An Earl’s Broken Heart by Ella Edon

Chapter Thirteen

That kiss at the church had once again sparked everything inside her. With the way his lips and hers moved in sync, their tongues moving with motions that matched the other, and his hands just around her waist, Isabel had felt like the young woman she had been years ago. Pure, in love, happy. It was surreal how much a kiss from one person could do to her even when she had not been expecting it. She had been looking forward to a peck from Alexander, given his attitude and disinterest towards her, but he had stunned by furthering the kiss in such a passionate way. And the way he had looked into her eyes had told her that her craving for him was not one sided.

Despite his hostility towards her, Alexander Steward burned for her just as she did for him. She understood that Elizabeth had asked that she make an effort to build the friendship between them and she looked forward to that, but she had noticed that the only thing that got Alexander close to her was passion. After all her nervousness before the wedding, Alexander's words just as they left the church had not been quite helpful. He was so angry at her. She wondered if he planned on hating her forever. The only thing she could think of was how riled up he was when he was around her. She affected him to the point where he felt the need to react. Despite what he said or how he acted, Isabel believed that the emotions she brought about in Alexander bore a thin line between love and hate.

The arrival of her family and his friend averted her focus, and the merriment began.

"That was quite the kiss," Elizabeth whispered when she took a seat beside Isabel.

Isabel's cheeks turned red when she heard this. If Elizabeth had noticed, it meant that everyone who had been present had as well.

"Well, the wedding is finally done with and everything else can begin," said Isabel, changing the subject.

Elizabeth placed her hand over Isabel's and smiled in a comforting manner.

The meals set before her was bountiful. All manner of foods were present at the breakfast that morning, but Isabel had no appetite. Her heart was constantly thudding, and her mind was on an endless race. After a while of eating and chattering with her sister, Isabel tried to speak to Alexander as he had said no word to her since the guests had arrived.

"These meals are quite marvelous." She smiled at him.

He curtly replied. "Indeed."

Isabel's heart thudded. She had hoped that making effort would make things easier, but it was apparent that everything was going to be exceedingly difficult. She decided to leave Alexander be in the meantime.

Her sinking thoughts were distracted by Michael's effort to make a toast.

He clicked the fork against his glass of Claret to call attention to himself. "A toast to the newlyweds and their prosperous years ahead," he said and with a broad smile, he raised his glass.

Isabel keyed into his toast. She hoped that everything would work out just as he had said. Although it seemed that the only ones who had held onto his words were herself and Elizabeth. Her father had spent the better part of the day with a permanent sneer towards Alexander and the sneer had been returned as well.

The breakfast was soon over, and everyone left for their various homes. Elizabeth hugged her and whispered in her ears just before she left. "Everything will be alright."

Michael had approached her and expressed his happiness for the union. She did not understand why he was more excited than his friend was, but she smiled in response.

When everyone had left, and it was she and Alexander alone, Isabel struck up a conversation because she did not want the silence to follow and it might give Alexander the opportunity to leave her alone.

"You said that we would be discussing the living arrangements," she said.

Alexander looked at her and nodded once. "Indeed. But that will have to be later on as I am quite tired."

Isabel nodded once and then she rose. "As am I."

Alexander cleared his throat and rose as well. "I shall show you to your bedchambers."

He gestured for her to walk forwards, albeit with a frown, and Isabel did. As they walked up the stairs and down the hallway that led to the bed chambers, Isabel's heart was beating so fast.

Her memory of how Phillip had taken her on the morning of her wedding was forever burned into her memory. She had spent the entire day in agony because of the pain from his roughness and his vile words. After she had been unresponsive to him, he went ahead and stated that she was equal to a piece of wood, right before storming out, leaving her feeling sore and disgusted.

"Isabel," Alexander called, snapping her out of her thoughts. She flinched as she turned to look at him. Isabel had not realized that they had stopped before a bedchamber door. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she lost focus.

Alexander stared at her so strangely, from the tender crease of his eyebrows. She felt that he wanted to ask her what was wrong and she hoped that he would, but the blink of his eye pushed away the tenderness she had seen and was easily replaced with coldness.

He gestured to the bedchamber after opening the door. "Your bedchamber.”

Isabel nodded and walked in. She knew that Alexander was going to leave her be from there on and she was not certain when he wished to discuss the living arrangements. She wanted it to be soon because she wished to talk to him, to build on that friendship as Elizabeth had advised.

