The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




If anybody had told me I’d be spending New Year’s Eve in Italy as Mrs. Domenico Lanza, I’d have punched them in the face. But here I was, in a designer leopard and gold dress with very exquisite sparkling embroidery and matching shoes that cost more than all my old clothes together, Dom’s ring on my finger, heading out to celebrate New Year’s Eve at the Lanza’s hotel in Taormina. My first appearance as Signora Lanza. 

“Okay, what do you think?” I asked Dom, who was in a dashing three-piece black tux and a satin bowtie.

He was standing in the middle of the bedroom, hands in pockets, his jaws tight, eyes squinting with an incomprehensible glow. He kept staring at me without saying anything, making me unusually nervous.

I threw my hands in the air. “If you don’t like it, why did you buy it?”

“Who said I didn’t like it?”

“You look like you want to tear it apart. You look like you want to tear me apart.”

He took a deep breath as he strode toward me. Then he swallowed, running his hands along the curves of my waist, his eyes pinned to my boobs. “Perche I do.”


“But so will every other fuck with a dick that lays eyes on you,” he said through his teeth.

Okay, so he wasn’t just horny, he was jealous, too. That explained the hostility in his stare. It’d take me some time to get used to Dom’s jealousy, though. “Do you want me to go change?” I’d have never suggested something like that with any man I’d expected to be with. But I ended with the one man I’d never expected to date, let alone marry, and the consequences of his jealousy weren’t going to be a verbal sparring or a fist fight. It was going to end in blood.

His jaw twisted as he glared at my boobs—the dress cupped them beautifully and did show a fair share of cleavage—and then he growled. “I’ll allow it just tonight. I want the whole town to see how beautiful you are.”

“Thanks…but if you’re gonna be that agitated all night, I should just change. What if someone looks at me longer than you want or dares—”

“When they know you’re my wife, no fucking cazzone would dare look at you longer than it takes me to pop their fucking eyes in their skulls.”

“That’s…reassuring and disturbing at the same time.”

“You have a problem with wanting you all for myself? You want other men to desire you, to dare have thoughts about having you?”

When he put it that way… “No.” I didn’t hesitate or even give it much thought. It was very strange to have that affirmation. It wasn’t out of manipulation or fear or obligation or coercion. It was natural and rather soothing. Something raw away from all inhibitions.


A grin took over me at the startling epiphany. “I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

“Do you want to be with me?”

I do. My grin grew wider. The first time I said it to him I was lying, just trying to survive. Now, everything had changed.

“Do you want to be with me, Nicky?” he repeated.

I pursed my lips, teasing him. “It’s not like I have a choice, vero?”

“No,” he said seriously, somehow not seeing right through me or being one step ahead of me as always or even teasing back. “You’re mine whether you want to be or not.”

“Well, let’s say, for argument’s sake, that I do have a choice, do you think I’d choose you?”

His nostrils flared, and his grip tightened around my waist in a possessive manner. “It doesn’t make any difference. You are mine. And I know you’re smart enough to understand with me is where you truly belong, and no matter what, the only way I’ll ever let you go is in a grave.”

How could he instill fear and desire inside me at the same time? That jealous, possessive, even obsessive way of treating a woman never had its appeal on me. If anything, it terrified me, especially after Tino—because of Tino. But from Dom, it was a whole different story. “I get it.” I did. My body did anyway. Maybe I should go change my panties before we left.

As I spun, he pulled me back into him. Was Daddy on to his little slut? “But I’ll tell you this,” his voice dropped, still serious, “if your answer was, not yet, I’d do anything until you finally said yes.”

Anything was a big word. He’d already done everything to make me want to be with him. Whether I’d act upon it, whether I’d stay and play according to his Mafia rules of loyalty, honor and respect, was questionable. It wasn’t going to be easy. My hate for Tino had never changed, and neither had Dom’s loyalty.

That was a conversation and a decision for later, though. I needed a night of peace to be able to gain clarity and make the right choice.

When he grabbed my hand and led me to the door, I was uncharacteristically shy to tell him I needed to change my panties. However, again uncharacteristically, Daddy, I’m wet, was dancing on the tip of my tongue.

My beautiful monster had messed me up.

Another reason why I needed to get my head straight away from any influence, especially his—or that of his dick. I bit my lip and just followed his lead.

At the villa’s front door, he put a fur coat on my shoulders and donned his. Then he linked arms with me as he ushered me to the waiting car. The bodyguards opened the doors for us, and Lombardo, the guy I’d broken his nose, drove us to the hotel.

Unlike what I’d expected—I thought we’d go to a cozy, Italian, vintage building turned into a hotel—the place was huge. Resort huge. Lombardo drove through the vast land for at least five minutes before music streamed in. I looked from the tinted window at the building. It looked like there was a party on the rooftop.

