The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




“Un. Fucking. Cuff. Me.” I rocked and jerked in the plane seat against the restraints.

Domenico crossed his legs in the seat across from mine. “If you’d behaved and hadn’t indulged in another scandal at our wedding in front of my whole family, I wouldn’t have had to cuff my own bride on my plane to go on our honeymoon. You brought this on yourself, little kitten.”

“You carried me over your shoulder and spanked me in front of everybody, made them laugh at me and tried to shove me inside your plane. What was I supposed to do?”

“Not break poor Lombardo’s nose,” he shook his head in sorrow at one of his bodyguards, “and, definitely, not refuse to go with me in the first place. What were you thinking, kicking and screaming you didn’t wanna go with me in your extensive vocabulary of Bitch, making us both look like fools? You’re lucky everybody thought it was just the wedding jitters of an innocent bride. But seriously what the fuck were you thinking?”

“That I wanted to stay with my sister when there was a fucking psycho on the loose getting closer to kill her.”

“She has her husband and the rest of my family to protect her. You, on the other hand, are my wife now, a fucking Lanza, which makes you my responsibility. You go wherever I tell you to go.”

I swore under my breath. “Whatever, asshole. Just uncuff me.”

He leaned forward, his eyes raking me from head to toe. “No.”

My teeth clenched as I ground more curses under them. I needed to be smart and choose my battles, though. Staying bound to my seat for hours wasn’t going to do me any good. “What if I apologized to your hound?”

“Lombardo isn’t a hound. He’s a person and one of my best soldiers.”

“Fine. What if I apologized to your bestie, would you uncuff me?”

He rested his back on his seat. “I’d say it’s worth the shot.”

I blew out a short, irritable sigh and swallowed my pride he intentionally was trying to demolish. Then I glanced at the man in a black suit I hurt as he sat in the front of the plane. It wasn’t his fault that he was doing what he was told. He didn’t deserve to get his nose broken. He was just doing his job. “Hey, Lombardo, perdonami. Non volevo ferirti. Mi dispiace.”

He nodded, holding the bleeding bandage on his nose, while Domenico had his cocky smirk on.

“Happy?” I mocked.

“A little.” He leaned forward again. “Anybody told you before you’re so hot when you speak in Italian?”

I rolled my eyes. “No.”

“Good, because I’d have cut their ears off so they wouldn’t have had a chance to listen to you speak ever again.”

Sick bastard. “Would you uncuff me now?”

His hands folded around mine, and a stupid shiver ran through me. Then he lifted his fingers to my face and brushed my cheek. A playful smile crossed his lips. “Say please.”

Fuck you in the ass.

“It costs nothing to be polite, you know?” he said.

“You’re absolutely right, but you should take your own advice, because saying please and thank you doesn’t make you polite, Dom. Having some sort of a moral code and acting upon it does. But it’s fine. For now, I’ll have it your way. Would you, please, uncuff me? I promise I won’t try to hurt any of your staff.”

“Good girl.” His thumb brushed my other cheek, sending another shiver through me. How could such a simple touch evoke so much tingling in so many places? “But no.”

“What the fuck? Why?”

“Because, like you said, saying a fake please doesn’t make you polite.” He planted a kiss on my cheek before he rose. Then he bent down to my ear. “Besides, you look even hotter in cuffs.”

With that he winked, walked away and disappeared behind a curtain for the rest of the flight. No matter how much I rattled my cuffs, yelled or called him names, he didn’t come back to his seat until we landed.

Even then, he wouldn’t uncuff me. He just carried me over his shoulder like some caveman out of the plane. It was cold, not Chicago cold but still, at the early crack of dawn. There were two cars waiting for us, and he shoved me into one of them before he sat next to me.

I didn’t bother objecting or even speaking. I was tired and humiliated and nervous and ever so worried about my sister and nephew…about myself in the hands of this monster. At least, in Chicago, I had Lina for support. Now, I was all alone, in a foreign country, trapped with a coyote whose hunger for me was unmistaken or unhidden.

The car stopped at a huge, two-story villa with a classic red and gray brick exterior. Once the guards opened the doors, the fresh sea breeze filled my nostrils.

Domenico linked arms with me and led me to the entrance. “Welcome home, little kitten.”

Well, home was a big word to say about my new prison, but I’d be an ungrateful idiot if I said an exquisite beachfront villa in Italy was something to complain about. I could definitely get used to my new home.

Two women in blue and white housekeeping uniforms appeared from the house and greeted us. Then their eyes faltered on my bound hands. They didn’t say anything, though. They just smiled awkwardly. I lifted my chin and smiled back.

“This is Maria and Paulina. They live here to help with the house. Questa è la mia moglie, Nicky.” He introduced us.

They congratulated us with extra zeal and assured us breakfast and our room were ready.

“Bene. Go help the men with the bags.” He told them and glanced at me. “They’re not a lot.”

“If you keep making fun of my lack of stuff, then the first thing we should do is go shopping.”

