An Earl’s Broken Heart by Ella Edon

Chapter Thirty-Two

Alex was awake but he hadn't opened his eyes yet. He wasn't ready to see the light that the morning brought with it. After a few seconds, he allowed his eyelids open, and he squinted almost immediately.

When he got used to the light, he opened his eyes completely and tried to move, that was when he was reminded of who was beside him.

Isabel lay in his arms, her hair sprawled across his chest as she slept soundly.

He strained to look at her, she looked even more beautiful in her resting state. He couldn't stop staring at her.

He tore his gaze away when he remembered that he had to get up from bed; there were a lot of things that he needed to get done.

As carefully as possible, he shifted her away from him, making sure he didn't wake her up. He stilled for a moment when she moved but he finally sighed in relief when she continued sleeping.

He was then able to get up from the bed and he did that too with great precaution.

He had just stepped out of his room when he met with the butler.

“Good morning, Wilson. Do you need help with something?” He asked, seeing as he was just about to knock on his door. He was thankful that he came out when he did, or else the knock would have woken his sleeping beauty up, something he didn't want.

“Yes sir, your friend is waiting for you.”

Alexander could only think of one person that would come see him this early in the morning.

But still, just to be certain, he asked, “Michael?”

Wilson nodded.

“Tell him I’ll be out in a while,” he said then turned away.

It didn’t take him long to take his bath and change into a new set of clothes. When he was done, he made his way out of his room in search of Michael—that is after he planted a kiss on his wife’s cheek as carefully as possible, so that she didn’t wake up.

He was sitting down on one of his chairs and he had already helped himself to a bottle of brandy.

“Is there a reason for your early visit? Should I be worried?” He asked as he sat down on one of his chairs.

He glanced at the bottle. He wanted to get a glass and join his friend, but he decided against it. His stomach was empty as he hadn’t eaten anything yet. He did not want to start his day on that note.

“I woke up today feeling extremely bored and I decided to come and pay homage to my best friend. Did I do wrong?" He closed the bottle and stood up to drop it back in the bar. “How are you doing?”

Alexander straightened on his seat. “And you didn't think to come later than this?”

Michael shrugged looking so unbothered. “I am completely aware that you wake up early.”

Alexander sighed, giving up. His friend was right, he did know him that well. “Where are they now?”

“Everything is fine, all moving well. How about over here?”

He smiled brightly, remembering for a second how good his relationship with Isabel was now. For the first time in a while, his home was doing just good, better than it had ever been.

“Never been better,” he said.

Michael walked over to his chair and quickly sat down. “Is there something I need to know of?" He asked as his head cocked to the side.

“We made up yesterday.”

Alexander looked at Michael, expecting him to be bewildered but he wasn't shaken in the least.

“I was sure of it,” Michael finally said. “You loved her so much, I was so certain you two were going to make up. It was inevitable."

Alexander shook his head, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Want to go out and see the horses?" He placed the invitation on the table.

Michael got up immediately at the sound of that. “I can never say no to that.”

Alexander got up too. He turned away from his friend. “Wilson?”

He immediately showed up.

“I'll have breakfast when Isabel wakes up so call me when the time comes, okay?”

The butler nodded and Alexander turned and walked out of the house.

The sun was up, and it shone on them. It was extremely bright, so much that he squinted when he stepped away from his shelter, but it wasn't scorching, it was comfortable. He loved the feel of it against his sun.

“How is she?" Michael asked Isabel doing as they walked down the path that led to the stables.

“She’s fine, happy, radiant. I've missed allowing myself to feel so much for her. It's only been a day, and I feel like I've lost so much time with her from the time we've been away and distant.”

“I'm happy for you guys, so truly happy, I must confess.”

Alexander moved ahead and opened the stable doors. He stood by a corner as Michael walked in.

“How are they doing?” Michael asked as he walked in.

Alexander didn't need to be told what Michael was talking about, the horses.

“They've been doing well, getting stronger if I must say. I rode on one yesterday.”

“One of my mares fell ill just a week ago, she was just checked up on.”

“What was it?”

“Some contamination but she's getting better.” Michael turned, fully facing Alexander. “Now that you're both back together, what's the plan?”

