The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




Thank you, Daddy.

I heard it as loud as a gunshot. It kind of felt the same, too.

My cum was still hot on my cock and in her ass when I left my seat and confronted her. “What did you just say?”

“Nothing.” Guilt dripped from her voice.

I cupped her face, locking my gaze with hers. “You can talk to me. You can trust me, like you trusted me with your first kiss, with your body under my knife, with your fucking ass.”

“I didn’t. You just took what you wanted, and I didn’t have a say in it, remember?”

My hands dropped off her. “What I wanted was to mark all of you, not just write one letter that will fade in no time. What I wanted was to go all the way up your ass and pussy and make you take every inch of me over and over until I got my fucking fill, and I bet that was what you thought I’d do, too. But this, what I did, how I restrain myself around you, for you, is to show you that you can trust me.”

“Why?” She pulled at the shackles angrily. “Why didn’t you just fuck me and get it over with? Why all this?”

Perche she was my wife even though she didn’t want to be. The one I chose to spend the rest of my life with after all these years. The only one I wanted to own forever. The one who carved her whole name on my soul without permission, without even knowing. The one that consumed me with a need so uncontrollable to the point of fear.

But I couldn’t tell her any of that now. Wouldn’t. Not until I’d done the same to her. Not until I’d erased all the doubt in her heart and mind, claimed every shred of her and made her mine for real.

“I want your first time to be something you’ll never forget. Something you’ll crave to have again for the rest of your life. With me,” I said.

“I already had my first fucking time, and believe me I haven’t forgotten.”

“What you had doesn’t count. Your first time will be with me. You will give yourself to me.”

She shook her head, her breath accelerating. “I don’t want to give myself to you or anybody. I just want everything to be over.”

Fuck this bullshit. “Why did you say, ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ when you came?”

Haunted, she stared at me. “Unchain me, Dom. Please.”

“Not before you answer me.”

“Just fucking get me out of here!”

“Why did you say, ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ when you came?!”

“Why did they call you Berry when you were a kid?!”

The question fell on me like a sledgehammer. I just stood there, blinking at her like an idiota, for long moments. “Who the fuck told you about that name?”

“It doesn’t matter who told me.”

There were very few people left alive that knew that name. She had access to two of them. Enzio and Tino. It wasn’t hard to guess who sang to her.

Brutto stronzo. I thought we had a fucking deal. A promise that shouldn’t have been broken. “It matters to me, but I already know the answer. Tino fucking Bellomo.”

“Why are you so upset? He wasn’t supposed to let the cat out of the bag?”

Rage blazed inside me as I tightened my eyes at her. “What did he tell you?”

“I’m not a rat. Isn’t that what you call it? A rat? A snitch? What is that other thing they say? Snitches get stitches?”

I smelled one of her games cooking. “Si, si. But snitches get more than stitches with the Lanzas. They get a one-way red trip with Il Coyote.”

A gleam I knew too well flashed in her stare. A huntress that knew exactly where to pounce to get her kill. “Red trip, huh? Is that what you call it? Your one-on-one torturing sessions?” She took a pensive look around the room. “Do you do it here?”

“No. I don’t mix business with pleasure. I have another room for that.” I stepped forward and pulled her hair so hard it undid her bun. “And if you don’t want to end up in there, you’d better start talking.”

Defiance filled her gaze. Somehow she was no longer afraid of what I might do to her. “Why don’t you just tell me your story? If you really want me to trust you, don’t you think I should listen to it straight from you?”

What are you doing, little kitten? “Ditto. And, one day, I am going to tell my story to my wife, when she’s in my arms, knowing that I can trust her, too.”

“You can trust me, Dom,” she said softly, deceivingly. “I am your wife after all. I can deny it all I want, call myself a captive, but in the end, it doesn’t change the truth. I signed those papers and said my vows, and you, sooner or later, are going to claim me and never let me go. It was stupid of me to think I can change or stop any of it. I might as well accept my destiny…in your arms, my husband, my Dom.”

Merda. I shook my head and closed my eyes. That little devious kitten. She was hitting hard. “You don’t know how much I wanted to hear you say this.” I rubbed my cheek against hers and reveled in her scent, the one I hoped one day would be strong enough to erase the one I couldn’t forget. Then I cupped her left breast, feeling her heartbeat in my palm. “God, Nicky. I wish it was true.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “But—”

“But it’s just another game, a rather desperate one.” I yanked hard at her hair and twisted her nipple until she screamed. “Why the fuck do you keep repeating the same mistake? When will you learn that I’m not someone you can fuck with?”

“I’m not fucking with you. How else could I’ve known that name if not from Tino?”

“I don’t know, but Tino told you shit. If he had, you’d have never done this.” I grabbed the fucking vibrator and shut it down. I was so enraged I couldn’t even stand the sound. “I wonder why you’re playing me this time. Is it because you’re too scared to talk about what that piece of shit Baldi did to you? For your sake, I hope it is. Because if it’s the other reason I have in mind… Fuck, Nicky, you can’t be that stupid.”