Upon arrival, a man in a gray suit shook Dom’s hand and bowed his head at us. I assumed he was the manager—or an associate. Dom introduced me as his wife, and the man turned out to be the manager as I presumed. I held my hand out of politeness even though I still didn’t like to be touched. He hesitated to take my hand, but after Dom nodded once, the manager kissed the back of my hand. “Piacere. La signora è stupenda, Signore.”

“My wife is stunning. Grazie, Emilio,” Dom drawled.

We were escorted to a private elevator that took us up. The sounds of utensils and amused voices were louder than the music. The speakers must have been out on the terrace and not inside the dining area. Then as we entered the restaurant, I could feel the shift in the air. It was like when animals fell silent at an upcoming predator, trying to find a way to run to safety. People at the surrounding tables threw covert glances at us, and as the manager led us to our private table—more of a booth with red and white curtains—whispering followed.

I ignored it and shifted my focus toward the fabulous view of the beach and mountain as I sank down into the sofa. The manager asked if he could take our coats. Dom took off his and mine and gave them to the manager. Allowing another man anywhere near my body beyond my hand wasn’t an option, obviously.

Dom regarded me over the menu. “Stai bene?”

“I haven’t been a girl to feel flustered around attention. It’s you I’m worried about. Everyone’s looking and talking about us.”

He lowered the menu, a hard look on his face. “I thought you liked me to kill for you.”

I really didn’t want to discuss this right now. I cleared my throat, staring blankly at the menu. “Any news on Leo?”

He leaned back, but I could feel his eyes on me. “Not yet.”

“How’s that possible? He escaped about a week ago and left Italy at least three days ago. He must be in the states, looking for revenge. How has no one found him till now?”

“He will be found.”


“Non lo so, but his time will come.”

I shook my head incredulously. “I find it very hard to believe it’s taking Tino Bellomo all this time to find his fucking son. The last time Tino stalled finding someone was because he was hunting himself. What if he already found him but wouldn’t tell?”

“Why would he do that?”

“Who the fuck knows? Tino did whatever Tino wanted.” A frustrated sigh fled me. “Can I call my sister when we get home?”

A full smile stretched his lips, not one of his usual smirks.

“What?” I asked.

He took my hand in his. “You said home.”

I did. Another one to add to a long list of surprises about how I truly felt with him. “It’s just an expression. Don’t change the subject.”

His smile curved into that knowing smirk. “Certo. It’s your sister. You don’t need permission.”

“I thought… You took away my phone and passport…”

“I’ll give them back to you.”

“You will?”

“Si, si. There’s something else I’ll let you do. I want you to take a look at my place in San Francisco to see if you like it enough to make it ours. If not, choose any house for us to live there, and you’ll decorate it however you like.”

“Wow.” I didn’t know what else to say. When I agreed to this marriage, I never thought it’d become a real one. Even now, the idea of building a home with Dom dazed me. The idea of him, this dominant, controlling, powerful man, relinquishing all control of something as important as this dazed me more.

“I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. I’d love to. It’ll give me a lot of room for practice and improvement, like an actual internship. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to start my career, having my own clients, giving me projects like this. It’s pretty much everything I’m living for.”

“It looks like you care about nothing in life but your sister and architecture.” A hint of jealousy and disappointment laced his tone.

“They’ve been all my life…until last year.”

“Are you telling me that has changed and something else leveled up to be worthy of being a part of your life?”

“Not something. It’s someone.”

His smile returned as his fingers drew circles on the back of mine. “Who?”

“You know who.” I buried my nose in the menu. “My nephew.”

His hand stilled for a moment, but then it squeezed around mine. I winced, anticipating the pain, but he dragged it away before he crushed my bones. “Your nephew?”

“Yes, who else?” Biting my lip on a smile, I chanced a look at him, and his face was dark red. “What about the villa? Can I decorate it however I like as well?”

He practically tossed the menu aside. “You want to demolish the blue room, don’t you?”

“I can’t say the idea hasn’t crossed my mind.”

He rolled his eyes at me, but there was a new glint in them I had yet to understand. “I don’t care if you tear the whole place apart. Do whatever you like. If redesigning houses is what makes you happy, so be it.”

My heart fluttered. Did I hear him correctly? “You will let me do that to your villa?” 

“I’m not letting you do anything to it. It’s not my villa anymore. It’s yours.”


“Consider it my wedding gift to you.”

Stunned, flesh covered in goosebumps, a turmoil of emotions running through me, I just stared at him. He held my hand again, and my breath caught. Even his simplest touch was too much at this moment.

“What?” he asked.

“I got out of the villa, out of your bed, and came here to gain perspective away from all influence, but you keep…”

“Surprising you?”

Taking my breath away.

“Little kitten, I told you right from the start, don’t stereotype me.”

“You also said you wanted all my hate.” Overwhelmed, tears burned my eyes. “How am I supposed to hate you now?”