“I was supposed to move away, travel and stay far from her but now that we made up, I don't want to be far from her. I get that business might come in once or twice, but I would always find a way to make it work.”

Michael smiled, nodding slowly. He turned away for a second. “It's good to see you back like this.”

“How?" Alexander couldn't help but asked, he was perplexed.

“Happy, free,” he simply answered.

Alexander couldn't argue with him. He had a solid point there. He, too, had missed himself being like this.

“She's good for me,” he said as he stared at nothing in particular, thinking about Isabel and all she made him feel. How she cared for him and loved him dearly, how she always had him on her mind. She was the perfect wife and partner for him, she made him a better version of himself.

“We are good for each other," Alexander concluded. He kept silent as he thought of how they were meant to be and how they were going to raise an amazing family.

* * *

Isabel woke up and immediately reached for Alexander. He wasn't beside her anymore and she panicked immediately.

Her feet touched the floor, and she immediately went to stand by the window side. As she stared out, it was then that she saw him, and her heart relaxed a bit.

He was walking towards the stables, and by his side was Michael. She wondered what they were doing there.

The sun was on her face, but she didn't mind, she had never felt so complete. Every moment seems perfect to her.

Isabel thought of going to see him but decided against it, she didn't feel like she wanted to step out today. All she wanted to do was sit at home with Alexander and be in his arms all day, where she found peace.

She turned away from the mirror, her stomach reminding her that she was hungry. She needed to clean up and fill her stomach with food.

She went into bathe; the weather was hot enough for a cold bath.

She got in and cleaned up quickly as she tried to relax.

She didn't have much to do today, just spend the day with her husband, it was when she went to pick out an outfit that she changed her mind. Her hands touched her long muslin dress as she picked it out. Her father had got it for her. She held it close to her as she changed her mind. She had to forgive him, she couldn't go on resenting him.

She dressed up, picking out that dress. It was when she was almost done that her lady's maid knocked on the door. She let her in and allowed her help where she could.

“Is the meal ready?" Isabel asked. She was going to eat then meet Alexander and tell him of the visit she wanted to pay her father.


“Can you bring it in for me?” she asked as she tried to put on her earrings.

“Your husband wanted to have breakfast with you, he asked us to call him when you're ready to have lunch.”

Isabel bit her lips as she tried to hide her smile, Alexander had thought about her so much.

“Very well,” she said as she continued doing what she was doing.

When she was left alone, she stared at her reflection, smiling. Her hands went to her heart as she rubbed it softly. She hurriedly put on her necklace and walked out of her room. On her way to the table, she met Wilson there.

“Good morning, my Lady,” he greeted her with a smile.

Isabel returned it courtly. “Good morning, Wilson. Sleep well, I trust?”

He nodded, then looked in the direction she was walking towards.

“Ready to have breakfast?' He asked her.

“Yes, " she replied. “Please be kind enough to get my husband for me," she told him further before she turned.

He walked ahead of her and just before she took her seat, he was out of the house.

She allowed her hands feel the table with her eyes closed as she waited for them to come into the house.

She heard the door open, and the sun pour in immediately before she saw him. His hair was perfectly slicked backwards, and he was smiling at something.

He turned slightly to reply to Michael who walked in behind him before he laid eyes on her.

Her heart stopped when she met his gaze.

She couldn't help but smile and he smiled back in kind. He never let her out of his sight as he walked up to her

“You look radiant," he told her, and her smile only increased.

“Thank you," she replied.

She looked down shyly before she stood up and filled his open arms. She felt his lips on her cheek and she savored the moment before he broke their hug.

“How was your night?” He asked her softly.

“It was fine except that I woke up and searched for you.”

“Sorry about that," he apologized.

Someone cleared his throat behind Alexander, and she immediately knew who it was.

Her husband shifted to reveal Michael; she had almost forgotten that he was here.

“Hope you are having a good time, Mr. Follet?” she asked.

“I am fine, thank you” Michael responded.

She looked around for the butler, he wasn't there. Her guess was that he had gone into the house as soon as he came in with them.

“He paid us an unexpected visit," Alexander said to her.

“Good morning, Mr. Follet,” she greeted him as she took her seat.

