s growl from here. I snort a laugh and start tugging my own clothes off, leaving them in a neat pile, unlike most everyone else’s, which are scattered through the clearing.

I probably should’ve given a second thought to my white briefs before everyone decided they wanted to come swim in our underwear, but it’s too late now. It’s not like they’ve never seen a dick before.

I wade into the water and dive beneath the surface once I’m deep enough. When I come back up, using both hands to sluice the water off my face and push my hair back, I see Apollo making his way into the lake as well.

Butterflies dance in my stomach, thinking about the few nights we’ve spent out here together. I can’t decide if the hand job or the silly, playful night was my favorite. They were both absolutely perfect in their own ways, and they’re both bound to run on repeat in my mind long after we’re only friends again.

We all swim around for a while, enjoying the relief from the heat of the late August day. When everyone gets tired of all the relaxation that the lake has to offer, Daniel scrambles onto his husband’s shoulders in a shallow area, and Ren follows suit, getting himself up onto Cole’s shoulders with ease. Honestly, Ren doesn’t even have a chance in this chicken fight. Everyone knows it’s all about the sturdiness of your base, and Ollie is a tank compared to his brother. One after another, Daniel and Ollie receive new competitors, taking each down with ease. It looks like Miller and Demetri might have them for a second, but then Demetri steps on something squishy on the bottom of the lake, and he goes over, taking his boyfriend with him. Stone fights dirty, which is about what I would’ve expected, trying to tickle Daniel, but the man doesn’t crack, taking down another set of competitors with a splash.

“We are undefeatable,” Daniel boasts, holding his arms over his head victoriously.

“Hold on a second,” Stone argues, popping back up out of the water and shaking his head like a dog. “You’re not officially undefeated yet.”

All sets of eyes swing in my direction, Apollo swimming directly behind me.

I grin and look over my shoulder at him. “What do you say? Want to take them down?”

“Mm,” he grunts in the affirmative.

Unlike Daniel or Ren, I don’t ascend gracefully onto Apollo’s back. No, there’s a lot of kicking and slipping, definitely a hefty dose of cursing. But after what’s as much of a scuffle as an attempt to get onto his shoulders, I sit regally atop my trusty steed and stare Daniel down.

“Bring it on, bitch.” I squint and gesture with both hands, and then it’s fucking on.

Ollie might be a strong, sturdy base, but Apollo has him beat. I might as well be rested atop a pillar of concrete for how impossible he is to jostle. Not that Daniel is willing to go down without a fight. We scrap and shove, laughing in between grunts and growls until I finally unseat him. He manages to look shocked and annoyed right before he hits the water.

I whoop and start humming the Rocky music, pumping both fists over my head.

“You know, your shoulders are surprisingly comfortable,” I tell Apollo, wiggling around a little in appreciation of the broadness of them.

He grunts and then tips me into the water without warning. Water rushes up to surround me before I even manage to close my mouth. I pop back to the surface, spitting nasty-ass lake water in his general direction.

“Fucking rude, man,” I complain.

He gives an unrepentant shrug, and I catch a brief second of humor dancing through his eyes. My lips tingle with the urge to surge forward and kiss him. I could swear the feeling is mutual by the way his gaze drops to my lips for a fraction of a second before he dives under the water and swims away.

To avoid the urge to follow him, I head in the opposite direction, dragging myself up onto a flat rock overhanging one side of the lake. It’s hot from the sun but feels like the perfect basking place for a few minutes while I get my racing heart under control.

As predicted, my white underwear is completely see-through, plastered to my half-hard cock. Nobody seems to notice though…well, except for Apollo, who gives me a heated look from far enough away that I have to wonder how good of a view he’s even able to get.

I drop my hand over my exposed tool as Ren and Daniel swim over and join me on the rock, heaving themselves up and getting comfortable.

“So, juvenile bet aside, how’s his dick?” Daniel asks, his face remaining entirely serious while Ren sputters a laugh beside him, and I do my best Apollo impression and rumble an annoyed sound at him.

“I wouldn’t know,” I lie, dipping my hand into the water to get it wet and using it to slick my hair back off of my forehead.

“Oh, come on.” Ren gives me a knowing look. “I don’t want to know about his dick or whether you two are sleeping together, but it’s obvious he’s different when you’re around.”

Daniel nods. “Not softer…” he says, tapping his chin like he’s trying to think of the right word.

“No, not softer,” Ren agrees with another laugh. “But there’s something about the way he looks at you when he doesn’t think anyone is watching.”