“Oh, we are going shopping for sure.” His eyes danced with mischief. “But not the first thing.” Abruptly, his arms were behind my knees and back, and he carried me in his embrace, entering the house like a real bride and groom.

I kicked my legs in the air. “What the fuck? Put me down.”

“It’s tradition.”

“Is it tradition to have the bride in cuffs, too?”

“When she’s naughty like you, yes.” He climbed up the stairs, where it must have led to the master bedroom—our bedroom—and I panicked, suddenly too aware of his body pressed to mine.

“Hey, aren’t you gonna give me a tour first?”

“Later. Before the shopping.”

“But…but I wanna see the beach.”

“You can see it from the bedroom.”

I gulped as we arrived at a door by the end of the corridor. Then my heart thudded when he unlocked it and let us in.

The first thing my eyes fell on was the low, four-pillar, king-sized bed in the middle of the room, and the white sheets covering it. My heartbeat became frantic, so I averted my gaze to the floor-to-ceiling windows overseeing perfect blue waters up to the horizon. I evened my breath, focusing on the soothing view. “The beach is so beautiful.”

You are so beautiful.”

Shit. “Dom, could you, please, put me down?”

Slowly, gently, he laid me on the bed. I was about to thank him when he took off his jacket and bowtie.

I jumped off the bed. “What are you…what are you doing?”

“Taking my clothes off.” He smirked at my hands. “Then I’ll help you out of yours.”

“No! You’re gonna use your fucking key to get me out of the stupid cuffs, and I’m gonna go change in the bathroom, then you’ll do the same. After that, we’re gonna figure out sleeping arrangements—”

He reached me in one stride and tugged me toward him, locking me in his grip. “Don’t. Not today.”

A gasp quivered on my lips. “Get away from me.”


I pushed at his chest as hard as I could, but he felt like a fucking wall. “I don’t give you my permission to touch me, so leave me the fuck alone.”

He tugged harder, squeezing me against his firm body, his eyes feral. “I don’t need permission to have my wife. I don’t need permission to have anything I want.”

“I’m not your fucking wife.”

“My ring on your finger, the papers you signed and the vows you took before God and all the witnesses say you are.”

“And you know very well I didn’t consent to any of it. I was forced into this marriage. That doesn’t make me your wife. It makes me your fucking captive.”


“Seems fitting with the cuffs and all.”

Something crossed his face. An expression I didn’t understand. Was it confusion, anger, both or something else entirely? His arm softened around my body. “Allora, that changes things.”

Had I just reasoned with the beast and persuaded him to abandon his predatory plans for me? I almost did a happy dance when his hand reached inside his pocket and brought out the key. He held my wrist and freed one of my hands. The metal dangled on the other in the space he allowed between us.

“Thank you, Dom,” I said, truthfully.

His gaze caught mine, the yellow in them more dominant than usual. Was it the lights or the colors of the bright sea that reflected on everything in the room, including him? Or was it just my sore eyes from the stressful day and sleepless night? Either way, there was a certain beauty to them, more dangerous and mesmerizing than ever, that I only could see now. “I was gonna do things differently for just one day, and then we could have gone back to our little game of hate. But since you insist…”


I frowned. “What’s—” The words got stuck in my throat when the lights shone against a blade emerging from his fist. My eyes widened as fear coursed through me. “The fuck?”

He reached for my sleeve as I stumbled back, stopping me before I had any chance to run. Then he ripped at the lace, dragging me back to his space.

“Stop it! Are you crazy? What the fuck are you gonna do with that knife?” I cried out.

“What a captor does to his captive.” He sliced my right sleeve in two and did the same to the left.

“Dom, no,” I gasped.

He didn’t listen, ripping the dress in shreds. The yellow in his eyes was clear now why it was so dominant. It was that of the hungry predator he was. The monster that was all him in this moment.

The knife hit the middle of my bra and cut. My arms flew to cover my tumbling breasts as I stood only in my underwear. “Why the fuck are you doing this?” I panted. “Didn’t you say it was okay to take things slow? Didn’t you tell me to take all the time I need?”

“I said that to the woman I liked, not the bitch who was trying to fuck me over.” Rip. The cold tip of the knife pinched my hip as the sound of my panties tearing penetrated my ears. “I wanted to make things nice and easy for the woman I married, not the one I took captive.” Rip.

The fabric of my panties stuck between my thighs as I squeezed them together and slid one trembling hand to cover myself. I thought about telling him to stop again, even begging him, but I knew it was pointless. Humiliating me was part of the revenge he sought. He’d savor it and still go through with fulfilling his sick demands. It was all part of his plan to torture me.

And the silly me fucking thanked him a minute ago and thought he was more beautiful than ever.

“Move your arms away. I want to see your body,” he commanded, circling around me.

Anger and fear traveled hand in hand through me. I hadn’t been that scared, that hurt, that abused in so long, but I’d never forgotten the feeling.

“I’m not gonna ask twice,” he warned, his breath searing on my neck as he fisted my now disheveled her.