His chest puffed up with a long breath, and he scooted so close to me his thigh pressed to mine. Then he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “Is it too much to want something else from you?”

I sucked in a hiss, and it came out a trembling gasp. “Please stop. When you do and say things like this, how am I supposed to make sense of all that’s happening? All that I’m feeling, all the changes in my mind and…” I froze. I couldn’t say it. I’d be insane if I did.

“Mind and what?”

My lips parted with the breath I forgot how to take. “I can’t believe this is the only thing I’ve come to understand.”

“What did you understand?”

Tears blurred my vision, all the sounds had faded, and I could only hear the frantic rhythm of my heart. “Why Lina fell for Tino.”

His eyes widened for a second, and the yellow gleam I knew too well by now sparkled in them. The coyote dug his claws in the little kitten.

No. No, this couldn’t be happening. I wouldn’t wait until he swallowed me. I couldn’t just let myself drown in the world I loathed. I put the menu aside and yanked my hand out of his. Shuddering, I moved my butt to the edge of the sofa.

“Nicky, come here.”

I dragged myself off the sofa, my legs heavy with fear. “I just…I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

I twisted and faltered toward the curtains. I didn’t have a plan, and all the ideas in my head were probably never going to work. Maybe, if I managed to get out of the resort, I could make a run for the police station and tell them to take me to the embassy or I could call Lina for help. Fuck, I was spiraling, but I had to do something. Anything that would get me out of here before it was too late.

Isn’t it already?

My palm pressed to my leaping heart that was squeezing inside my chest, but I kept going, not listening.

Haven’t you tried escaping before and failed? Didn’t you realize running was never the answer?

Running was never the answer to save my sister or myself. Tonight, I realized if I stayed any second longer, I couldn’t be saved either. The coyote would eat me whole, and I’d be lost in my beautiful monster forever.

I had to run. It was my only hope left.

My heels echoed heavily on the floor as I reached for the curtains. Abruptly, his warmth folded around me, caging me in his strong arms, ruining everything. “Let me go.” I wriggled, panting.

“You know I can’t do that. Wouldn’t do that. Not before. Never after what you said tonight.”

I fought as hard as I could. Banged the back of my head against his nose. Speared him in the ribs with my elbows and in the feet with my heels. He growled, but none of my moves had the power to stop him from dragging me up and pinning me to the table. How much pain could that man take? How much was enough to stand a chance against him?

“Get off me!”

Snarling, he forced my arms behind my head and held my wrists together. Then, his hand shoved down my dress and ripped my panties.

“No, no, don’t. Don’t!”

He smelled them, and his eyes rolled back. “You’ve been a very, very bad girl, baby.”

“Dom, no, please. Don’t. Not like this.”

“You don’t get a choice, remember?” He threw my panties on my face, and the shame of my arousal filled my nostrils, sending frissons of need all over me. I jerked my head so they’d fall off. This was the last thing I needed if I was to fight. If I ever stood a chance.

He unzipped his pants and spread me open. “And it’s Daddy to you.”

I struggled to press my legs closed, but he grabbed my ass and pulled me closer. Locking my legs around his waist, he slammed inside of me. I cried out, still not used to the stretch his cock gave me.

“Yeah, baby girl. Scream for Daddy.” He thrust in me hard and fast. “Let everybody know you’re mine. Let them hear what a dirty little slut you are taking Daddy’s cock like that.”

Heart wild, I gasped hard, crazily aroused by the decadent danger of being exposed, of being caught, of being seen forced to become that dirty and disgraced. “Daddy, no. Please, Daddy. I’m your little girl. Don’t do this to me.”

“My baby girl is so bad.” He spanked me between strokes. “She deserves to be punished.”

“Yes.” I gave in to the guilt, to the twisted pleasure. “Yes, Daddy, punish me. I deserve it.” I’d long deserved it. I’d brought all of this on my sister and myself when I let my rapist use me instead of killing him. I didn’t deserve to be saved. “Punish me, Daddy, and never stop. I deserve it all.” I needed it all. My eyes locked on his predatory ones. “Fuck me. Fuck your little girl. I’m your dirty, little whore. Fuck me, Daddy.”

His cock penetrated me deeper, faster, harder, fucking me like a starving beast. “Si, baby. Take all of Daddy’s cock you fucking love so much.”

I screamed and purred and moaned like the filthy bitch I’d become for him, submitting only to him. He swelled inside my wetness, the sounds of his cock slamming into me driving me faster to the edge, feeling everybody in the restaurant watching and listening to me being fucked by this beautiful monster even though the curtains were closed, witnessing my fall from grace.

My walls clenched around his thickness in surrender, my orgasm rapturing hard, shattering me in pieces. He kept moving, prolonging my climax until he roared, and his cum shot inside my pussy.

My beautiful monster filled me whole, marking me his as I fell darkly and irreversibly for him.