Petty Rage by Thandiwe Mpofu


Man, I can’t really describe to you what this story means to me. Kimberly and Noah bring something purely raw, explosive and dynamic to the table and I can’t wait to tell the rest of their story.

But I have to thank a few people first!

First, to my parents who, through the many crappy things that were happening in my life, kept encouraging me to keep going. I can truly say, this wouldn’t be done without you. I love you both, though you will never read this because that would mean you’d have read every word I wrote before this…. No, let’s just not.

To Sarah Plocher who worked night and day on this baby—literally! Thank you for the genuine love and care you put in each book you work on. You’re my Godmother!

To my ride or dies, Sammy and Amanda. Thanks ladies for holding it down, always.

And lastly, to everyone that waited for Noah & Kim since 2019, ain’t life a trifling bitch? But we made it though! Well, we made it to half way point! Thank you for waiting, for being patient and for showing your support throughout the writing of this baby.

My special thanks goes to everyone who helped promote and share all things Petty Rage. From the bloggers to the bookstagrammers and booktokers, thank you.

Finally, to you my lovely, slightly stressed reader who picked this book up, thank you. hope you read it and allowed the characters to speak to you in a way only they can.

Also, if you enjoyed this story, I’d really appreciate it if you’d leave me an honest, heartfelt review for Petty Rage, if you get a moment. It would mean so much to me.

Love from this Spitfire,

Thandie xxx

If you, or anyone you know, have been a victim of sexual assault, please speak with a trained professional, someone who can help you. Please don’t accept to be silenced. You can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673)