My face heats up and my heart flutters. Reflexively, I dart a glance in Apollo’s direction, to where he’s peacefully floating in the lake while the other guys play Marco Polo.

“Uh-huh,” Daniel hums, sounding smug as all hell like he just proved some kind of point.

“What?” I ask, tearing my eyes off of the glistening water on Apollo’s face and chest, bobbing just above the surface of the water.

“You’ve got it bad,” Ren says, nudging my shoulder with his own in a friendly gesture that sets me mentally off-balance for a second. Are we friends? There’s a peel of laughter from the guys as Stone screams and splashes water wildly.

“It’s a stick, Stoney,” Cole says.

“Fuck, I thought it was a snake.”

Everyone laughs again, and even Apollo tilts his head to see the commotion and cracks a brief half-smile. Next to me, Ren and Daniel have fallen into another conversation, teasing each other about something or another.

I spent so much of my childhood desperately wanting a family of my own. It’s a big part of the reason I let things get as far as they did with Anna when my heart wasn’t truly in it. This right here, with these guys, it feels like they could be that family. Hopefully, I won’t fuck it up this time like I did with Apollo’s family.


“I thought you said no sex while the guys are here,” Ridge mumbles against my lips as we tumble onto his bed, tugging at each other’s clothes.

It was all I could do to keep myself from dragging him out of the lake and fucking him right there in the mud. Jesus, those drenched white briefs he was wearing should be fucking illegal.

“Yeah,” I agree gruffly, trying to convince myself to cool it, but I just can’t seem to do it. I yank his shirt over his head and run my hands over his chest and down to his belly. “But now that I’m allowed to put my hands on you, it’s a little hard to stop.”

He grins down at me, tugging open the button on my jeans and reaching in to palm my cock. “Feels more than a little hard,” he teases.

I grunt, yanking more of his clothes off in between rough kisses. Most of the guys decided to go for a hike after our swim, and I’m horny enough for Ridge that I don’t really give a flying fuck if we get caught.

I dig my fingers into his bare ass cheeks. When we all got out of the lake, he stripped out of his underwear without a care in the world, standing there stark naked in the sunlight for a few seconds before pulling his jeans on, and I nearly lost it. I’m surprised no one else noticed the massive erection I was sporting the entire walk back to the campground.

“Hey, I was wondering something earlier,” he says, getting my shirt up over my head and tossing it aside.

“Hm?” I hum against his lips before sucking the bottom one between my teeth.

He moans against my mouth, splaying his hands over my chest, brushing his palms against my hardened nipples, and sending a shiver of pleasure through me.

“Do you ever bottom?” Ridge asks. A spike of liquid heat starts in the pit of my stomach and wraps itself around my balls.

It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone I felt comfortable enough with to go there, but in the right circumstances, hell yes, I do. And I can’t think of any circumstances more right than Ridge.

“Yeah,” I murmur, slipping my tongue into his mouth and kissing him deeper.

“For me? Like…now?” he clarifies breathlessly.

I can’t help myself, I rumble a laugh into the kiss. “Get the lube,” I say in answer, striding over to Ridge’s bed and ditching the rest of my clothes.

The cat has more than made herself at home on my bed, even going so far as to build a little nest with some items of clothing she stole out of my suitcase. She’s hardly moved in the last day. Is that normal cat behavior? I hope to hell she’s not sick because Ridge would be devastated. His heart is too damn big sometimes.

Putting the cat out of my mind, I climb onto Ridge’s bed on all fours, a ripple of excitement rushing through me at the sound of his approaching footsteps.

“Goddamn, you’re fucking sexy,” he praises, giving one ass cheek a playful slap. I grunt in protest, even though it does send a little thrill through me. He chuckles and leans forward to brush his lips against the back of my shoulder. “You like it rough too, dude, or you need lots of prep?”

“It’s been a while,” I answer. “But I can take it.”

“Got it.” He kisses my sun-warmed flesh again, and then I hear the click of the lube bottle opening.

The lube is warm as he spreads it around my hole, teasing me with his fingertips. Wow, it’s warmer than I expected actually. Ridge eases two fingers into my hole, and I groan, my cock twitching and my whole body lighting up. Damn, the lube is even warmer inside, enough so that it overpowers the sting of being stretched and filled. It’s more than warm, it’s actually pretty hot…too hot. Fuck, it’s burning.

“Holy shit,” I gasp.