He nodded curtly and rounded the table to sit opposite her. Alexander took his place at the head of the table.

“Morning, Isabel. You look lovely,” he said to her.

She smiled, “Thank you." Turning to Alexander, she said. “Speaking of visits, I want to see my father today.”

“Would you like me to come with you?” He offered and she shook her head.

She wanted to go alone, wanted to have that conversation with her father. She would really love to be with him, loved his support, but she was certain that this was something he didn't need to help her with.

“No, I'll be fine,” she replied to him. She was certainly going to be fine, her home was complete, and her heart was at peace. All she needed to do now was make peace with her father.

* * *

Alexander didn't let her ride over there alone. He got a carriage ready and had someone escort her.

She had decided against it, telling him that she could be fine by herself, but he had said that his wife wasn't going to be left unprotected and alone even for a second.

She had grumbled, saying he was just being paranoid but deep down, she felt extremely good. This kind of attention was what she had always wanted from him.

The carriage stopped at her father's manor, and she got down immediately, not waiting for anyone's to come help her as she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone other than her father.

The ground was dry and the flowers, alive and blooming.

She had no idea what she was going to say, she was confused. She was uncertain as to how she felt if she was still ready to listen to his apology and accept it.

“Where's my father?” she asked the footman.

“Up in his study, Lady Carter.”

She walked towards there, the house bringing memories of her childhood and youth—some, she didn't want to remember.

When she reached his sturdy, she saw that the door was slightly ajar. She stood there, unmoving as she tried to gather the courage to knock.

She took a big breath in and knocked before she allowed herself to be seen

She saw him squint at her before the look of realization flashed across his face.

“Isabel?” He asked, his voice wary.

He got up immediately and she watched as he came to her.

She entered his sturdy, closing his door behind her.

“It's really you,” he said as he pulled her in for a hug.

She allowed him to hug her and soon, she moved her hands to wrap around his shoulder too. She had missed her father so much.

When he left her, he immediately led her to a sofa. She got comfortable and he sat down beside her.

“I heard you came around yesterday," he began.

She wasn't surprised that he knew; she expected it. Of course, one of his men would have let him know.

“Yeah, I came here to talk to you about something, but Alexander beat me to it."

His face fell. “Yes, about that...”

She saw the shame in his face, and she felt badly for him but she let him speak. He owed her an apology. She needed to hear him say that he was sorry.

“I never meant to hurt you, I was trying to be the best father and the best mother all at once. All I ever wanted to do was protect you and your sister, but I did some things wrong, maybe many things,” he said. “I thought Alexander wasn't good for you. I went to great lengths to keep you guys away from each other, but fate brought you both together and, right now, I feel nothing more than shame. I should have never caused you so much pain.”

She reached for his hand as she sniffed, praying the tears wouldn't drop. “Alexander spoke to me about it. I'm truly sorry I did not come to see you yesterday. I was disappointed and tired from all of the things I had found out.”

“How is he, how is your marriage, and most especially, how are you?”

She smiled. Everything was going so well for her. Life had never been better for her. “Everything is fine, Father. I and Alexander are getting our lives back on track. We've never been happier.”

“I'm so glad for you,” he said.

“Thank you, Alex.”

There she was with her father; everything was complete in her life. She had made up with the people that she cared about and that was all that mattered.

* * *

Alexander was at home in his library when she got back. She gingerly walked into the house as she anticipated being with him.

She wanted to be in his arms, to lay close to him, and, for a moment, leave this world to be just with him, to be in their little universe where they both were the only stars.

She went to his study and the door was ajar. It reminded her of her father, and she felt happy, she had reconciled with him, and all was looking good for them.

She didn't bother to knock. She just walked in.

He noticed her soon and got up to meet her. They shared a hug, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the way his perfume made her feel.

“How was it?" He asked her.

She nodded as she shifted back so he could see her face. They were still in each other's arms, but they weren't pressed against each other. He had his hands wrapped around her waist and hers were placed on his chest.

“It went well,” she said, remembering it all.

She sighed, leaning completely on him for support. This was her happy place and nothing could come between them again.

He planted a kiss close to her earlobe and she relaxed completely, letting only the moment matter to her as she basked in their love for each other.