Despite the fear that shook me up and the tears threatening to show the weakness I wouldn’t dare show this bastard, I didn’t budge and managed to stare at him in the eye with all the defiance I had in me. I wasn’t going to make this any easier for him. Everything he wanted to take from me, he’d take by force and not without a fight on my end.

“Va bene. Have it your way, little kitten.”

Pain shot through my head as he dragged me by the hair, yanking my head backwards. Then my back slammed against a cold surface. Wincing, I looked behind me and found the bed pillar. My eyes tightened as I noticed the little metal rings hooked in the carved wood. He pushed me to my knees against the pillar, and forced my arms up.

I scratched his forearms and anywhere I could reach as hard as I could, and at the same time kicked my knees against his palm that was forcing me down. But he was faster and stronger, holding my arms immobile. The cuffs were burning my wrist again, and then he hooked them in the metal rings above my head.

“What the fuck?” I rasped, shaking and rattling the goddamn cuffs.

“This,” he stepped away and crouched down, his eyes trailing down my nakedness, his tongue darting and licking his lower lip, slowly, hungrily, “will be your side of the bed, tesoro mio.”

Another round of fear crept all over my skin. The feral desire in his gaze penetrated my core and stole my breath away. I pulled my knees to my chest, covering myself.

He shook his head. “What did I say? Don’t make me cuff your ankles, too.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, not moving.

“Okay.” He got to his feet, went to the nightstand and opened a drawer. Then he smirked at me, leather ankle cuffs in hand. “Don’t say I didn’t—”

“All right. Fuck.” Reluctantly, I lowered down my knees, revealing my breasts.

“All the way down and spread them for me. I wanna take a good look at that pussy.”

“You’re a sick bastard.”

“True.” He crouched before me again. “And you’re the captive of a sick bastard, so…” He tossed the cuffs on the sheets and held my knees, spreading my legs. “Be good or else.”

My stomach clenched, and my knees jerked as his fingers on my inner thighs spread me open. My body shook involuntarily as he pierced me with his sick stare. His throat bobbed with a swallow, his breathing suddenly audible.

“Cazzo.” He took his time staring at my pussy, and then his penetrating gaze eye-fucked me from head to toe. Everything in me was clenching in fear, disgust, anger…and something primal I couldn’t control. Pathetic, I know. But my body had been molested by a sick bastard for years, and defense mechanisms worked in fucked up ways. I couldn’t help what I was feeling now.

“Che bella. You’re so beautiful, Nicky, so fucking beautiful.” He came closer, and I flinched. His nose skimmed across my neck, sniffing, and then down my throat and between my breasts, sniffing again. “All mine.”

My skin tingled fiercely. “What are you doing?”

He continued to my belly, only touching me with his nose, sniffing me like an animal. Then he dove between my legs and took a long, deep breath.

He mumbled a few curses in Italian, his breath against my sensitive spot ripped a moan out of my throat. Shit.

He took another intake of breath and another. Then he stared at me, his eyes gleaming with arousal. “I want to fuck you so much.”

“If you touch me, you’ll be raping me.”

He grunted. “You’re lying. Your smell is begging for my cock.” He dipped one fingertip between my outer folds, and I tried so hard not to cry. Then he showed me his glistening finger. “Do you see how wet you are?”

Fuck. “I can’t control my body reaction to…this. I don’t expect you to understand, but it’s the truth. I don’t want you to fuck me, Domenico.”

He sucked on his finger, licking it with his eyes closed as if it was covered in delicious chocolate. “Well, a captor doesn’t give a shit about what his captive wants.”

“Jesus! Fine. I’m not your fucking captive. I’m sorry I said that. Happy?”

“So you are my wife now?”

“No.” That I’d never consent to, even under threat. “I’ll never be your wife.”

He licked his finger again and took another sniff at my pussy. “We shall see.” He stood, casting a long shadow, towering over me. Then he unbuttoned his shirt.

I shut my eyes, my cold, hurting hands clenching into fists. “I can’t believe this shit is happening again.”

“Open your eyes, little kitten, or I’ll open them for you.”

Shaking my head, I swallowed the building up tears and did as he ordered. A guy like him was sick enough to cut off my eyelids to keep my eyes open, and I wasn’t ready to lose those.

“Look at me. I know you want to,” he said, his voice low and hard, yet amused.

I glanced up. He was down to his boxers now, the size bulging in them terrifying. A gasping moan escaped me, and his smirk taunted me. Blinking, I looked up at his tattoos that covered most of his ripped upper body, and almost all of his arms. He had a lot of scars, too, more than the ones I’d seen before. For a second, I wondered how he got them, why he got them, but then he lowered his underwear, and a huge lump clogged my breath and mind.

My jaws clenched hard, and I yanked at my cuffs, pulling myself up. I didn’t give a shit what he commanded. I wasn’t just going to sit there while he raped me.

“Sit your ass down and get on your fucking knees.” His voice had never been darker.

“Or what?!”

He grabbed my hair and brought my mouth an inch away from his very long, very hard cock. “Or it’ll be your pretty mouth I’m fucking next.”