“You like that?” Ridge murmurs, kissing the back of my shoulder and fucking me with his fingers.

“No, fuck, it’s…” I squirm away, the hot sensation reaching its peak like a hot poker shoved straight up my asshole. He catches on to the fact that I’m not gasping in pleasure anymore and quickly pulls his fingers out.

“What’s wrong? Was I too rough?”

“The lube.” I grit my teeth and hop off the bed, grabbing the first item of clothing I see and dragging it between my ass cheeks to try to wipe off as much of the lube as possible and soothe the burn.

“It was fine before,” he says, looking around frantically for the bottle.

“Where did you get it?”

“The toolbox, right where you put it.”

I growl. I didn’t put the lube back in the toolbox. My mind flashes back to Stone slipping out of our cabin earlier today with the lame excuse of looking for a phone charger. Fucking asshole.

“I’m going to fucking kill him.” The burning sensation is barely dulled, the lube already inside my hole searing me from the inside. I need to wash it out, and I don’t have time to stop to get dressed.

I sprint out of the cabin, ignoring the gasps and catcalls of Stone, Dare, and West all sitting around the fire as I run past, fully naked, toward the showers.

The rusty, icy spray of the water is the least of my concerns as I snatch up a bar of soap and step under the showerhead. I suds my fingers as quickly as I can and then turn my back on the spray and shove my soapy fingers into my ass. The relief is almost instantaneous, a combination of the cold water running between my cheeks and my soap-covered fingers clearing away all traces of the demon lube.

Ridge peers around the corner a few seconds later. He’s shirtless, his jeans hanging open, his feet bare as he steps into the shower area, not seeming to care about the stray droplets of water that hit him.

“Are you okay?”

“Mm,” I grunt in response. “Fucking Stone.”

Once the burning has subsided, I shut off the water and head straight back outside, Ridge trailing behind me. I’m dripping wet and still as naked as the day I was born, but I couldn’t give less of a shit about either of those things right now.

I stomp over to Stone, only barely registering the protective, warning looks his husband is shooting me or the worried yet amused look on West’s face. Stone seems to be fighting back a fit of laughter.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong?” he asks with so much innocence laced in his voice that I clench my fist and consider hitting him.

“What’s wrong? You know what the fuck is wrong. You put some kind of tainted lube in Ridge’s toolbox.”

“It was just warming lube, but it burns like a motherfucker up the ass, doesn’t it?” His continued amusement at the situation prickles under my skin. “But I’m confused. You two aren’t fucking, so why are you putting lube from his toolbox up your ass?”

I look over at Dare, who seems just as surprised at the prank as I am. “I’m going to murder your husband now,” I warn.

He makes a sweeping gesture as if to say, be my guest. “Sounds like he deserves it,” Dare says reasonably.

I clench my jaw again, so hard that I’m surprised none of my teeth crack, and I level Stone with a look that has left lesser men shriveled on the spot.

“Whatever has or hasn’t happened between Ridge and I is worth more than your stupid bet. Knock it the fuck off.” My words are so growly they hardly sound human, but he seems to get the gist, blinking a few times before his expression changes from playful and taunting to apologetic.

“Sorry,” he murmurs, and I huff a breath through my nose that’s as close to apology accepted as he’s going to get.

It’s only then that it occurs to me that I’m standing around bare-assed. With one more leveling glare for good measure, I stomp back up to the cabin.

In the background, I hear Ridge saying something to Stone as well, but I don’t bother to listen to what.

In the cabin, I pull my clothes back on one by one in an irritated, jerky reverse striptease. The door swings open with a creak, and Ridge steps in, zipping up his jeans and then stopping to brush the dirt and grass off the bottoms of his bare feet.

“So, that ruined the mood, huh?” he says in a light tone.

I huff a semblance of a laugh through my nose and tug my shirt on over my head and then turn to yank him close for a hard kiss, putting my frustrations into it. He seems to sense my mood, gripping the front of my shirt and biting my bottom lip.

“It means something to me too,” he murmurs against my lips.

My heart surges into my throat, guilt and longing churning in the pit of my stomach. There are a million things I want to say, and even more that Ridge deserves to hear, but all I can do is hum against his lips and kiss him again.

We pull apart when Logs yowls loudly. Ridge looks over my shoulder at the cat and frowns.

“Do you think there’s something wrong with her?”

I hate to say it, but I’m getting a little worried too. “Why don’t we keep an eye on her, and if she’s not feeling well tomorrow, we’ll run her to the vet in town.”