However, when she turned, she saw that Alexander had walked into the bedchamber. "I hope this is to your satisfaction?"

She swallowed and nodded. "It is."

"Good," he said and turned to leave. Isabel panicked as she had not expected that he would abruptly turn and leave. Perhaps she should have, but with Alexander the emotions he portrayed to her were often mixed.

So she took a reflex action when she was about to leave. She called out to him and gripped him by his wrist. "Alexander."

She stilled when her palm clapped around him, and he stopped as well. He did not turn to face her, and he made no attempt to move forward. A jolt coursed through her, and her body began to yearn for him very strongly. His wrists felt so warm beneath her palm, and she wondered what touching all of his body would feel like.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Alexander who cleared his throat and gently pulled his hand away from her.


Isabel composed herself before he turned to face her fully. "When shall we be discussing the living arrangements?"

"You seem quite eager." He tilted his head.

"I want us both to establish an understanding,” she replied in a soft tone.

Alexander's throat bobbed. He was clearly affected by her as well. She nearly smiled.

"In the evening,” he said, not looking at her.

Isabel nodded. She watched as Alexander walked out of her bedchamber and shut the door behind him. She could not wait for the evening to come so she could see him again. Isabel was smiling now.

The nervousness and the hopelessness she had felt when he had sent her such a nonchalant letter had now gone because she knew that she could get Alexander back. A love like the one they had shared was not one that could die so easily. And although she was not certain they could get back easily to the way things used to be, their relationship should be able to progress to friendship, and that would make her union to him much better than her marriage to Phillip. This was enough for now.

* * *

Isabel had considered taking a nap while she waited for time to pass, but she did not because she felt nervous. Once the hours had passed, Isabel wasted no time in slipping on her muslin dress. She only hoped that Alexander kept his words and came down as well. She made her way out of her bedchamber and down the hallway. Once she was downstairs, she began to walk towards the drawing room. Her hopes were high – she hoped that Alexander's absence did not dash them. When she walked into the drawing room, her heart fell a bit as there was no one there. She hoped that Alexander had not forgotten that they were supposed to meet. Isabel decided to be patient for a while.

She took a seat by the hearth and occupied herself by watching the flames. The drawing room at Barnes Manor had been different. Her husband had liked the feel of mahogany and so every piece of furniture they had was made of it. Phillip had never appreciated any input of hers so she had stopped trying to give them.

But in this manor, a mixture of rosewood and mahogany was what she saw. It was beautiful. It was relief to her to be in a different environment. Perhaps the reason why healing had been so hard in Barnes Manor was because everything had reminded her of Phillip.

"Isabel,” Alexander called.

Isabel sighed in relief. His voice was a distraction from her mind sinking into her darkest memories. She turned to see Alexander standing by the door, his hair swept back and not a strand out of place, she wished she could just lay a hand on it to feel it again. His blue eyes were bright as they stared back at her.

"You kept to time,” he said.

"Were you expecting that I would not?" she asked. Alexander ignored her as he walked in and sat.

"The living arrangements," he stated, cocking his head to the side.

"I should be introduced the house staff," Isabel said immediately. "That should be the first step."

She wanted to prolong his presence around her for as long as she could, and she also wanted to fit into the manor properly. It was, after all, her home now.

Alexander sat up. "Of course, you should. Excuse me."

He rose then and made his way out. Isabel breathed out as she watched him go. He did not take long before he returned.

"I have ordered that the staff be gathered in the hallway for introductions," Alexander said.

Isabel nodded. She stood up not long after and made her way out to the hallway. The staff of the household were positioned according to hierarchy and Alexander began to make introductions.

"The butler, Mr. Wilson." He began.

Isabel nodded while Mr. Wilson bowed. He was a short, portly man with wisdom in his eyes and an easy smile.

Alexander went further to make all the introductions. As he did, Isabel was barely focused on them. Her main focus was Alexander. The way he walked, upright and erect, made her think of him in the military. She wanted to know what his years serving England had been like. She wanted to know everything that had happened within the space of seven years.

"And this is Hannah Fisher. She shall be your Lady's Maid," said Alexander with a tone louder than he had used prior. He must have sensed her absence of mind. Her cheeks reddened from embarrassment.

After the introductions, she looked out the window. She gestured to the garden. “I would like to see the garden, my Lord.”