With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo


Guess Who’s Back?

When the rest of the class walks into the room, most of the students don’t seem surprised to see me—they must have just thought I was absent. Malachi raises an eyebrow and his lips perk up on one end. We haven’t talked since Saturday. We texted a little on Sunday, but after the phone call with Tyrone, talking with Malachi lost some of its glow. I look away from him to where Pretty Leslie cuts her eyes at me then inspects her nails. Passion-fruit purple, I’d name them. I go to my old station but Chef flags me down.

“Over here, Emoni. You will work with Richard and Amanda. As a trio. I think you’ll work better as part of a team.” He claps his hands together. “Okay, everyone, your recipes are on your boards.”

I walk over to Richard and Amanda and offer a weak smile. Richard smiles back and Amanda tightens her cap. I run a hand down my jacket front; it feels good to be back in uniform. The next hour passes by in a blur. I spend the majority of the time listening to Amanda and Richard as they ask me to dice, chop, and sauté root vegetables. I pay more attention to the little details than the overall dish. By the time everything is plated I’m surprised at what it actually is. The chicken breast is perfectly cooked, and the thinly sliced carrots look beautiful underneath it, and although I didn’t have anything to do with the seasoning or the plating, I’m proud of how the whole dish came together. Even if I would have used a bit of balsamic vinegar in the sauce.

We place the plate in front of Chef and he scoops a clean fork from his bowl and tries it. “Very good. Very, very good. Well done, team.”

I roll my eyes at him and he winks at me as he shoos us away so the next group can be graded. As class lets out I glance at Malachi’s station, but he’s already gone. I’m halfway down the hall when an arm comes around my shoulder and with a loud smack a kiss is placed on my left temple.

“Glad to have you back, Santi,” Malachi says with a grin that I return.

“Glad to be back.”