“Tell me something, Dom. You care about honor, loyalty, respect, but above all family. What would you do if someone threatens that family?”

“You know what I’d do.”

“And if that someone is part of your family, someone you’re supposed to respect, honor and be loyal to, like Enzio?”

“Enzio is Capo. He’d never threaten la famiglia.”

“Indulge me, Dom. Hypothetically, what would you do if he suddenly decided he wanted your wife for himself? You’d obey and bow because he’s your boss? Because you’re fucking loyal and owe him obedience and respect?”

Oh, Nicky, don’t go there. The idea alone would make me leave a river of blood. She was mine. I’d torture and kill to keep her that way. No matter who was trying to take her from me. “Again, Enzio would never do that. We have rules, and they’re all about honor. Stealing wives is a crime we punish. I have punished dirty fuckers for it before.”

“Didn’t Enzio steal his current wife? From his own twin brother?”

I snarled at her, my fist pulling hair from her scalp. “You don’t know the first thing about what happened. Enzio never touched or even wanted Bianca when Cosimo was alive.”

“Oh,” she moaned in pain, but she still had that defiance in her gaze. “So you have to kill the man first in order to take his wife?”

“If you want something that bad you have to be man enough to take it, yes. You start a fucking war if you have to, and if you’re powerful enough to win, you get what you want. You don’t fuck someone’s wife behind his back. You don’t steal a man’s honor.”

“What about the man you kill? Maybe you won’t be stealing his honor, but won’t you be stealing his life?”

“If he was worthy of what he had, if he was strong enough to protect what was his, he wouldn’t be dead.”

That gleam of the hunt sparkled in her eyes again. “Makes you wonder about what happened between Leo and Tino. With that logic, I’m starting to think I got it all backwards. What if Leo was just viciously defending his honor against the man who stole it, who fucked his wife behind his back? Wasn’t that exactly what Tino did?” Her whole face clenched with anger and hate I hadn’t seen from her before. “Shouldn’t he be fucking dead for it?”

“Basta! I know what the fuck you’re doing, and it’s never going to work. You’d say anything because of your hate for Tino. But you know your sister was never Leo’s to take in the first place.”

“Because Tino was obsessed with her first?!”

“Because that fucking traitor was engaged to my cousin! Only a piece of shit like him would take a woman when he was promised to another. He had no honor to protect. And you know when he fired his gun, he wasn’t aiming at the man who stole his woman. He wanted to kill your own sister for revenge, and Tino Bellomo is the one who saved her.”

She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut, clenching her hands into fists. “Like he fucking saved her from Frank Baldi.”

“And saved you, too.”

“I wish he never had.”

My eyes widened. “Cosa?”

“I wish anyone else had killed my father. Anyone but Tino Bellomo.”

I wished I’d been the one who had. The one who saved her. The one who protected her. “I’ve never been jealous of a man as much I am of Tino.”

“What, why? You think I’m in love of him or something. I’ve never hated a man more than I hated him, not even my rapist.”

“That’s why I’m jealous. Your hate for him is so strong it fucking owns you.” I banged the stockade I’d chained her to. The wrath consuming me now I hadn’t felt in thirty years. Cazzo, Tino was right. Nicky would make me want to kill him.

“You’re right,” she said. “The only way he’s going to stop owning me is by ceasing to exist.”

“Stop it! I won’t allow this anymore. You’re not turning me into a fucking traitor. I’m never killing Tino Bellomo for you.” I pushed the start button on the vibrator. “But I will take away everything you’re obsessed with one by one until there’s nothing left but me. You will be mine.”

“What are you gonna do with this now?”

I let go of her hair and inserted the toy in her cunt. She moaned in pleasure, but I knew soon it’d be in pain. She loved this thing so much she pleasured herself with it all the time, thinking it could replace a real man. When I was done, she wouldn’t want to see another wand in her life. “How many times can you come in a row before your clit is fried and it’s no longer fun?”

“What? I…I don’t know. I never came more than twice in a row with the wand.”

“And how many with your Daddy?” I knew I was being a motherfucking prick, but I was never afraid of getting my hands dirty. This had to be done.

Her chin and lips trembled as if she was about to cry. “Don’t… Just don’t.”

Oddio. That look, that damage I knew too well, had just confirmed the assumptions I’d made. And I thought no one was more of a monster than Arminio Lanza. I knew now why she said, “Thank you, Daddy,” when she came. But I needed to hear it from her.

Nicky’s aches hurt like my own. My hands curled into fists, my muscles tensing because a deeply buried instinct wished I’d protected her from whatever caused the scars she was so desperate to hide.

My whole body reacted to her pain, not in a way it usually did with any of the sons of bitches I punished, not with excitement and satisfaction. There were waves and waves of rage and sorrow shattering me to pieces.

I cupped her head and pressed my forehead to hers, breathing harshly. She trembled, overwhelmed.

But I couldn’t stop what I started.

Tino was wrong. Nicky wasn’t already broken. There was a part of her she kept intact and hid too well. As much as it pained me, I’d torture her until she broke in full and confessed.

I needed to see her break for me. To watch her real tears.

To make her mine.